I am Paula, image processing student, and I am working with Olena. I have a
doubt: I want to create a RGB image and I want to give each pixel a
certain color.
I do the following:
image2d <value::rgb8> imagePrueb(rows,cols);
fill(imagePrueb, literal::white);
This way, the problem is the whole image has the same color... How can I
set the desired color to each pixel?
Thank you.
Best regards.
Salut tout le monde,
j'ai voulu tester ce week-end la démo en ligne de dématérialisation (
http://olena.lrde.epita.fr/demos/document_segmentation.php) de document
pour récupérer mon image en pdf mais ça a finit en erreur :
"PDF output : /tmp/web_app147489430652208889c261d3.66045018.pdf"Ooops!
Something went wrong. Please contact us in order to fix that!
olena(a)lrde.epita.fr. Thank you!
Ca fait la même chose si je lance la démo avec les images proposées sur le
Je n'ai pas de problème par contre avec la démo sur les documents
Bon courage et à bientôt. :)
Shalom Olena team,
At Ben-Gurion University in Israel we evaluating binarization
approaches for ancient Torah Scrolls right now.
You SauvoulaMS approach :"Efficient Multiscale Sauvola's
Binarization". seems to be very accurate even despite of inhomogeneous
So we would be really gad to use it and see how it performs ahead of
others Binarization algorithms.
I already installed Olena 2.0 under Ubuntu.
Could you help me out with a little code SauvolaMs example ?
For example how could I apply a SauvolaMs on a single page .tiff
format and/or on many pages in .tiff stacks ?
best regards
Albert Berman, MSc
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Phone: +972-8-6477320 (office)
Phone: +972-8-6477311 (lab)
Fax: +972-8-6477627
P.O.B. 653
Beer Sheva 84105
Helo epita,
I trying to get running the olena on ubuntu in order to test SauvolaMs
but by compiling the"3.2 First generic algorithm" from the tutorial
I am always getting the same error :
milena_one.cc:14:25: fatal error: tests/data.hh: No such file or directory
what I am doing wrong ?
best regards
Albert Berman
Hi everybody,
Starting today, we are changing our branching and committing policy.
The branch `master', which used to be used to tag the latest release
(currently, Olena 2.0) will be used as a stable integration branch.
This role was previously played by the branch `next'. This change is
motivated by the fairly recent introduction of TeamCity
(http://teamcity.lrde.epita.fr) as continuous integration solution at
LRDE and by the fact that `master' should provide more up-to-date (yet
stable) contents.
As this was the case for `next', no patches should be push directly into
`master'. (Actually, the Git central repository will forbid any change
to `master', except for members of the maintainer team, which is
currently reduced to me & myself.) New changes shall be sent through
another branch (either an existing one or a new one), preferably on top
of `master' to make future integration easier.
Any integration effort into `master' shall start with a pull request,
either informally, by contacting a (the) maintainer, or better, by
creating a pull-request ticket on Trac (use
https://trac.lrde.epita.fr/olena/newticket and set the type to
`pull-request'). Patches will be reviewed and integrated trough a merge
or a rebase action onto `master'. Things will get a little clearer and
simpler when GitLab is officially deployed and used at LRDE.
The fate of the branch `next' has not been completely decided yet. It
will probably be used as an antechamber for `master', for short fix
patches only. Other contributions should be recorded into branches with
relevant names, so as to make branch management easier.
I'll try to put more useful information regarding Git usage in `HACKING'
(http://git.lrde.epita.fr/?p=olena.git;a=blob;f=HACKING) ASAP.
Roland Levillain
EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)
14-16, rue Voltaire - FR-94276 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Cedex - France
Phone: +33 1 53 14 59 45 - Fax: +33 1 53 14 59 22 - www.lrde.epita.fr
Shalom Olena team,
At Ben-Gurion University in Israel we evaluating binarization
approaches for ancient Torah Scrolls right now.
You SauvoulaMS approach :"Efficient Multiscale Sauvola's
Binarization". seems to be very accurate even despite of inhomogeneous
So we would be really gad to use it and see how it performs ahead of
others Binarization algorithms.
I already installed Olena 2.0 under Ubuntu.
Could you help me out with a little code SauvolaMs example ?
For example how could I apply a SauvolaMs on a single page .tiff
format and/or on many pages in .tiff stacks ?
best regards
Albert Berman, MSc
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Phone: +972-8-6477320 (office)
Phone: +972-8-6477311 (lab)
Fax: +972-8-6477627
P.O.B. 653
Beer Sheva 84105
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WikiCFP][CFP-NEW] ICIP 2014 : IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2013 00:47:54 -0400 (EDT)
From: admin(a)wikicfp.com
To: roland(a)lrde.epita.fr
Dear roland,
We would like to inform you that a new CFP for ICIP 2014 : IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing has been posted on WikiCFP.
It is a follow-up event of previous year's ICIP that you were tracking.
Detailed information of ICIP 2014 is available at
General information of the ICIP conference series is available at
Best regards,
Hello Paula,
On 03/07/2013 01:14 PM, Paula Agregán Reboredo wrote:
> I am Paula, I am student and I am working with Olena.
Great! We are looking for your feedback to improve Olena.
> I have a doubt: I
> want to use an array of vectors in Olena, which I'm able to define it,
> but not to insert the values and display them to see the results. Maybe
> I'm defining it wrong:
> fun::i2v::array< std::vector<int> >prueba;
> Is it well defined? How can I do to insert the values? How can I do to
> display them to see the results?
Yes, it is well defined.
fun::i2v::array has a slightly different interface compared to STL
You can have a look at this page:
I also wrote a small example included in the bottom of this message.
Thanks for your interest in Olena!
#include <vector>
#include <mln/fun/i2v/array.hh>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
using namespace mln;
fun::i2v::array<std::vector<int> > fun_arr;
typedef std::vector<int> arr_t;
arr_t arr;
// Add data to fun::i2v::array
// Iterate over fun::i2v::array
for (int i = 0; i < fun_arr.size(); ++i)
// Iterate over std::vector
for (arr_t::const_iterator it = fun_arr(i).begin();
it != fun_arr(i).end(); ++it)
// Display data.
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
I am Paula, I am student and I am working with Olena. I have a doubt: I
want to use an array of vectors in Olena, which I'm able to define it, but
not to insert the values and display them to see the results. Maybe I'm
defining it wrong:
fun::i2v::array< std::vector<int> >prueba;
Is it well defined? How can I do to insert the values? How can I do to
display them to see the results?
Thank you.
Best regards.
Je m'appelle Benjamin Crochard, je suis actuellement en 3e année à Epitech Paris. Dans le cadre de ces études, nous avons un projet à réaliser sur 2 ans. Le groupe dans lequel je suis, travaille sur le développement d'une cabine d'essayage virtuelle. Nous avons découvert que vous aviez, vous et vos collaborateurs, développé une plateforme de traitement d'images générique dans votre laboratoire de recherche et développement de l'Epita nommée Olena.
Serait-il possible de vous rencontrer afin de vous parler de notre projet et d'obtenir quelques conseils vis à vis de l'utilisation de votre plateforme.
Merci d'avance.
Je reste à votre disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire,
Benjamin Crochard,