Hi everybody,
Starting today, we are changing our branching and committing policy.
The branch `master', which used to be used to tag the latest release
(currently, Olena 2.0) will be used as a stable integration branch.
This role was previously played by the branch `next'. This change is
motivated by the fairly recent introduction of TeamCity
http://teamcity.lrde.epita.fr) as continuous integration solution at
LRDE and by the fact that `master' should provide more up-to-date (yet
stable) contents.
As this was the case for `next', no patches should be push directly into
`master'. (Actually, the Git central repository will forbid any change
to `master', except for members of the maintainer team, which is
currently reduced to me & myself.) New changes shall be sent through
another branch (either an existing one or a new one), preferably on top
of `master' to make future integration easier.
Any integration effort into `master' shall start with a pull request,
either informally, by contacting a (the) maintainer, or better, by
creating a pull-request ticket on Trac (use
https://trac.lrde.epita.fr/olena/newticket and set the type to
`pull-request'). Patches will be reviewed and integrated trough a merge
or a rebase action onto `master'. Things will get a little clearer and
simpler when GitLab is officially deployed and used at LRDE.
The fate of the branch `next' has not been completely decided yet. It
will probably be used as an antechamber for `master', for short fix
patches only. Other contributions should be recorded into branches with
relevant names, so as to make branch management easier.
I'll try to put more useful information regarding Git usage in `HACKING'
http://git.lrde.epita.fr/?p=olena.git;a=blob;f=HACKING) ASAP.
Roland Levillain
EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)
14-16, rue Voltaire - FR-94276 Le Kremlin-BicĂȘtre Cedex - France
Phone: +33 1 53 14 59 45 - Fax: +33 1 53 14 59 22 -