Index: ChangeLog
from Nicolas Ballas <ballas(a)>
Start a new documentation file about the value properties.
* doc/technical/designs/properties: New.
* doc/technical/designs/properties/values.txt: New doc file.
values.txt | 168 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 168 insertions(+)
Index: doc/technical/designs/properties/values.txt
--- doc/technical/designs/properties/values.txt (revision 0)
+++ doc/technical/designs/properties/values.txt (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+-*- outline -*-
+ Values related properties
+ -> Are the properties related to the values sufficiant?
+ -> What are the interface related to each value property?
+ -> How these values properties affect the fill/paste/transform process?
+* Values properties list:
+** value_access: /any/
+ |
+ + -- direct
+ |
+ + -- computed
+** value_storage:/any/
+ |
+ + -- /organized/
+ | |
+ | + -- singleton
+ | |
+ | + -- one_block
+ | |
+ | + -- piecewise
+ |
+ + -- disrupted
+=> Methods related:
+ value_storage == singleton
+ => ima.value() -> return the image value
+ value_storage == one_block
+ => image.nelements() -> return the number of elements in memory
+ => image.buffer() -> return the start adress of the ima buffer
+ value_storage == piece_wise
+** value_browsing:/any/
+ |
+ + -- site_wise_only
+ |
+ + -------- cell_wise
+ | |
+ + -- value_wise |
+ \ |
+ -- + -- cell_and_value_wise
+=> Methods related:
+ value_browsing == value_wise
+ => ima.values_taken() -> return the current values taken by
+ ima
+ => ima.change_value(oldVal, newVal) -> change the value oldVal to newVal
+ => ima.change_values(f) -> apply f (a function v2v) to all the
+ values
+ => ima.sites(v) -> return the sites associated to the
+ value v
+ value_browsing == cell_wise
+ => ima.values_cell() -> return the cells composing the image
+ value_browsing == cell_and_value_wise
+ method of value_wise property value + cell_wise property value
+* fill (depends on the value_storage property)
+*** values_storage == oneblock
+// Replace by Memcopy?
+const unsigned n = ima.nelements();
+mln_value(I)* ptr = ima.buffer();
+for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ *ptr++ = val;
+**** Method related
+-> nelements
+-> buffer
+*** value_storage == piece_wise
+// MemCopy on the runs?
+for (ungsigned i = 0; i < ima.nruns(); ++i)
+**** Method related:
+ nruns ???
+*** value_storage == any && value_browsing == value_wise
+// direct access to the value
+mln_viter(mln_taken_values(I)) viter(I.taken_values();
+ ima.changes_values(viter, v);
+**** Method related:
+ -> iterator on value taken
+ -> change_values
+*** Generic case: all the other case
+mln_piter(I) p(ima.domain());
+ ima(p) = v;
+* To keep in Mind
+-image storage in memory
+=> Computed
+ [...]
+=> All is store
+ 0 1 2 3 4
+ ----------
+0 |eeeeeeeeee|
+1 |errrbbbgge|
+2 |ebbbggrrre|
+3 |errbbbrrbe| // e is the extended border
+4 |eeeeeeeeee|
+ ----------
+=> Run
+ 0 1 2 3 4
+ ----------
+0 | |
+1 | rbrrb |
+2 | |
+3 | bbbbb|
+4 |grgbb |
+ ----------
+=> Values oriented
+r : (5,2), (4, 2), (6, 2)
+g : (5,4), (4, 4), (6, 3)
+b : (2,2), (1, 2), (3, 2)
+-differentiate the localization of an image and its storage method.
+* Image related with 'special' values access
+** Run Images (sparce, value_encoded)
+=> fill: *cpt++ = v sur chaque run
++-> related to memory storage
+** Pkey Images
+=> change_value
+* Note
+- Cell access and Value access wise property depends on the image
+ --> property related:
+ cell-wise and value wise