Index: ChangeLog
from Thierry Geraud <thierry.geraud(a)>
Grouping ICDAR files into appropriate directories.
Dibco stuff.
* icdar/2009/dibco: New directory.
* icdar/2009/README: New.
* theo/icdar/dibco/ Remove, obsolete.
This method can be found in...
* scribo/binarization/simple.hh: ...this file.
* theo/icdar/dibco/,
* lazzara/icdar/,
* lazzara/icdar/ Rename as...
* icdar/2009/dibco/,
* icdar/2009/dibco/,
* icdar/2009/dibco/ ...these.
* icdar/2009/dibco/ New.
* icdar/2009/dibco/ New.
* icdar/2009/dibco/ New.
Hsc stuff.
* icdar/2009/hsc/first_attempts: New directory.
* theo/icdar/hsc/,
* theo/icdar/hsc/,
* theo/icdar/hsc/exec/,
* theo/icdar/hsc/exec/,
* theo/icdar/hsc/exec/,
* theo/icdar/hsc/exec/,
* theo/icdar/hsc/,
* theo/icdar/hsc/,
* theo/icdar/hsc/,
* theo/icdar/hsc/ Rename as...
* icdar/2009/hsc/first_attempts/,
* icdar/2009/hsc/first_attempts/,
* icdar/2009/hsc/first_attempts/,
* icdar/2009/hsc/first_attempts/exec,
* icdar/2009/hsc/first_attempts/,
* icdar/2009/hsc/first_attempts/,
* icdar/2009/hsc/first_attempts/ ...these.
Get rid of private stuff.
* theo/icdar/hsc,
* theo/icdar/hsc/exec,
* theo/icdar/dibco,
* theo/icdar,
* lazzara/icdar: Remove directories.
dibco/ | 464 +++++++++++++++++++++++
dibco/ | 737 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
dibco/ | 858 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 2072 insertions(+)
Property changes on: icdar/2009/dibco/
Added: svn:mergeinfo
Property changes on: icdar/2009/dibco/
Added: svn:mergeinfo
Index: icdar/2009/dibco/
--- icdar/2009/dibco/ (revision 0)
+++ icdar/2009/dibco/ (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+#include <mln/core/var.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image1d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/alias/neighb1d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/alias/neighb2d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/site_set/p_queue.hh>
+#include <mln/pw/all.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image_if.hh>
+#include <mln/data/fill.hh>
+#include <mln/core/site_set/p_edges.hh>
+#include <mln/core/site_set/p_vertices.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/graph_elt_neighborhood.hh>
+#include <mln/io/essential.hh>
+#include <mln/value/int_u8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/int_u16.hh>
+#include <mln/value/label_8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/label_16.hh>
+#include <mln/value/rgb8.hh>
+#include <mln/histo/compute.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/elementary/gradient_internal.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/closing/volume.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/closing/height.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/watershed/flooding.hh>
+#include <mln/make/rag_and_labeled_wsl.hh>
+#include <mln/util/graph.hh>
+#include <mln/util/couple.hh>
+#include <mln/debug/colorize.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/i2v/array.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/compute.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/regional_minima.hh>
+# include <mln/linear/gaussian_1d.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/center.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/median_h.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/mean.hh>
+#include <mln/math/abs.hh>
+#include <mln/literal/colors.hh>
+#include <mln/debug/draw_graph.hh>
+namespace mln
+ struct edge_values : Function_vv2v<edge_values>
+ {
+ typedef value::int_u8 result;
+ typedef void mutable_result;
+ value::int_u8 operator()(const value::int_u8& v1,
+ const value::int_u8& v2) const
+ { return math::abs(v1 - v2); }
+ };
+ template <typename I, typename V>
+ class edge_to_color : public Function_p2v< edge_to_color<I,V> >
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef V result;
+ edge_to_color(const I& ima_e) : ima_e_(ima_e)
+ {}
+ V
+ operator()(const unsigned& e) const
+ { return convert::to<V>(ima_e_.function()(e)); }
+ private:
+ const I& ima_e_;
+ };
+ namespace make
+ {
+ template <typename G, typename P>
+ p_edges<G,pw::cst_<P> >
+ dummy_pedges(const Graph<G>& g_, const P& dummy_value)
+ {
+ trace::entering("dummy_pedges");
+ const G& g = exact(g_);
+ mln_precondition(g.is_valid());
+ p_edges<G,pw::cst_<P> > pe(g, pw::cst(dummy_value));
+ trace::exiting("dummy_pedges");
+ return pe;
+ }
+ template <typename FVV, typename G, typename V2P, typename E2P, typename FVE>
+ pw::image<fun::i2v::array<mln_result(FVE)>,p_edges<G,E2P> >
+ edge_image(const pw::image<FVV,p_vertices<G,V2P> >& vertex_image,
+ const p_edges<G,E2P>& pe,
+ const Function_vv2v<FVE>& edge_value_)
+ {
+ trace::entering("edge_image");
+ const FVE& edge_value = exact(edge_value_);
+ mln_precondition(vertex_image.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(pe.is_valid());
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<mln_result(FVE)> edge_values_t;
+ edge_values_t edge_values(pe.nsites());
+ // image on graph edges
+ typedef pw::image<edge_values_t, p_edges<G,E2P> > ima_e_t;
+ ima_e_t ima_e = (edge_values | pe);
+ mln_piter(ima_e_t) e(ima_e.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ ima_e(e) = edge_value(vertex_image.function()(e.element().v1()),
+ vertex_image.function()(e.element().v2()));
+ trace::exiting("edge_image");
+ return ima_e;
+ }
+ template <typename W, typename G>
+ inline
+ p_vertices<util::graph, fun::i2v::array<mln_site(W)> >
+ common_pvertices(const Image<W>& wst, const mln_value(W)& nbasins,
+ const Graph<G>& g_)
+ {
+ trace::entering("common_pvertices");
+ const G& g = exact(g_);
+ mln_precondition(g.is_valid());
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<mln_site(W)> vertex_sites_t;
+ vertex_sites_t vertex_sites;
+ convert::from_to(labeling::compute(accu::center<mln_site(W)>(), wst,
+ vertex_sites);
+ p_vertices<util::graph, vertex_sites_t> pv(g, vertex_sites);
+ trace::exiting("common_pvertices");
+ return pv;
+ }
+ template <typename A, typename G, typename F, typename I, typename W>
+ pw::image<fun::i2v::array<mln_value(I)>, p_vertices<G,F> >
+ vertex_image(const Accumulator<A>& accu,
+ const p_vertices<G,F>& pv,
+ const Image<I>& input_,
+ const Image<W>& wst_,
+ const mln_value(W)& nbasins)
+ {
+ trace::entering("vertex_image");
+ const I& input = exact(input_);
+ const W& wst = exact(wst_);
+ mln_precondition(input.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(wst.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(pv.is_valid());
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<mln_value(I)> vertex_values_t;
+ vertex_values_t vertex_values;
+ convert::from_to(labeling::compute(accu, input, wst, nbasins),
+ vertex_values);
+ pw::image<fun::i2v::array<mln_value(I)>,
+ p_vertices<util::graph, fun::i2v::array<mln_site(I)> > >
+ ima_vertex = vertex_values | pv;
+ trace::exiting("vertex_image");
+ return ima_vertex;
+ }
+ template <typename I, typename V, typename E>
+ inline
+ mln_concrete(I)
+ debug_graph_image(const Image<I>& input_,
+ const Image<V>& ima_v_, const Image<E>& ima_e_,
+ unsigned box_size, const mln_value(I)& bg)
+ {
+ trace::entering("debug_graph_image");
+ const I& input = exact(input_);
+ const V& ima_v = exact(ima_v_);
+ const E& ima_e = exact(ima_e_);
+ mln_precondition(input.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(ima_v.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(ima_e.is_valid());
+ mln_concrete(I) output;
+ initialize(output, input);
+ data::fill(output, bg);
+ debug::draw_graph(output, ima_v.domain(),
+ pw::cst(150u),
+ edge_to_color<E, mln_value(I)>(ima_e));
+ dpoint2d tl(-box_size,-box_size);
+ dpoint2d br(box_size,box_size);
+ mln_piter(V) p(ima_v.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ box<mln_site(I)> b(p + tl, p + br);
+ b.crop_wrt(output.domain());
+ data::fill((output | b).rw(), convert::to<mln_value(I)>(ima_v(p)));
+ }
+ trace::exiting("debug_graph_image");
+ return output;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace mln::make
+ int
+ find_threshold(const histo::array<value::int_u8>& h)
+ {
+ const float sigma = 5; // FIXME: hard-coded!
+ util::array<point1d> c;
+ value::label_8 n;
+ {
+ image1d<unsigned> h_, hs_;
+ image1d<value::label_8> l;
+ convert::from_to(h, h_);
+ hs_ = linear::gaussian_1d(h_, sigma, 0);
+ l = labeling::regional_minima(hs_, c2(), n);
+ {
+// debug::println("l", l);
+// debug::histo(h, "tmp_h.txt");
+// std::ofstream file("tmp_hs.txt");
+// mln_piter_(box1d) p(h_.domain());
+// for_all(p)
+// file << p.ind() << ' ' << hs_(p) << std::endl;
+// file.close();
+ }
+ accu::center<point1d, point1d> a;
+ c = labeling::compute(a, l, n);
+ c[0] = point1d(0); // Force a neutral value for the non-label value (0).
+ // std::cout << "c = " << c << std::endl;
+ }
+ int threshold;
+ {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
+ v.push_back(c[i].ind());
+ std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
+ if (v[i] != 0)
+ {
+ threshold = v[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ std::cout << "threshold = " << threshold << std::endl;
+ }
+ return threshold;
+ }
+ image2d<bool> contours(const image2d<value::int_u8>& f, unsigned&
+ {
+ using value::int_u8;
+ typedef int_u8 V;
+ histo::array<V> h;
+ image2d<int_u8> g;
+ g = morpho::elementary::gradient_internal(f, c4());
+ g = morpho::closing::height(g, c4(), 3); // FIXME: hard-coded!
+ unsigned nbasins;
+ image2d<unsigned> w = morpho::watershed::flooding(g, c4(), nbasins);
+ h = histo::compute(g | (pw::value(w) == pw::cst(0)));
+ threshold = find_threshold(h);
+ return duplicate((pw::value(g) > pw::cst(threshold)) | f.domain());
+ }
+} // end of namespace mln
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ using namespace mln;
+ using namespace value;
+ if (argc != 4)
+ {
+ std::cout << argv[0] << " input.pgm lambda_grad lambda_graph"
<< std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int lambda_grad = std::atoi(argv[2]);
+ int lambda_graph = std::atoi(argv[3]);
+ image2d<int_u8> input;
+ io::pgm::load(input, argv[1]);
+ image2d<int_u8> grad = morpho::elementary::gradient_internal(input, c4());
+// io::pgm::save(grad, "binarization_grad.pgm");
+ image2d<int_u8> clo_vol = morpho::closing::volume(grad, c4(), lambda_grad);
+// io::pgm::save(clo_vol, "binarization_clo.pgm");
+ label_16 nbasins;
+ image2d<label_16> wst = morpho::watershed::flooding(clo_vol, c4(), nbasins);
+// io::ppm::save(debug::colorize(rgb8(), wst, nbasins),
+ util::couple<util::graph, image2d<label_16> >
+ rag_data = make::rag_and_labeled_wsl(wst, c4(), nbasins);
+// io::pgm::save(rag_data.second(), "binarization_lwsl.pgm");
+ unsigned threshold;
+ contours(input, threshold);
+ typedef accu::median_h<int_u8> A;
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<point2d> F;
+ util::array<int_u8> basin_med = labeling::compute(A(), input, wst, nbasins);
+ basin_med[0] = 0;
+ {
+ util::graph& gr = rag_data.first();
+ fun::i2v::array<int_u8> f_med;
+ convert::from_to(basin_med, f_med);
+ // io::pgm::save(level::transform(wst, f_med), "basin_med.pgm");
+ p_vertices<util::graph, fun::i2v::array<point2d> >
+ pv = make::common_pvertices(wst, nbasins, rag_data.first());
+ mln_VAR( med, f_med | pv );
+ int_u8
+ object = 255,
+ background = 0,
+ unknown = 128;
+ med_t out;
+ initialize(out, med);
+ data::fill(out, unknown);
+ typedef graph_elt_neighborhood<util::graph, F> N;
+ N nbh;
+ // Initialization.
+ mln_piter_(med_t) p(med.domain());
+ mln_niter_(N) n(nbh, p);
+ for_all(p)
+ for_all(n)
+ {
+ int d = math::diff_abs(med(p), med(n));
+// if (2 * d > 3 * threshold)
+ if (d > threshold)
+ {
+ if (med(p) < med(n))
+ {
+ out(p) = object;
+ out(n) = background;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out(n) = object;
+ out(p) = background;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(wst, out.function()),
+ "temp_out.pgm");
+ // Enqueuing.
+ typedef mln_psite_(med_t) P;
+ p_queue<P> q;
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ if (out(p) != unknown)
+ continue;
+ for_all(n)
+ if (out(n) != unknown)
+ {
+ q.insert(p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Propagation.
+ P p_;
+ mln_niter_(N) n_(nbh, p_);
+ while (! q.is_empty())
+ {
+ p_ = q.pop_front();
+ if (out(p_) != unknown)
+ continue; // std::cerr << "oops! (1)" << std::endl;
+ unsigned d = 256, id;
+ for_all(n_)
+ {
+ if (out(n_) == unknown)
+ {
+ q.insert(n_);
+ continue;
+ }
+ unsigned d_ = math::diff_abs(med(p_), med(n_));
+ if (d_ < d)
+ {
+ d = d_;
+ id = out(n_);
+ }
+ }
+ if (d == 256)
+ std::cerr << "oops! (2)" << std::endl;
+ out(p_) = id; // object or background.
+ }
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(wst, out.function()),
+ "temp_out_2.pgm");
+ }
Index: icdar/2009/dibco/
--- icdar/2009/dibco/ (revision 0)
+++ icdar/2009/dibco/ (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+#include <mln/core/var.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image1d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/alias/neighb1d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/alias/neighb2d.hh>
+#include <mln/make/double_neighb2d.hh>
+#include <mln/pw/all.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image_if.hh>
+#include <mln/core/site_set/p_queue.hh>
+#include <mln/core/routine/extend.hh>
+#include <mln/core/routine/duplicate.hh>
+#include <mln/data/fill.hh>
+#include <mln/core/site_set/p_edges.hh>
+#include <mln/core/site_set/p_vertices.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/graph_elt_neighborhood.hh>
+#include <mln/io/essential.hh>
+#include <mln/value/int_u8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/int_u16.hh>
+#include <mln/value/label_8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/label_16.hh>
+#include <mln/value/rgb8.hh>
+#include <mln/literal/colors.hh>
+#include <mln/histo/compute.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/erosion.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/dilation.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/elementary/gradient_internal.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/closing/volume.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/closing/height.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/watershed/flooding.hh>
+#include <mln/make/rag_and_labeled_wsl.hh>
+#include <mln/util/graph.hh>
+#include <mln/util/couple.hh>
+#include <mln/debug/colorize.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/i2v/array.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/compute.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/regional_minima.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/wrap.hh>
+#include <mln/level/transform.hh>
+#include <mln/level/convert.hh>
+#include <mln/linear/gaussian_1d.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/center.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/median_h.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/mean.hh>
+#include <mln/math/abs.hh>
+#include <mln/debug/draw_graph.hh>
+namespace mln
+ struct edge_values : Function_vv2v<edge_values>
+ {
+ typedef value::int_u8 result;
+ typedef void mutable_result;
+ value::int_u8 operator()(const value::int_u8& v1,
+ const value::int_u8& v2) const
+ { return math::abs(v1 - v2); }
+ };
+ template <typename I, typename V>
+ class edge_to_color : public Function_p2v< edge_to_color<I,V> >
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef V result;
+ edge_to_color(const I& ima_e) : ima_e_(ima_e)
+ {}
+ V
+ operator()(const unsigned& e) const
+ { return convert::to<V>(ima_e_.function()(e)); }
+ private:
+ const I& ima_e_;
+ };
+ namespace make
+ {
+ template <typename G, typename P>
+ p_edges<G,pw::cst_<P> >
+ dummy_pedges(const Graph<G>& g_, const P& dummy_value)
+ {
+ trace::entering("dummy_pedges");
+ const G& g = exact(g_);
+ mln_precondition(g.is_valid());
+ p_edges<G,pw::cst_<P> > pe(g, pw::cst(dummy_value));
+ trace::exiting("dummy_pedges");
+ return pe;
+ }
+ template <typename FVV, typename G, typename V2P, typename E2P, typename FVE>
+ pw::image<fun::i2v::array<mln_result(FVE)>,p_edges<G,E2P> >
+ edge_image(const pw::image<FVV,p_vertices<G,V2P> >& vertex_image,
+ const p_edges<G,E2P>& pe,
+ const Function_vv2v<FVE>& edge_value_)
+ {
+ trace::entering("edge_image");
+ const FVE& edge_value = exact(edge_value_);
+ mln_precondition(vertex_image.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(pe.is_valid());
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<mln_result(FVE)> edge_values_t;
+ edge_values_t edge_values(pe.nsites());
+ // image on graph edges
+ typedef pw::image<edge_values_t, p_edges<G,E2P> > ima_e_t;
+ ima_e_t ima_e = (edge_values | pe);
+ mln_piter(ima_e_t) e(ima_e.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ ima_e(e) = edge_value(vertex_image.function()(e.element().v1()),
+ vertex_image.function()(e.element().v2()));
+ trace::exiting("edge_image");
+ return ima_e;
+ }
+ template <typename W, typename G>
+ inline
+ p_vertices<util::graph, fun::i2v::array<mln_site(W)> >
+ common_pvertices(const Image<W>& wst, const mln_value(W)& nbasins,
+ const Graph<G>& g_)
+ {
+ trace::entering("common_pvertices");
+ const G& g = exact(g_);
+ mln_precondition(g.is_valid());
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<mln_site(W)> vertex_sites_t;
+ vertex_sites_t vertex_sites;
+ convert::from_to(labeling::compute(accu::center<mln_site(W)>(), wst,
+ vertex_sites);
+ p_vertices<util::graph, vertex_sites_t> pv(g, vertex_sites);
+ trace::exiting("common_pvertices");
+ return pv;
+ }
+ template <typename A, typename G, typename F, typename I, typename W>
+ pw::image<fun::i2v::array<mln_value(I)>, p_vertices<G,F> >
+ vertex_image(const Accumulator<A>& accu,
+ const p_vertices<G,F>& pv,
+ const Image<I>& input_,
+ const Image<W>& wst_,
+ const mln_value(W)& nbasins)
+ {
+ trace::entering("vertex_image");
+ const I& input = exact(input_);
+ const W& wst = exact(wst_);
+ mln_precondition(input.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(wst.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(pv.is_valid());
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<mln_value(I)> vertex_values_t;
+ vertex_values_t vertex_values;
+ convert::from_to(labeling::compute(accu, input, wst, nbasins),
+ vertex_values);
+ pw::image<fun::i2v::array<mln_value(I)>,
+ p_vertices<util::graph, fun::i2v::array<mln_site(I)> > >
+ ima_vertex = vertex_values | pv;
+ trace::exiting("vertex_image");
+ return ima_vertex;
+ }
+ template <typename I, typename V, typename E>
+ inline
+ mln_concrete(I)
+ debug_graph_image(const Image<I>& input_,
+ const Image<V>& ima_v_, const Image<E>& ima_e_,
+ unsigned box_size, const mln_value(I)& bg)
+ {
+ trace::entering("debug_graph_image");
+ const I& input = exact(input_);
+ const V& ima_v = exact(ima_v_);
+ const E& ima_e = exact(ima_e_);
+ mln_precondition(input.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(ima_v.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(ima_e.is_valid());
+ mln_concrete(I) output;
+ initialize(output, input);
+ data::fill(output, bg);
+ debug::draw_graph(output, ima_v.domain(),
+ pw::cst(150u),
+ edge_to_color<E, mln_value(I)>(ima_e));
+ dpoint2d tl(-box_size,-box_size);
+ dpoint2d br(box_size,box_size);
+ mln_piter(V) p(ima_v.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ box<mln_site(I)> b(p + tl, p + br);
+ b.crop_wrt(output.domain());
+ data::fill((output | b).rw(), convert::to<mln_value(I)>(ima_v(p)));
+ }
+ trace::exiting("debug_graph_image");
+ return output;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace mln::make
+ int
+ find_threshold(const histo::array<value::int_u8>& h)
+ {
+ const float sigma = 5; // FIXME: hard-coded!
+ util::array<point1d> c;
+ value::label_8 n;
+ {
+ image1d<unsigned> h_, hs_;
+ image1d<value::label_8> l;
+ convert::from_to(h, h_);
+ hs_ = linear::gaussian_1d(h_, sigma, 0);
+ l = labeling::regional_minima(hs_, c2(), n);
+ {
+// debug::println("l", l);
+// debug::histo(h, "tmp_h.txt");
+// std::ofstream file("tmp_hs.txt");
+// mln_piter_(box1d) p(h_.domain());
+// for_all(p)
+// file << p.ind() << ' ' << hs_(p) << std::endl;
+// file.close();
+ }
+ accu::center<point1d, point1d> a;
+ c = labeling::compute(a, l, n);
+ c[0] = point1d(0); // Force a neutral value for the non-label value (0).
+ // std::cout << "c = " << c << std::endl;
+ }
+ int threshold;
+ {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
+ v.push_back(c[i].ind());
+ std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
+ if (v[i] != 0)
+ {
+ threshold = v[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ std::cout << "threshold = " << threshold << std::endl;
+ }
+ return threshold;
+ }
+ image2d<bool> contours(const image2d<value::int_u8>& f, unsigned&
+ {
+ using value::int_u8;
+ typedef int_u8 V;
+ histo::array<V> h;
+ image2d<int_u8> g;
+ g = morpho::elementary::gradient_internal(f, c4());
+ g = morpho::closing::height(g, c4(), 3); // FIXME: hard-coded!
+ unsigned nbasins;
+ image2d<unsigned> w = morpho::watershed::flooding(g, c4(), nbasins);
+ h = histo::compute(g | (pw::value(w) == pw::cst(0)));
+ threshold = find_threshold(h);
+ return duplicate((pw::value(g) > pw::cst(threshold)) | f.domain());
+ }
+ // Distances.
+ value::int_u8 dist(const value::int_u8& g1, const value::int_u8& g2)
+ {
+ return math::diff_abs(g1, g2);
+ }
+ value::int_u8 dist(const value::rgb8& c1, const value::rgb8& c2)
+ {
+ unsigned d = math::diff_abs(,;
+ unsigned d_;
+ d_ = math::diff_abs(,;
+ if (d_ > d)
+ d = d_;
+ d_ = math::diff_abs(,;
+ if (d_ > d)
+ d = d_;
+ return d;
+ }
+ // Functions.
+ inline
+ bool is_row_odd(const point2d& p)
+ {
+ return p.row() % 2;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool is_square(const point2d& p)
+ {
+ return p.row() % 2 == 0 && p.col() % 2 == 0;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool is_edge(const point2d& p)
+ {
+ return p.row() % 2 + p.col() % 2 == 1;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool is_point(const point2d& p)
+ {
+ return p.row() % 2 && p.col() % 2;
+ }
+ // Neighborhoods.
+ typedef neighb< win::multiple<window2d, bool(*)(const point2d&)> >
+ const dbl_neighb2d& e2c()
+ {
+ static bool e2c_h[] = { 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0 };
+ static bool e2c_v[] = { 0, 0, 0,
+ 1, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 0 };
+ static dbl_neighb2d nbh = make::double_neighb2d(is_row_odd, e2c_h, e2c_v);
+ return nbh;
+ }
+ const dbl_neighb2d& e2e()
+ {
+ static bool e2e_h[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 };
+ static bool e2e_v[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ static dbl_neighb2d nbh = make::double_neighb2d(is_row_odd, e2e_h, e2e_v);
+ return nbh;
+ }
+ // Transforms.
+ template <typename T>
+ image2d<T>
+ image2full(const image2d<T>& input)
+ {
+ image2d<T> output(2 * input.nrows() - 1,
+ 2 * input.ncols() - 1);
+ for (int row = 0; row < input.nrows(); ++row)
+ for (int col = 0; col < input.ncols(); ++col)
+ opt::at(output, 2 * row, 2 * col) = opt::at(input, row, col);
+ return output;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ image2d<T>
+ full2image(const image2d<T>& input)
+ {
+ image2d<T> output((input.nrows() + 1) / 2,
+ (input.ncols() + 1) / 2);
+ for (int row = 0; row < input.nrows(); row += 2)
+ for (int col = 0; col < input.ncols(); col += 2)
+ opt::at(output, row / 2, col / 2) =
+ opt::at(input, row, col);
+ return output;
+ }
+ // Display.
+ template <typename I>
+ I display_edge(const I& ima, mln_value(I) bg, unsigned zoom)
+ {
+ unsigned nrows = ima.nrows() / 2 + 1;
+ unsigned ncols = ima.ncols() / 2 + 1;
+ I output(nrows * (zoom + 1) - 1,
+ ncols * (zoom + 1) - 1);
+ data::fill(output, bg);
+ mln_VAR( edge, ima | is_edge );
+ mln_piter(edge_t) p(edge.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ if (p.row() % 2) // horizontal edge
+ {
+ unsigned row = (p.row() / 2 + 1) * (zoom + 1) - 1;
+ unsigned col = (p.col() / 2) * (zoom + 1);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < zoom; ++i)
+ opt::at(output, row, col + i) = ima(p);
+ }
+ else // vertical edge
+ {
+ unsigned row = (p.row() / 2) * (zoom + 1);
+ unsigned col = (p.col() / 2 + 1) * (zoom + 1) - 1;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < zoom; ++i)
+ opt::at(output, row + i, col) = ima(p);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ // Distance, stored on edges, of a couple of colors.
+ template <typename I, typename N>
+ image2d<value::int_u8>
+ dist_on_edges(const I& input, const N& nbh)
+ {
+ image2d<value::int_u8> output;
+ initialize(output, input);
+ data::fill(output, 0);
+ mln_piter(I) p(input.domain());
+ mln_niter(N) n(nbh, p);
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ n.start();
+ mln_value(I) c1 = input(n);
+ mln_value(I) c2 = input(n);
+ output(p) = dist(c1, c2);
+ }
+ // io::pgm::save(output, "temp_dist.pgm");
+ return output;
+ }
+ value::int_u8 L_to_int_u8(unsigned l)
+ {
+ return l == 0 ?
+ 0 : // wshed line
+ 1 + (l - 1) % 255; // basin
+ }
+} // end of namespace mln
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ using namespace mln;
+ using namespace value;
+ if (argc != 5)
+ {
+ std::cout << argv[0] << " input.pgm lambda echo output.pbm"
<< std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int lambda_grad = std::atoi(argv[2]);
+ int echo = std::atoi(argv[3]);
+ if (echo != 0 && echo != 1)
+ {
+ std::cout << argv[0] << " input.pgm lambda echo output.pbm"
<< std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ image2d<int_u8> input;
+ io::pgm::load(input, argv[1]);
+ image2d<int_u8> input_ = image2full(input); // Larger to make room to edges.
+ image2d<int_u8> grad_;
+ {
+ grad_ = dist_on_edges(extend(input_ | is_edge, pw::value(input_)),
+ e2c());
+ }
+ // io::pgm::save(grad_, "grad_.pgm");
+ mln_VAR(grad, grad_ | is_edge);
+ typedef grad_t E;
+ grad = morpho::closing::volume(grad,
+ e2e(),
+ lambda_grad);
+ // io::pgm::save(grad.unmorph_(), "grad.pgm");
+ typedef label_16 L; // Label type.
+ L nbasins;
+ typedef mln_ch_value_(E, L) EL;
+ EL wst = morpho::watershed::flooding(grad,
+ e2e(),
+ nbasins);
+ std::cout << "n basins = " << nbasins << std::endl;
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::ppm::save(display_edge(debug::colorize(rgb8(),
+ wst,
+ nbasins).unmorph_(),
+ literal::black,
+ 3),
+ "temp_wst_edges.ppm");
+ }
+ image2d<L> w_all = wst.unmorph_();
+ // edges -> squares
+ mln_VAR(w_squares, w_all | is_square);
+ data::paste(morpho::dilation(extend(w_squares, pw::value(w_all)),
+ c4().win()),
+ w_all);
+ // edges -> points
+ mln_VAR(w_points, w_all | is_point);
+ data::paste(morpho::erosion(extend(w_points, pw::value(w_all)),
+ c4().win()),
+ w_all);
+ image2d<L> ws = full2image(w_all);
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::ppm::save(debug::colorize(rgb8(), ws, nbasins),
+ "temp_ws.ppm");
+ }
+ util::couple<util::graph, image2d<L> >
+ rag_data = make::rag_and_labeled_wsl(w_all, c8(), nbasins);
+ if (echo)
+ io::pgm::save(labeling::wrap(int_u8(),
+ rag_data.second()),
+ "temp_lwsl.pgm");
+ unsigned threshold;
+ contours(input, threshold);
+ typedef accu::median_h<int_u8> A;
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<point2d> F;
+ util::array<int_u8> basin_med = labeling::compute(A(), input, ws, nbasins);
+ basin_med[0] = 0;
+ if (echo)
+ io::ppm::save(debug::colorize(rgb8(), w_all, nbasins),
+ "temp_w_all.ppm");
+ // ----------------------------- R A G --------------------------------
+ util::graph& gr = rag_data.first();
+ fun::i2v::array<int_u8> f_med;
+ convert::from_to(basin_med, f_med);
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(w_all, f_med),
+ "temp_w_all.pgm");
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(ws, f_med), "temp_basin_med.pgm");
+ }
+ p_vertices<util::graph, fun::i2v::array<point2d> >
+ pv = make::common_pvertices(ws, nbasins, rag_data.first());
+ mln_VAR( med, f_med | pv );
+ int_u8
+ object = 255,
+ background = 0,
+ unknown = 128;
+ med_t out;
+ initialize(out, med);
+ data::fill(out, unknown);
+ typedef graph_elt_neighborhood<util::graph, F> N;
+ N nbh;
+ // Initialization.
+ mln_piter_(med_t) p(med.domain());
+ mln_niter_(N) n(nbh, p);
+ for_all(p)
+ for_all(n)
+ {
+ int d = math::diff_abs(med(p), med(n));
+ // if (2 * d > 3 * threshold)
+ if (d > threshold)
+ {
+ if (med(p) < med(n))
+ {
+ out(p) = object;
+ out(n) = background;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out(n) = object;
+ out(p) = background;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(ws, out.function()),
+ "temp_out.pgm");
+ }
+ // Enqueuing.
+ typedef mln_psite_(med_t) P;
+ p_queue<P> q;
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ if (out(p) != unknown)
+ continue;
+ for_all(n)
+ if (out(n) != unknown)
+ {
+ q.insert(p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Propagation.
+ P p_;
+ mln_niter_(N) n_(nbh, p_);
+ while (! q.is_empty())
+ {
+ p_ = q.pop_front();
+ if (out(p_) != unknown)
+ continue; // std::cerr << "oops! (1)" << std::endl;
+ unsigned d = 256, id;
+ for_all(n_)
+ {
+ if (out(n_) == unknown)
+ {
+ q.insert(n_);
+ continue;
+ }
+ unsigned d_ = math::diff_abs(med(p_), med(n_));
+ if (d_ < d)
+ {
+ d = d_;
+ id = out(n_);
+ }
+ }
+ if (d == 256)
+ std::cerr << "oops! (2)" << std::endl;
+ out(p_) = id; // object or background.
+ }
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(ws, out.function()),
+ "temp_out_2.pgm");
+ }
+ io::pbm::save((pw::value(level::transform(ws,
+ out.function())) == pw::cst(255))
+ | input.domain(),
+ argv[4]);
Index: icdar/2009/dibco/
--- icdar/2009/dibco/ (revision 0)
+++ icdar/2009/dibco/ (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
+#include <mln/core/var.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image1d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/alias/neighb1d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/alias/neighb2d.hh>
+#include <mln/make/double_neighb2d.hh>
+#include <mln/pw/all.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image_if.hh>
+#include <mln/core/site_set/p_queue.hh>
+#include <mln/core/routine/extend.hh>
+#include <mln/core/routine/duplicate.hh>
+#include <mln/data/fill.hh>
+#include <mln/core/site_set/p_edges.hh>
+#include <mln/core/site_set/p_vertices.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/graph_elt_neighborhood.hh>
+#include <mln/io/essential.hh>
+#include <mln/value/int_u8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/int_u16.hh>
+#include <mln/value/label_8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/label_16.hh>
+#include <mln/value/rgb8.hh>
+#include <mln/literal/colors.hh>
+#include <mln/histo/compute.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/erosion.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/dilation.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/elementary/gradient_internal.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/closing/volume.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/closing/height.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/watershed/flooding.hh>
+#include <mln/make/rag_and_labeled_wsl.hh>
+#include <mln/util/graph.hh>
+#include <mln/util/couple.hh>
+#include <mln/debug/colorize.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/i2v/array.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/compute.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/regional_minima.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/wrap.hh>
+#include <mln/level/transform.hh>
+#include <mln/level/convert.hh>
+#include <mln/linear/gaussian_1d.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/center.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/median_h.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/mean.hh>
+#include <mln/math/abs.hh>
+#include <mln/debug/draw_graph.hh>
+namespace mln
+ struct edge_values : Function_vv2v<edge_values>
+ {
+ typedef value::int_u8 result;
+ typedef void mutable_result;
+ value::int_u8 operator()(const value::int_u8& v1,
+ const value::int_u8& v2) const
+ { return math::abs(v1 - v2); }
+ };
+ template <typename I, typename V>
+ class edge_to_color : public Function_p2v< edge_to_color<I,V> >
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef V result;
+ edge_to_color(const I& ima_e) : ima_e_(ima_e)
+ {}
+ V
+ operator()(const unsigned& e) const
+ { return convert::to<V>(ima_e_.function()(e)); }
+ private:
+ const I& ima_e_;
+ };
+ namespace make
+ {
+ template <typename G, typename P>
+ p_edges<G,pw::cst_<P> >
+ dummy_pedges(const Graph<G>& g_, const P& dummy_value)
+ {
+ trace::entering("dummy_pedges");
+ const G& g = exact(g_);
+ mln_precondition(g.is_valid());
+ p_edges<G,pw::cst_<P> > pe(g, pw::cst(dummy_value));
+ trace::exiting("dummy_pedges");
+ return pe;
+ }
+ template <typename FVV, typename G, typename V2P, typename E2P, typename FVE>
+ pw::image<fun::i2v::array<mln_result(FVE)>,p_edges<G,E2P> >
+ edge_image(const pw::image<FVV,p_vertices<G,V2P> >& vertex_image,
+ const p_edges<G,E2P>& pe,
+ const Function_vv2v<FVE>& edge_value_)
+ {
+ trace::entering("edge_image");
+ const FVE& edge_value = exact(edge_value_);
+ mln_precondition(vertex_image.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(pe.is_valid());
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<mln_result(FVE)> edge_values_t;
+ edge_values_t edge_values(pe.nsites());
+ // image on graph edges
+ typedef pw::image<edge_values_t, p_edges<G,E2P> > ima_e_t;
+ ima_e_t ima_e = (edge_values | pe);
+ mln_piter(ima_e_t) e(ima_e.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ ima_e(e) = edge_value(vertex_image.function()(e.element().v1()),
+ vertex_image.function()(e.element().v2()));
+ trace::exiting("edge_image");
+ return ima_e;
+ }
+ template <typename W, typename G>
+ inline
+ p_vertices<util::graph, fun::i2v::array<mln_site(W)> >
+ common_pvertices(const Image<W>& wst, const mln_value(W)& nbasins,
+ const Graph<G>& g_)
+ {
+ trace::entering("common_pvertices");
+ const G& g = exact(g_);
+ mln_precondition(g.is_valid());
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<mln_site(W)> vertex_sites_t;
+ vertex_sites_t vertex_sites;
+ convert::from_to(labeling::compute(accu::center<mln_site(W)>(), wst,
+ vertex_sites);
+ p_vertices<util::graph, vertex_sites_t> pv(g, vertex_sites);
+ trace::exiting("common_pvertices");
+ return pv;
+ }
+ template <typename A, typename G, typename F, typename I, typename W>
+ pw::image<fun::i2v::array<mln_value(I)>, p_vertices<G,F> >
+ vertex_image(const Accumulator<A>& accu,
+ const p_vertices<G,F>& pv,
+ const Image<I>& input_,
+ const Image<W>& wst_,
+ const mln_value(W)& nbasins)
+ {
+ trace::entering("vertex_image");
+ const I& input = exact(input_);
+ const W& wst = exact(wst_);
+ mln_precondition(input.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(wst.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(pv.is_valid());
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<mln_value(I)> vertex_values_t;
+ vertex_values_t vertex_values;
+ convert::from_to(labeling::compute(accu, input, wst, nbasins),
+ vertex_values);
+ pw::image<fun::i2v::array<mln_value(I)>,
+ p_vertices<util::graph, fun::i2v::array<mln_site(I)> > >
+ ima_vertex = vertex_values | pv;
+ trace::exiting("vertex_image");
+ return ima_vertex;
+ }
+ template <typename I, typename V, typename E>
+ inline
+ mln_concrete(I)
+ debug_graph_image(const Image<I>& input_,
+ const Image<V>& ima_v_, const Image<E>& ima_e_,
+ unsigned box_size, const mln_value(I)& bg)
+ {
+ trace::entering("debug_graph_image");
+ const I& input = exact(input_);
+ const V& ima_v = exact(ima_v_);
+ const E& ima_e = exact(ima_e_);
+ mln_precondition(input.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(ima_v.is_valid());
+ mln_precondition(ima_e.is_valid());
+ mln_concrete(I) output;
+ initialize(output, input);
+ data::fill(output, bg);
+ debug::draw_graph(output, ima_v.domain(),
+ pw::cst(150u),
+ edge_to_color<E, mln_value(I)>(ima_e));
+ dpoint2d tl(-box_size,-box_size);
+ dpoint2d br(box_size,box_size);
+ mln_piter(V) p(ima_v.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ box<mln_site(I)> b(p + tl, p + br);
+ b.crop_wrt(output.domain());
+ data::fill((output | b).rw(), convert::to<mln_value(I)>(ima_v(p)));
+ }
+ trace::exiting("debug_graph_image");
+ return output;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace mln::make
+ int
+ find_threshold(const histo::array<value::int_u8>& h)
+ {
+ const float sigma = 5; // FIXME: hard-coded!
+ util::array<point1d> c;
+ value::label_8 n;
+ {
+ image1d<unsigned> h_, hs_;
+ image1d<value::label_8> l;
+ convert::from_to(h, h_);
+ hs_ = linear::gaussian_1d(h_, sigma, 0);
+ l = labeling::regional_minima(hs_, c2(), n);
+ {
+// debug::println("l", l);
+// debug::histo(h, "tmp_h.txt");
+// std::ofstream file("tmp_hs.txt");
+// mln_piter_(box1d) p(h_.domain());
+// for_all(p)
+// file << p.ind() << ' ' << hs_(p) << std::endl;
+// file.close();
+ }
+ accu::center<point1d, point1d> a;
+ c = labeling::compute(a, l, n);
+ c[0] = point1d(0); // Force a neutral value for the non-label value (0).
+ // std::cout << "c = " << c << std::endl;
+ }
+ int threshold;
+ {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
+ v.push_back(c[i].ind());
+ std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
+ if (v[i] != 0)
+ {
+ threshold = v[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ std::cout << "threshold = " << threshold << std::endl;
+ }
+ return threshold;
+ }
+ image2d<bool> contours(const image2d<value::int_u8>& f, unsigned&
+ {
+ using value::int_u8;
+ typedef int_u8 V;
+ histo::array<V> h;
+ image2d<int_u8> g;
+ g = morpho::elementary::gradient_internal(f, c4());
+ g = morpho::closing::height(g, c4(), 3); // FIXME: hard-coded!
+ unsigned nbasins;
+ image2d<unsigned> w = morpho::watershed::flooding(g, c4(), nbasins);
+ h = histo::compute(g | (pw::value(w) == pw::cst(0)));
+ threshold = find_threshold(h);
+ return duplicate((pw::value(g) > pw::cst(threshold)) | f.domain());
+ }
+ // Distances.
+ value::int_u8 dist(const value::int_u8& g1, const value::int_u8& g2)
+ {
+ return math::diff_abs(g1, g2);
+ }
+ value::int_u8 dist(const value::rgb8& c1, const value::rgb8& c2)
+ {
+ unsigned d = math::diff_abs(,;
+ unsigned d_;
+ d_ = math::diff_abs(,;
+ if (d_ > d)
+ d = d_;
+ d_ = math::diff_abs(,;
+ if (d_ > d)
+ d = d_;
+ return d;
+ }
+ // Functions.
+ inline
+ bool is_row_odd(const point2d& p)
+ {
+ return p.row() % 2;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool is_square(const point2d& p)
+ {
+ return p.row() % 2 == 0 && p.col() % 2 == 0;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool is_edge(const point2d& p)
+ {
+ return p.row() % 2 + p.col() % 2 == 1;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool is_point(const point2d& p)
+ {
+ return p.row() % 2 && p.col() % 2;
+ }
+ // Neighborhoods.
+ typedef neighb< win::multiple<window2d, bool(*)(const point2d&)> >
+ const dbl_neighb2d& e2c()
+ {
+ static bool e2c_h[] = { 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0 };
+ static bool e2c_v[] = { 0, 0, 0,
+ 1, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 0 };
+ static dbl_neighb2d nbh = make::double_neighb2d(is_row_odd, e2c_h, e2c_v);
+ return nbh;
+ }
+ const dbl_neighb2d& e2e()
+ {
+ static bool e2e_h[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 };
+ static bool e2e_v[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ static dbl_neighb2d nbh = make::double_neighb2d(is_row_odd, e2e_h, e2e_v);
+ return nbh;
+ }
+ // Transforms.
+ template <typename T>
+ image2d<T>
+ image2full(const image2d<T>& input)
+ {
+ image2d<T> output(2 * input.nrows() - 1,
+ 2 * input.ncols() - 1);
+ for (int row = 0; row < input.nrows(); ++row)
+ for (int col = 0; col < input.ncols(); ++col)
+ opt::at(output, 2 * row, 2 * col) = opt::at(input, row, col);
+ return output;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ image2d<T>
+ full2image(const image2d<T>& input)
+ {
+ image2d<T> output((input.nrows() + 1) / 2,
+ (input.ncols() + 1) / 2);
+ for (int row = 0; row < input.nrows(); row += 2)
+ for (int col = 0; col < input.ncols(); col += 2)
+ opt::at(output, row / 2, col / 2) =
+ opt::at(input, row, col);
+ return output;
+ }
+ // Display.
+ template <typename I>
+ I display_edge(const I& ima, mln_value(I) bg, unsigned zoom)
+ {
+ unsigned nrows = ima.nrows() / 2 + 1;
+ unsigned ncols = ima.ncols() / 2 + 1;
+ I output(nrows * (zoom + 1) - 1,
+ ncols * (zoom + 1) - 1);
+ data::fill(output, bg);
+ mln_VAR( edge, ima | is_edge );
+ mln_piter(edge_t) p(edge.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ if (p.row() % 2) // horizontal edge
+ {
+ unsigned row = (p.row() / 2 + 1) * (zoom + 1) - 1;
+ unsigned col = (p.col() / 2) * (zoom + 1);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < zoom; ++i)
+ opt::at(output, row, col + i) = ima(p);
+ }
+ else // vertical edge
+ {
+ unsigned row = (p.row() / 2) * (zoom + 1);
+ unsigned col = (p.col() / 2 + 1) * (zoom + 1) - 1;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < zoom; ++i)
+ opt::at(output, row + i, col) = ima(p);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ // Distance, stored on edges, of a couple of colors.
+ template <typename I, typename N>
+ image2d<value::int_u8>
+ dist_on_edges(const I& input, const N& nbh)
+ {
+ image2d<value::int_u8> output;
+ initialize(output, input);
+ data::fill(output, 0);
+ mln_piter(I) p(input.domain());
+ mln_niter(N) n(nbh, p);
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ n.start();
+ mln_value(I) c1 = input(n);
+ mln_value(I) c2 = input(n);
+ output(p) = dist(c1, c2);
+ }
+ // io::pgm::save(output, "temp_dist.pgm");
+ return output;
+ }
+ value::int_u8 L_to_int_u8(unsigned l)
+ {
+ return l == 0 ?
+ 0 : // wshed line
+ 1 + (l - 1) % 255; // basin
+ }
+ // Quasi-Regional Minima Labeling.
+ template <typename I>
+ struct quasi_regional_minima_functor
+ {
+ typedef mln_psite(I) P;
+ const I& input;
+ unsigned threshold;
+ void init()
+ {
+ data::fill(attr, true);
+ }
+ bool handles(const P&) const { return true; }
+ bool labels(const P& p) const { return attr(p); }
+ bool equiv(const P& n, const P& p) const
+ {
+ if (attr(p) == false)
+ return false;
+ mln_invariant(input(n) <= input(p));
+ if (input(n) > input(p))
+ std::cout << "oups!" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "UNION: n=" << n << " ["
<< input(n)
+ << "] p=" << p << " [" << input(p)
+ << "] equiv=" << (input(p) < input(n) + threshold)
+ << " " << threshold
+ << std::endl;
+// return input(p) == input(n);
+ return input(p) < input(n) + threshold;
+ }
+ void do_no_union(const P& n, const P& p)
+ {
+ if (input(n) > input(p))
+ std::cout << "oups!" << std::endl;
+ if (input(p) < input(n) + threshold)
+ std::cout << "oups!" << std::endl;
+ mln_invariant(input(p) >= input(n) + threshold);
+ (void)n;
+ attr(p) = false;
+ std::cout << "INVALID: n=" << n << " ("
<< input(n)
+ << ") p=" << p << " (" << input(p)
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ void init_attr(const P&)
+ {}
+ void merge_attr(const P& r, const P& p)
+ {
+ attr(p) = attr(p) && attr(r);
+ }
+ mln_ch_value(I, bool) attr;
+ quasi_regional_minima_functor(const I& input, unsigned threshold)
+ : input(input),
+ threshold(threshold)
+ {
+ initialize(attr, input);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename I, typename N, typename L>
+ mln_ch_value(I, L)
+ labeling__quasi_regional_minima(const Image<I>& input_, const
Neighborhood<N>& nbh_,
+ unsigned threshold,
+ L& nlabels)
+ {
+ trace::entering("labeling__quasi_regional_minima");
+ const I& input = exact(input_);
+ const N& nbh = exact(nbh_);
+ mln_precondition(input.is_valid());
+ // FIXME: abort if L is not wide enough to encode the set of
+ // minima.
+ typedef quasi_regional_minima_functor<I> F;
+ F f(exact(input), threshold);
+ mln_ch_value(I, L) output = canvas::labeling_sorted(input, nbh, nlabels,
+ f, false);
+ trace::exiting("labeling__quasi_regional_minima");
+ return output;
+ }
+} // end of namespace mln
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ using namespace mln;
+ using namespace value;
+ // trace::quiet = false;
+ if (argc != 5)
+ {
+ std::cout << argv[0] << " input.pgm lambda echo output.pbm"
<< std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int lambda_grad = std::atoi(argv[2]);
+ int echo = std::atoi(argv[3]);
+ if (echo != 0 && echo != 1)
+ {
+ std::cout << argv[0] << " input.pgm lambda echo output.pbm"
<< std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ image2d<int_u8> input;
+ io::pgm::load(input, argv[1]);
+ image2d<int_u8> input_ = image2full(input); // Larger to make room to edges.
+ image2d<int_u8> grad_;
+ {
+ grad_ = dist_on_edges(extend(input_ | is_edge, pw::value(input_)),
+ e2c());
+ }
+ // io::pgm::save(grad_, "grad_.pgm");
+ mln_VAR(grad, grad_ | is_edge);
+ typedef grad_t E;
+ grad = morpho::closing::volume(grad,
+ e2e(),
+ lambda_grad);
+ // io::pgm::save(grad.unmorph_(), "grad.pgm");
+ typedef label_16 L; // Label type.
+ L nbasins;
+ typedef mln_ch_value_(E, L) EL;
+ EL wst = morpho::watershed::flooding(grad,
+ e2e(),
+ nbasins);
+ std::cout << "n basins = " << nbasins << std::endl;
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::ppm::save(display_edge(debug::colorize(rgb8(),
+ wst,
+ nbasins).unmorph_(),
+ literal::black,
+ 3),
+ "temp_wst_edges.ppm");
+ }
+ image2d<L> w_all = wst.unmorph_();
+ // edges -> squares
+ mln_VAR(w_squares, w_all | is_square);
+ data::paste(morpho::dilation(extend(w_squares, pw::value(w_all)),
+ c4().win()),
+ w_all);
+ // edges -> points
+ mln_VAR(w_points, w_all | is_point);
+ data::paste(morpho::erosion(extend(w_points, pw::value(w_all)),
+ c4().win()),
+ w_all);
+ image2d<L> ws = full2image(w_all);
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::ppm::save(debug::colorize(rgb8(), ws, nbasins),
+ "temp_ws.ppm");
+ }
+ util::couple<util::graph, image2d<L> >
+ rag_data = make::rag_and_labeled_wsl(w_all, c8(), nbasins);
+ if (echo)
+ io::pgm::save(labeling::wrap(int_u8(),
+ rag_data.second()),
+ "temp_lwsl.pgm");
+ unsigned threshold;
+ contours(input, threshold);
+ typedef accu::median_h<int_u8> A;
+ typedef fun::i2v::array<point2d> F;
+ util::array<int_u8> basin_med = labeling::compute(A(), input, ws, nbasins);
+ basin_med[0] = 0;
+ if (echo)
+ io::ppm::save(debug::colorize(rgb8(), w_all, nbasins),
+ "temp_w_all.ppm");
+ // ----------------------------- R A G --------------------------------
+ util::graph& gr = rag_data.first();
+ fun::i2v::array<int_u8> f_med;
+ convert::from_to(basin_med, f_med);
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(w_all, f_med),
+ "temp_w_all.pgm");
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(ws, f_med), "temp_basin_med.pgm");
+ }
+ p_vertices<util::graph, fun::i2v::array<point2d> >
+ pv = make::common_pvertices(ws, nbasins, rag_data.first());
+ mln_VAR( med, f_med | pv );
+ typedef graph_elt_neighborhood<util::graph, F> N;
+ N nbh;
+ threshold = 25; // FIXME
+ L n_objects;
+ mln_VAR( lab, labeling__quasi_regional_minima(med, nbh, threshold, n_objects) );
+ io::pbm::save((pw::value(level::transform(ws,
+ lab.function())) != pw::cst(0))
+ | input.domain(),
+ argv[4]);
+ /*
+ int_u8
+ object = 255,
+ background = 0,
+ unknown = 128;
+ med_t out;
+ initialize(out, med);
+ data::fill(out, unknown);
+ // Initialization.
+ mln_piter_(med_t) p(med.domain());
+ mln_niter_(N) n(nbh, p);
+ for_all(p)
+ for_all(n)
+ {
+ int d = math::diff_abs(med(p), med(n));
+ // if (2 * d > 3 * threshold)
+ if (d > threshold)
+ {
+ if (med(p) < med(n))
+ {
+ out(p) = object;
+ out(n) = background;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out(n) = object;
+ out(p) = background;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(ws, out.function()),
+ "temp_out.pgm");
+ }
+ // Enqueuing.
+ typedef mln_psite_(med_t) P;
+ p_queue<P> q;
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ if (out(p) != unknown)
+ continue;
+ for_all(n)
+ if (out(n) != unknown)
+ {
+ q.insert(p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Propagation.
+ P p_;
+ mln_niter_(N) n_(nbh, p_);
+ while (! q.is_empty())
+ {
+ p_ = q.pop_front();
+ if (out(p_) != unknown)
+ continue; // std::cerr << "oops! (1)" << std::endl;
+ unsigned d = 256, id;
+ for_all(n_)
+ {
+ if (out(n_) == unknown)
+ {
+ q.insert(n_);
+ continue;
+ }
+ unsigned d_ = math::diff_abs(med(p_), med(n_));
+ if (d_ < d)
+ {
+ d = d_;
+ id = out(n_);
+ }
+ }
+ if (d == 256)
+ std::cerr << "oops! (2)" << std::endl;
+ out(p_) = id; // object or background.
+ }
+ if (echo)
+ {
+ io::pgm::save(level::transform(ws, out.function()),
+ "temp_out_2.pgm");
+ }
+ io::pbm::save((pw::value(level::transform(ws,
+ out.function())) == pw::cst(255))
+ | input.domain(),
+ argv[4]);
+ */
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ -*- outline -*-
+* hsc
+Handwriting Segmentation Contest
+* dibco
+Document Image Binarization Contest
+* pscomp
+Page Segmentation Competition