On 13/10/2013 19:03, Remon Georgy wrote:
I really admire Olena framework, specially Scribo
I've been using Tesseract for a while now, and layout analysis is not it's
strongest feature.
Using Scribo to anaylze pictures and passing text regions to tesseract makes a lot of
I want to get started with using Scribo in my C++ code, however, It would be grateful if
their is
any kind of API docs to consult or some example programs that uses scribe API. I'd
really appreciate
any pointers.
The reference documentation of the Olena platform is updated by our
continuous integration server and is available here:
In particular, you can browse the reference documentation of the Scribo
module here:
This documentation contains some examples of document image processing
I hope these links will help you use Scribo and Olena.
Thank you for your interest in the Olena project!
Roland Levillain
EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)
14-16, rue Voltaire - FR-94276 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Cedex - France
Phone: +33 1 53 14 59 45 - Fax: +33 1 53 14 59 22 -