Call For Articles
Crossroads, the Association for Computing Machinery Student Magazine
Software Engineering (Summer 2006)
The Crossroads editorial staff invites authors to submit articles
dealing with topics drawn from several areas pertaining to software
engineering. The following partial list of topics is provided to give
prospective authors ideas for articles and is by no means exhaustive;
other relevant topics will be considered. Papers that draw connections
between two or more of these areas are especially welcome.
* Client-Server Software
* Component-based Software
* Copyrights, Legal, Political and Ethical issues
* Deliverables and Documentation
* Software Reliability
* Process Models and Life Cycles
* Project Management (Planning, Estimations, Risk Management)
* Software Architectures
* Software Development Activities (Requirement Specification,
Design, Programming, Testing, Maintenance)
* Software Development Methodologies (Formal Methods, Object
Oriented and UML)
* Software Engineering Education
* Software Standards
* System Management
* Web site Development