Index: ChangeLog
from Thierry Geraud <thierry.geraud(a)>
Update ICIP 2009 code.
* theo/publis,
* theo/publis/icip2009: New directories.
* theo/tufa_2008/ Move...
* theo/publis/icip2009/
* theo/tufa_2008/ Move...
* theo/publis/icip2009/
Update. | 366 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
1 file changed, 190 insertions(+), 176 deletions(-)
Index: theo/publis/icip2009/
--- theo/publis/icip2009/ (revision 0)
+++ theo/publis/icip2009/ (working copy)
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)
+// Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory
+// (LRDE)
// This file is part of the Olena Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
// reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
// Public License.
-/// \file sandbox/geraud/tufa/
+/// \file sandbox/theo/publis/icip2009/
#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
#include <mln/core/image/image_if.hh>
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
#include <mln/accu/count.hh>
#include <mln/opt/at.hh>
+#include <mln/set/card.hh>
@@ -80,6 +82,16 @@
+ template <typename P>
+ p_array<P> reverse(const p_array<P>& arr)
+ {
+ p_array<P> out;
+ mln_bkd_piter(p_array<P>) p(arr);
+ for_all(p)
+ out.insert(p);
+ return out;
+ }
//------------------------------- compute_a
@@ -87,14 +99,16 @@
template <typename I, typename N, typename A>
mln_ch_value(I, mln_result(A))
- compute_a(const I& f, const N& nbh, A, unsigned& n_regmins)
+ compute_a(const I& f, const N& nbh, A, unsigned& n_regmins,
+ bool echo = false)
- typedef p_array<mln_psite(I)> S;
+ typedef mln_site(I) P;
+ typedef p_array<P> S;
S s = level::sort_psites_increasing(f);
// s maps increasing attributes.
- mln_ch_value(I, mln_site(I)) par;
- mln_ch_value(I, mln_site(I)) zpar;
+ mln_ch_value(I, P) par;
+ mln_ch_value(I, P) zpar;
mln_ch_value(I, bool) deja_vu, flag;
mln_ch_value(I, A) attr;
@@ -122,7 +136,7 @@
// First Pass.
- mln_site(I) r;
+ P r;
mln_fwd_piter(S) p(s);
mln_niter(N) n(nbh, p);
@@ -138,230 +152,211 @@
r = find_root__(zpar, n);
if (r != p)
- // Fully compressed union.
- zpar(r) = p;
- attr(p).take(attr(r));
+ par(r) = p; // Min-tree computation.
+ zpar(r) = p; // Fully compressed union.
+ attr(p).take(attr(r)); // Attribute computation.
if (f(r) == f(p))
- // Weak-Union; only for flat zones.
- par(r) = p;
+ // Flat zones.
if (flag(p) == false && flag(r) == false)
// Two non-reg-min components merge (same flat
// zone) so we had an extra invalidation.
+ else
flag(p) = flag(p) && flag(r);
--n_regmins; // So we get the number of flat zones
// minus the non-reg-min flat zones.
- mln_invariant(f(r) < f(p));
+ mln_invariant(f(r) < f(p)); // Increasing browsing.
if (flag(p) == true)
+ {
--n_regmins; // Invalidation.
flag(p) = false;
+ }
deja_vu(p) = true;
} // end of First Pass.
std::cout << "n reg min = " << n_regmins << std::endl;
- {
- unsigned n = 0;
- mln_fwd_piter(S) p(s);
- for_all(p)
- if (par(p) == p && flag(p))
- ++n;
- mln_assertion(n == n_regmins);
- }
- // The attr image is not correct on flat zones since there is
- // no back-propagation of the attribute value of the component
- // root. For instance with f="v v v" we get attr="1 2 3"
- // instead of "3 3 3". So a finalization is required.
+ // Output is the attribute image.
mln_ch_value(I, mln_result(A)) a;
initialize(a, f);
data::paste(attr, a);
- // Finalization.
+ // Back-propagate flags to non-representant component sites.
mln_bkd_piter(S) p(s); // Reverse.
- unsigned n_non_compressed_par = 0;
- {
- a(p) = a(par(p));
- if (par(par(p)) != par(p))
- ++ n_non_compressed_par;
- }
- std::cout << "n_non_compressed_par = " <<
n_non_compressed_par << std::endl;
+ if (f(par(p)) == f(p) && flag(par(p)) != flag(p))
+ flag(p) = flag(par(p));
+ if (echo)
+ debug::println("flag", flag);
- // TODO: compress at least the reg minima!
+ unsigned
+ n_sites = 0,
+ n_roots = 0,
+ n_nodes = 0;
+ // Tree canonization
- image2d<unsigned> regmin;
- initialize(regmin, f);
- {
- unsigned i_regmin = 0;
- mln_bkd_piter(S) p(s);
+ mln_bkd_piter(S) p(s); // Reverse.
+ P q = par(p);
+ if (f(par(q)) == f(q))
+ par(p) = par(q);
+ ++n_sites;
if (par(p) == p)
+ ++n_roots;
+ if (par(p) == p || f(par(p)) != f(p))
+ ++n_nodes;
+ }
+ // Test.
- if (flag(p))
- regmin(p) = ++i_regmin;
- else
- regmin(p) = 0;
+ mln_piter(S) p(s);
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ P q = par(p);
+ if (q == p || par(q) == q) // Either p or par(p) is root.
+ continue;
+ if (f(q) == f(p))
+ // p and par(p) within a flat zone
+ // so q=par(p) is the representant
+ mln_invariant(f(par(q)) != f(q));
- else
- regmin(p) = regmin(par(p));
- debug::println("f", f);
- debug::println("flag", flag);
- // We can see that some point are at true for components that
- // are not reg min; flag is a candidate to be compressed...
+ std::cout << "%age nodes = "
+ << (float(n_nodes) / n_sites * 100.f) << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
- debug::println("regmin", regmin);
+ {
+ // The attr image is not correct on flat zones since there is
+ // no back-propagation of the attribute value of the component
+ // root. For instance with f="v v v" we get attr="1 2 3"
+ // instead of "3 3 3". So a finalization is required.
+ mln_bkd_piter(S) p(s); // Reverse.
+ for_all(p)
+ if (f(par(p)) == f(p))
+ a(p) = a(par(p));
+ }
- // TODO:
- // On veut tester ici dans quel ordre on voit les
- // reg min lorsque a croit. Pour tous les points d'un reg min,
- // est-ce que le root est vu en premier ?
+ // Display tree.
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ mln_ch_value(I, char) tree;
+ initialize(tree, f);
+ data::fill(tree, ' ');
+ mln_piter(I) p(f.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ if (par(p) == p) // Root.
+ tree(p) = '@';
+ else
+ if (f(par(p)) != f(p)) // Representative.
+ tree(p) = 'o';
+ else
+ tree(p) = '.';
+ debug::println(tree);
+ }
- image2d<bool> seen;
- initialize(seen, f);
- data::fill(seen, false);
+ {
+ mln_ch_value(I, unsigned) nchildren;
+ initialize(nchildren, f);
+ data::fill(nchildren, 0);
- s = level::sort_psites_increasing(a);
- mln_bkd_piter(S) p(s);
+ mln_fwd_piter(S) p(s);
+ if (f(par(p)) != f(p))
- if (regmin(p) == 0)
- continue;
- // p is in a regional minimum.
- if (par(p) != p) // A non-root point.
- {
- mln_assertion(regmin(par(p)) != 0); // Root in a regional minimum.
- mln_assertion(regmin(par(p)) == regmin(p)); // and the same as p.
- mln_assertion(seen(par(p)));
- }
- seen(p) = true;
+ // Since the tree is canonized, par(p) is a node
+ // (a component representative):
+ P q = par(p);
+ mln_invariant(par(q) == q || f(par(q)) != f(q));
+ ++nchildren(par(p));
- debug::println(seen);
-// if (flag(p))
-// std::cout << a(p) << ' ' << p << ' '
<< (par(p) == p) << std::endl;
+ if (echo)
+ debug::println("nchildren", nchildren);
+ // Test.
+ {
+ typedef morpho::tree::data<I,S> T;
+ S s_ = reverse(s);
+ T t(f, s_, nbh);
+ typedef typename T::function C;
+ mln_ch_value(C, unsigned) ref;
+ initialize(ref, t.f());
+ data::fill(ref, 0);
+ mln_fwd_piter(T) p(t.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ if (t.is_a_non_root_node(p))
+ {
+ mln_invariant(t.is_a_node(t.parent(p)));
+ ++ref(t.parent(p));
- return a;
+ mln_invariant((nchildren | t.domain()) == ref);
+ }
- //------------------------------- filtering
+ // Tests.
+ {
+ {
+ unsigned n_ref;
+ mln_ch_value(I, unsigned) ref;
+ ref = labeling::regional_minima(f, nbh, n_ref);
+ // debug::println("ref", ref);
+ mln_assertion(n_regmins == n_ref);
+ mln_assertion(((pw::value(ref) != 0) | ref.domain()) == flag);
+ }
+ {
+ unsigned n = 0;
+ mln_fwd_piter(S) p(s);
+ for_all(p)
+ if (f(par(p)) != f(p) && flag(p))
+ ++n;
+ mln_assertion(n == n_regmins);
+ }
+ } // end of Tests.
-// template <typename I, typename A, typename N>
-// mln_concrete(I) filtering(const I& f, const A& a, const N& nbh,
-// unsigned n_regmins, unsigned n_wanted)
-// {
-// typedef p_array<mln_psite(I)> S;
-// S s = level::sort_psites_increasing(a);
-// // s maps increasing attributes.
-// mln_concrete(I) out;
-// initialize(out, f);
-// mln_ch_value(I, mln_site(I)) par;
-// mln_ch_value(I, bool) deja_vu, flag;
-// // Initialization.
-// {
-// initialize(par, f);
-// mln_piter(A) p(par.domain());
-// for_all(p)
-// par(p) = p;
-// initialize(deja_vu, f);
-// data::fill(deja_vu, false);
-// // flag
-// initialize(flag, f);
-// data::fill(flag, true);
-// }
-// int counter = 0;
-// // We are trying to count the number of merges of regional minima...
-// // First Pass.
-// {
-// mln_site(I) r;
-// mln_fwd_piter(S) p(s);
-// mln_niter(N) n(nbh, p);
-// for_all(p)
-// {
-// for_all(n)
-// if (a.domain().has(n) && deja_vu(n))
-// {
-// r = find_root__(par, n);
-// if (r != p)
-// if (a(r) == a(p))
-// {
-// par(r) = p; // Union.
-// if (flag(r) == true && flag(p) == true)
-// --counter;
-// flag(p) = flag(p) && flag(r);
-// }
-// else // a(r) != a(p)
-// {
-// if (flag(r) == true && flag(p) == true)
-// ++counter;
-// mln_invariant(a(p) > a(r));
-// flag(p) = false;
-// }
-// }
-// deja_vu(p) = true;
-// }
-// std::cout << counter << std::endl;
-// }
-// // // Second Pass.
-// // {
-// // mln_bkd_piter(S) p(s);
-// // for_all(p)
-// // if (par(p) == p)
-// // out(p) = f(p);
-// // else
-// // out(p) = out(par(p));
-// // }
-// return out;
-// }
+ return a;
+ } // compute
@@ -370,43 +365,62 @@
-int main(int, char* argv[])
+void usage(char* argv[])
+ std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " input.pgm
echo" << std::endl;
+ std::abort();
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace mln;
using value::int_u8;
+ if (argc != 3)
+ usage(argv);
+ int echo = std::atoi(argv[2]);
+ if (echo != 0 && echo != 1)
+ usage(argv);
+ neighb2d nbh = c4();
typedef image2d<int_u8> I;
I f;
io::pgm::load(f, argv[1]);
- // debug::println(f);
+ if (echo)
+ debug::println("f", f);
accu::count<point2d> area;
unsigned n_regmins;
- image2d<unsigned> a = compute_a(f, c4(), area, n_regmins);
- // debug::println(a);
-// {
-// // Test of 'n_regmins'.
-// unsigned ref;
-// labeling::regional_minima(f, c4(), ref);
-// mln_assertion(n_regmins == ref);
-// }
-// {
-// // Test of 'a'.
-// typedef p_array<point2d> S;
-// S s = level::sort_psites_decreasing(f);
-// morpho::tree::data<I,S> t(f, s, c4());
-// accu::count< util::pix<I> > area;
-// image2d<unsigned> ref = morpho::tree::compute_attribute_image(area, t);
-// mln_assertion(a == ref);
-// }
+ image2d<unsigned> a = compute_a(f, nbh, area, n_regmins, echo);
+ if (echo)
+ debug::println("a", a);
+ {
+ // Test of 'a'.
+ typedef p_array<point2d> S;
+ S s = level::sort_psites_decreasing(f);
+ morpho::tree::data<I,S> t(f, s, nbh);
+ accu::count< util::pix<I> > area;
+ image2d<unsigned> a_ref = morpho::tree::compute_attribute_image(area, t);
+ // debug::println("a_ref", a_ref);
+ mln_assertion(a == a_ref);
+ }
// unsigned n_wanted = 10;
-// I g = filtering(f, a, c4(), n_regmins, n_wanted);
+// I g = filtering(f, a, nbh, n_regmins, n_wanted);
Property changes on: theo/publis/icip2009/
Added: svn:mergeinfo
Property changes on: theo/publis/icip2009/
Added: svn:mergeinfo