Le repository du labo contient deux paquets debian pour olena, la 0.9
dans la section stable et la 10.11 dans la section unstable.
J'ai egalement écris une page qui indique comment upgrader, d'une
manière rapide mais crade, un paquet debian.
Cette méthode est utilisable si il n'y a pas de gros changement. Mais
si quelqu'un a des doutes, qu'il me demande.
Geoffroy Fouquier
Index: ChangeLog
From Raphaël Poss <raph(a)lrde.epita.fr>
* configure.ac: Comment out dysfunctional stuff.
Index: olena/ChangeLog
From Raphaël Poss <raph(a)lrde.epita.fr>
* conf/README: Add.
* Makefile.am: Comment out dysfunctional stuff.
Index: configure.ac
--- configure.ac Mon, 04 Aug 2003 16:52:22 +0200 burrus_n (oln/3_configure. 640)
+++ configure.ac Mon, 25 Aug 2003 12:28:41 +0200 raph (oln/3_configure. 640)
@@ -85,15 +85,19 @@
AM_CONDITIONAL([REGEN_MANPAGES], [test "x$oln_cv_regen_manpages" != xno])
-### Compiler-specific auto-configuration
- AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether to enable auto-configuration for multiple compilers],
- [oln_cv_enable_config_sh],
- [oln_cv_enable_config_sh=yes
- AC_ARG_WITH([config-sh],
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--without-config-sh],
- [disable generation of oln-config-xxx.sh])],
- [oln_cv_enable_config_sh=$withval])])
- AM_CONDITIONAL([OLN_CONFIG_SH], [test "x$oln_cv_enable_config_sh" != xno])
+### Experimental stuff. Read olena/conf/README
+dnl ### Compiler-specific auto-configuration
+dnl AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether to enable auto-configuration for multiple compilers],
+dnl [oln_cv_enable_config_sh],
+dnl [oln_cv_enable_config_sh=yes
+dnl AC_ARG_WITH([config-sh],
+dnl [AC_HELP_STRING([--without-config-sh],
+dnl [disable generation of oln-config-xxx.sh])],
+dnl [oln_cv_enable_config_sh=$withval])])
+dnl AM_CONDITIONAL([OLN_CONFIG_SH], [test "x$oln_cv_enable_config_sh" != xno])
### The testsuite is a component.
Index: olena/Makefile.am
--- olena/Makefile.am Tue, 13 May 2003 22:29:01 +0200 burrus_n (oln/2_Makefile.a 640)
+++ olena/Makefile.am Mon, 25 Aug 2003 12:27:57 +0200 raph (oln/2_Makefile.a 640)
@@ -23,7 +23,12 @@
dist_pkgdata_DATA = conf/configure conf/oln-config.shin
+### Experimental stuff: read olena/conf/README
# FIXME: when the two following rules are enabled, they are
# always run, resulting in errors if aclocal and/or autoconf
# are not available.
@@ -34,22 +39,27 @@
# $(srcdir)/conf/configure: $(srcdir)/conf/configure.ac $(srcdir)/conf/aclocal.m4
# cd $(srcdir)/conf && $(AUTOCONF)
-install-data-hook: $(srcdir)/conf/configure $(srcdir)/conf/gen-scripts.sh $(srcdir)/conf/compilers.def
- mkdir -p conf && $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/conf/gen-scripts.sh $(DESTDIR)$(includedir) $(srcdir)/conf ./conf
- $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
- @ for p in conf/oln-config-*.sh; do \
- if test -f $$p; then \
- f=`echo "$$p" | sed 's,^.*/,,;$(transform)'`; \
- echo " $(INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV) $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$f"; \
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV) $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$f || exit 1; \
- else :; fi; \
- done
- @ for p in conf/oln-config-*.sh; do \
- f=`echo "$$p" | sed 's,^.*/,,;$(transform)'`; \
- echo " rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$f"; \
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$f; \
- done
+# FIXME: this section is ugly and exists because no good substitute
+# has been found yet. Please improve.
+#install-data-hook: $(srcdir)/conf/configure $(srcdir)/conf/gen-scripts.sh $(srcdir)/conf/compilers.def
+# mkdir -p conf && $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/conf/gen-scripts.sh $(DESTDIR)$(includedir) $(srcdir)/conf ./conf
+# $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+# @ for p in conf/oln-config-*.sh; do \
+# if test -f $$p; then \
+# f=`echo "$$p" | sed 's,^.*/,,;$(transform)'`; \
+# echo " $(INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV) $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$f"; \
+# $(INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV) $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$f || exit 1; \
+# else :; fi; \
+# done
+# @ for p in conf/oln-config-*.sh; do \
+# f=`echo "$$p" | sed 's,^.*/,,;$(transform)'`; \
+# echo " rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$f"; \
+# rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$f; \
+# done
Index: olena/conf/README
--- olena/conf/README Mon, 25 Aug 2003 13:50:16 +0200 raph ()
+++ olena/conf/README Mon, 25 Aug 2003 13:48:40 +0200 raph (oln/v/14_README 644)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Environment-specific configuration
+ This directory contains programs, scripts and definitions intended
+ to provide the user who installs Olena with precomputed
+ configuration files (config.hh).
+ The idea behind this is that Olena is not totally independent from
+ the compiler, standard library and architecture and needs some
+ form of configuration before being used. On the other hand,
+ nothing but details prevent a single installation from being used
+ with different compilers, standard libraries and architectures.
+ These "details" are actually the combination of preprocessor
+ macros, or 'flags', that can be defined to enable optional
+ features or workarounds. There they are :
+ * OLN_EXCEPTIONS, set to throw exceptions on error instead of
+ abort traps
+ * USE_C_LIMITS, set if the C++ standard library does not provide
+ appropriate std::numeric_limits
+ * _ISOC99_SOURCE, set to 1 to force the declaration of C99
+ functions in the GNU C standard library
+ these functions are not present in the math library and need to
+ be substituted by local definitions in Olena
+ * HAVE_FFTW, set to 1 if the fftw library is available
+ * HAVE_ZLIB, set to 1 if the zlib is available
+ Because these flags are not numerous, it is simple for an Olena
+ user to provide them manually on the compilation command
+ line.
+ However, it is traditional to provide them in a config.hh file
+ instead, that can contain definitions for other parts of the
+ user's project. Olena can then be told to use this file by
+ providing only the standard HAVE_CONFIG_H preprocessor macro
+ definition on the command line.
+Aim of the provided tools
+ Because the process of actually chosing the right combination of
+ flags is a simple but potentially tedious operation, some efforts
+ have been made in order to provide tools to automatically generate
+ scripts specific to all available compiler configurations.
+ Actually, the gen-scripts.sh program actually tests each known
+ compiler configuration XXX (as specified in compilers.def), and
+ generates a script program called 'oln-config-XXX.sh'.
+ These scripts are in turn able to provide the necessary
+ compilation flags for Olena, in a manner similar to other GNU
+ -config files (such as gtk-config, kde-config and the like).
+ For example, if Intel's C++ compiler (icc) is found to be
+ available and useable with Olena, gen-scripts.sh generates the
+ script 'oln-config-icc.sh' which itself can be used as such:
+ oln-config-icc.sh --cxxflags # prints needed compiler flags
+ oln-config-icc.sh --cxx # prints "icc"
+ oln-config-icc.sh --help # displays available options
. Raphaël Poss . . _ - --------\
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| EpX -- ACU -- Activ' GnuPG fp bda2eb602866390c7a7d :
\------ - _ . . a13ad7c86dd33b72e72b '
Olena is a library for image processing whose main characteristic is its
genericity. In Olena an algorithm is written once and can apply on any
kind of image (grey scale, color, 1D, 2D, 3D, ...). We do our image
processing research using this library, but most importantly we have
gathered (and still do) generic programming expertise from the library
The Olena project aims at building a scientific computation platform
oriented towards image processing, image recognition, and artificial
vision. This environment is composed of a high performance generic
library, a set of tools for shell scripts, together with, in the more
distant future, an interpreter (a la Octave, MatLab etc.) and a visual
programming environment.
Each step includes its own difficulties and requires the invention of
new solutions. For instance, the library --the low level service set on
top of which is built the whole project-- shall be both fast and
generic. These objectives are quite antagonist in programming.
Fortunately, the scientific computation field recently realized that
genericity, as found in object oriented languages, is no longer a tool
useful to implement auxiliary classes, but constitutes a new programming
paradigm in its own right. Contrary to the usual oject oriented
modelizations with inheritance and dynamic polymorphism, (static)
genericity enables the generation of performant and reusable code. The
Olena library is written using this paradigm.
We have already found effective solutions to delicate problems, such as
the wide variety of data types and data structures expected to be
offered by such as library. In addition, we have generalized these
solutions as design patterns to be reused in similar conditions.
Olena is also effective for us to perform research on image processing.
More information about Olena is available here:
Changes between 0.8 and 0.9
* New static hierarchy paradigm
- Complete rewrite of the image hierarchy.
- The new hierarchy benefits from multiple inheritance and
diamond constructs.
- Objects' abstract interfaces made available, leading to
safer and easier algorithm writing.
- Label images such as binary_image or vectorial_image added.
* Partial rewrite of images I/O
- Support for 1d, 3d images and windows.
- Better handling of built-in types.
* Color conversions fixed and improved.
* Cleanup and coding style conformance.
* Many bug fixes.
* Improved test-suite.
Olena is free software. It is released under the conditions of the GNU
General Public License version 2.
Olena 0.9 is available here:
Merci a tous ceux dont les efforts et la bonne humeur ont permis cette
En vrac:
- Astrid pour la participation aux efforts de guerre du cleanup.
- Mandor pour ses tests. Merci d'avance pour la prochaine release et le
merge avec le travail de theo ;).
- Sylvain pour le clean de topo, les tests, son implication generale
dans les debats qui ont fait rage. Merci de nous avoir file plein de
zolis bouts de code a remettre au coding style :).
- Giovanni pour morpho, et plus globalement pour son efficacite
immediate. Un super bapteme de l'air. Merci de m'avoir supporte :).
- Niels pour ses conseils, son implication lors des debats olenagineux.
- Youssef pour les differentes discussions sur la hierarchie et le
- Raph pour son aide precieuse lors des phases de debug et de reflexion
globale sur la prog et les hierarchies statiques.
- Theo pour la ligne directrice, ses conseils et son aide pour la
resolution de diverses questions existentielles: comment on fait pour
que ca marche ? Ou est le pastis ?
- Reda pour les conversions et autres levages de lievres. Merci aussi
pour la bonne humeur et les checkin qui cassent tout.
- Akim pour la motivation: "bon, en resume, la release c'est pour quand ?".
Et bien sur, merci a Nes, pour quasiment tout, comme d'hab.
Hogur, pret a partir en vacances
La phase de stabilisation est atteinte (jusqu'a preuve du contraire) sur
la brance 2003paradigm. Nous mergeons demain (nous faisons une passe
coding-style ce soir avec Nes).
La release de 0.9 est donc prevue pour Vendredi.
Que les personnes ayant des remarques parlent maintenant ou se taisent a
Certain oléagineux partent en vacances très bientot. Pour nous
faciliter la tâche, merci, avant de partir, de:
- Faire un `grep FIXME **/*.{hh,hxx,inc,cc}' dans les répertoires dont
vous étiez chargés, et de corriger ceux qui doivent l'être avant
toute release. Au moins signalez les si vous n'avez pas le temps de
les fixer avant de partir.
- Remplir le fichier NEWS (à la racine d'Olena) si il y a des choses
significatives pour l'utilisateur. Exemple d'ajout:
* Partial rewrite of input/output functions. It is now possible to
load and save images of builtin types and mono-dimensional images.
- Vérifier que tout le code de vos répertoires est instantié au moins
1 fois, sinon, rajoutez des tests.
Merci !
PS: n'oubliez pas de vous abonner à lrde.olena, c'est pas cher
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