Olena-patches March 2007

  • 7 participants
  • 73 discussions

925: Add postconditions to morphology.
by Thierry Geraud
17 years, 10 months

924: add point implementation for Iterator_On_Points.
by Nicolas Ballas
17 years, 10 months

923: Add the image type ''function: p -> v over a point set''.
by Thierry Geraud
17 years, 10 months

922: Add infinite point set type.
by Thierry Geraud
17 years, 10 months

921: Enforce impl check in concepts.
by Thierry Geraud
17 years, 10 months

920: Fix CC_tarjan + test, sequential reconstruction.
by Ugo Jardonnet
17 years, 10 months

919: Add line2d, bresenham, the safe_image morpher, and underlying types.
by Thierry Geraud
17 years, 10 months

917: Update cc_tarjan impl + facade.
by Ugo Jardonnet
17 years, 10 months

916: Add elementary cc_tarjan on Binary image.
by Ugo Jardonnet
17 years, 10 months

915: Add traits and fix compile errors.
by Thierry Geraud
17 years, 10 months
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