Sorry for my previous empty reply (keyboard clumsiness).
Andre Hauptfleisch <ahauptfleisch(a)> writes:
I'd like to use parts of the Olena framework, but am unable to compile the
I've attached the shell output. Could you please advise?
Dear Sir,
There are actually several versions of Olena available. The version
you have tried is the upcoming release 1.0 of Olena, which is
currently developed and not really usable; for instance, we haven't
ported the image processing algorithms from the previous versions of
the library, to Olena 1.0.
Unless you're interested by the development techniques (advanced OOP,
static genericity, template metaprogramming, etc.) at the heart of
Olena 1.0, we advise you to use the previous release, Olena 0.10,
which is available here :
This release is pretty old, and might not be usable with recent C++
compilers (and recent versions of SWIG, if you had planned to try the
Swilena wrappers for Python and Ruby). Fortunately, updated snapshots
of Olena 0.10 are available here :
These snapshots should be fairly usable with modern tools.
Thank you for trying Olena!
Roland Levillain