tu as des problemes avec la convolution rapide, ta version est correcte
si on avait la TF continue,
quand on est en discret, il faut augmenter la taille de l'image pour
eviter le probleme de
recouvrement de spectre (c'est tous les problemes de l'echantillonnage
temporel et frequentiel)
Index: olena/oln/convol/fast_convolution.hh
--- olena/oln/convol/fast_convolution.hh Mon, 14 Jun 2004 09:04:45 +0200 odou_s ()
+++ olena/oln/convol/fast_convolution.hh Mon, 14 Jun 2004 07:40:15 +0200 odou_s
(oln/r/12_fast_convo 644)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2004 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory
+// This file is part of the Olena Library. This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+// of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+// the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+// MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free
+// software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files
+// instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this
+// file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to
+// produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the
+// resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
+// License. This exception does not however invalidate any other
+// reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
+// Public License.
+# include <oln/basics.hh>
+# include <oln/basics2d.hh>
+# include <ntg/all.hh>
+# include <mlc/cmp.hh>
+# include <mlc/array/all.hh>
+# include <oln/transforms/fft.hh>
+# include <oln/morpher/piece_morpher.hh>
+namespace oln {
+ /*! \brief Algorithms related to convolution.
+ */
+ namespace convol {
+ /*! \brief Convolution algorithms.
+ */
+ namespace fast {
+ /*!
+ ** \brief Perform a convolution of two images.
+ **
+ ** \param DestValue Data type of the output image you want.
+ ** \param I Exact type of the input image.
+ ** \param J Exact type of the input image (convolution kernel).
+ **
+ ** \arg input The image to process.
+ ** \arg k The kernel to convolve with.
+ **
+ ** \todo FIXME: the kernel could be bigger than the image.
+ ** \todo FIXME: supports only 2 dimensions (like the fft).
+ **
+ ** The algorithm is just the convolution theorem application.
+ **
+ ** This example compute a fast gaussian convolution :
+ ** \code
+ ** #include <oln/basics2d.hh>
+ ** #include <oln/convol/slow_gaussian.hh>
+ ** #include <oln/convol/fast_convolution.hh>
+ **
+ ** using namespace oln;
+ ** using namespace ntg;
+ **
+ ** int main() {
+ ** image2d<int_u8> src(IMG_IN "lena.pgm");
+ ** float_d sigma = 2.5;
+ ** float_d radius = 3;
+ ** image2d<float_d> k =
convol::slow::gaussian_kernel<2>::kernel(sigma, radius);
+ ** image2d<float_d> f_src(src.size());
+ ** oln_iter_type_(image2d<float_d>) i(src);
+ ** for_all(i)
+ ** f_src[i] = float_d(src[i]);
+ ** image2d<float_d> tmp = convol::fast::convolve<float_d>(f_src,
+ ** for_all(i)
+ ** src[i] = int_u8(tmp[i]);
+ ** save(src, IMG_OUT "oln_convol_fast_convolve.pgm");
+ ** }
+ ** \endcode
+ ** \image html lena_pgm.png
+ ** \image latex lena_pgm.png
+ ** =>
+ ** \image html oln_convol_fast_convolve.pgm
+ ** \image latex oln_convol_fast_convole.pgm
+ **
+ */
+ template<class DestValue, class I, class J>
+ typename mute<I, DestValue>::ret
+ convolve(const abstract::image< I >& input,
+ const abstract::image< J >& k)
+ {
+ mlc::eq<I::dim, J::dim>::ensure();
+ mlc::eq<I::dim, 2>::ensure();
+ assert(input.npoints() > k.npoints());
+ // We compute k with a size of input (k is centered in big_k).
+ image2d<oln_value_type(J)> big_k(input.size());
+#define CENTER_DST(I) \
+((I) % 2 ? (I) / 2 + 1 : (I) / 2)
+#define CENTER_SRC(I) \
+((I) % 2 ? (I) / 2 : ((I) - 1) / 2)
+ typedef morpher::piece_morpher< image2d<oln_value_type(J)> > piece_t;
+ piece_t piece_k(big_k,
+ dpoint2d(CENTER_DST(big_k.size().nrows()) -
+ CENTER_SRC(k.size().nrows()) - 1,
+ CENTER_DST(big_k.size().ncols()) -
+ CENTER_SRC(k.size().ncols()) - 1),
+ oln::image2d_size(k.size().nrows(),
+ k.size().ncols(),
+ big_k.border()));
+ oln_iter_type(piece_t) i_k(piece_k);
+ for_all(i_k)
+ piece_k[i_k] = k[i_k];
+ transforms::fft<oln_value_type(I), ntg::rect> tr_input(input.exact());
+ transforms::fft<oln_value_type(J), ntg::rect> tr_k(big_k.exact());
+ tr_input.transform();
+ typename mute<I, ntg::cplx<ntg::rect, ntg::float_d> >::ret&
+ Input = tr_input.transformed_image();
+ const typename mute<J, ntg::cplx<ntg::rect, ntg::float_d> >::ret
+ K = tr_k.transform();
tu peux calculer les deux avec une seule transformée si les deux images
ne sont pas complexes
+ oln_iter_type(I) i_input(Input);
+ for_all(i_input) {
+ Input[i_input] *= K[i_input];
+ // Scale.
+ Input[i_input] *= Input.size().nrows() * Input.size().ncols();
Input[i_input] *= Input.size().nrows() * Input.size().ncols(); ?
+ }
+ typename mute<I, DestValue>::ret output = tr_input.shift_transform_inv();
+ return output;
+ }
+ /*!
+ ** \brief Perform a convolution of an image and a window.
+ **
+ ** \param DestValue Data type of the output image you want.
+ ** \param I Exact type of the input image.
+ ** \param Info Informations about the array.
+ ** \param Win Data type of the array.
+ **
+ ** \arg input The image to process.
+ ** \arg arr The array to convolve with.
+ **
+ ** \todo FIXME: don't use array1d, ..., arraynd.
+ */
+ template<class DestValue, class I, class Info, class Win>
+ typename mute<I, DestValue>::ret
+ convolve(const abstract::image < I >& input,
+ const mlc::array2d<Info, Win >& arr)
+ {
+ return convolve<DestValue>(input, static_cast< image2d<Win> >(arr));
+ // FIXME: Should be abstract::w_window<T_arr>. Adjust #include once done.
+ }
+ } // end namespace fast
+ } // end namespace convol
+} // end namespace oln