* text/merging.hh: New.
scribo/ChangeLog | 6 +
scribo/text/merging.hh | 764 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 770 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 scribo/text/merging.hh
diff --git a/scribo/ChangeLog b/scribo/ChangeLog
index 13deec7..94fc34a 100644
--- a/scribo/ChangeLog
+++ b/scribo/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
2010-02-19 Guillaume Lazzara <z(a)lrde.epita.fr>
+ Add a first draft of a text line merging algorithm.
+ * text/merging.hh: New.
+2010-02-19 Guillaume Lazzara <z(a)lrde.epita.fr>
Add and update examples.
* src/Makefile.am,
diff --git a/scribo/text/merging.hh b/scribo/text/merging.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0fcfff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scribo/text/merging.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/dmorph/image_if.hh>
+#include <mln/util/array.hh>
+#include <mln/io/pbm/load.hh>
+#include <mln/io/pgm/save.hh>
+#include <mln/data/fill.hh>
+#include <mln/data/wrap.hh>
+#include <mln/util/timer.hh>
+namespace scribo
+ namespace text
+ {
+ namespace internal
+ {
+ using namespace mln;
+ using value::int_u8;
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ void draw_box(image2d<T>& input, const box2d& b, T2 l)
+ {
+// data::fill((input | b).rw(), l);
+ const unsigned
+ delta = input.delta_index(dpoint2d(1,0)),
+ nrows = b.nrows(),
+ ncols = b.ncols();
+ T* p_start = & input(b.pmin());
+ T* ptr = p_start;
+ for (unsigned r = 0; r < nrows; ++r)
+ {
+ ptr = p_start;
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < ncols; ++c)
+ *ptr++ = l;
+ p_start += delta;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ void draw_box(image2d<T>& input,
+ int pmin_row, int pmin_col,
+ int pmax_row, int pmax_col,
+ T2 l)
+ {
+ if (pmax_row < pmin_row || pmax_col < pmin_col)
+ return;
+ const unsigned
+ input_nrows_1 = input.nrows() - 1,
+ input_ncols_1 = input.ncols() - 1;
+ if (pmin_row < 0) pmin_row = 0;
+ if (pmin_col < 0) pmin_col = 0;
+ if (pmax_row > input_nrows_1) pmax_row = input_nrows_1;
+ if (pmax_col > input_ncols_1) pmax_col = input_ncols_1;
+ const unsigned
+ delta = input.delta_index(dpoint2d(1,0)),
+ nrows = pmax_row - pmin_row + 1,
+ ncols = pmax_col - pmin_col + 1;
+ T* p_start = & input.at_(pmin_row, pmin_col);
+ T* ptr = p_start;
+ for (unsigned r = 0; r < nrows; ++r)
+ {
+ ptr = p_start;
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < ncols; ++c)
+ *ptr++ = l;
+ p_start += delta;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned my_find_root(util::array<unsigned>& parent, unsigned x)
+ {
+ if (parent[x] == x)
+ return x;
+ return parent[x] = my_find_root(parent, parent[x]);
+ }
+ void swap_ordering(unsigned l1, unsigned l2)
+ {
+ if (l2 > l1)
+ return;
+ unsigned l1_ = l1;
+ l1 = l2;
+ l2 = l1_;
+ }
+ box2d union_of(const box2d& b1, const box2d& b2)
+ {
+ box2d b(point2d(std::min(b1.pmin().row(), b2.pmin().row()),
+ std::min(b1.pmin().col(), b2.pmin().col())),
+ point2d(std::max(b1.pmax().row(), b2.pmax().row()),
+ std::max(b1.pmax().col(), b2.pmax().col())));
+ return b;
+ }
+ template <typename L>
+ unsigned do_union(scribo::line_set<L>& lines,
+ unsigned l1,
+ unsigned l2,
+ util::array<unsigned>& parent)
+ {
+ unsigned
+ l1r = my_find_root(parent, l1),
+ l2r = my_find_root(parent, l2);
+ if (l1r == l2r)
+ {
+ std::cout << '.' << std::endl;
+ return l1r;
+ }
+// swap_ordering(l1, l2);
+// parent[l2] = l1; // The smallest label value is root.
+// lines(l1).fast_merge(lines(l2));
+ if (lines(l1).card() < lines(l2).card())
+ std::swap(l1, l2);
+ parent[l2] = l1; // The text line with the most component count is root.
+ lines(l1).fast_merge(lines(l2));
+// looks_like_a_text_line_[l1] = looks_like_a_text_line(lines(l1));
+ // l1's tag is automatically set to line::Needs_Precise_Stats_Update
+ // l2's tag is automatically set to line::Merged
+ // looks_like_txt_line[l1] = looks_like_txt_line[l1] || looks_like_txt_line[l2];
+ // merge of "approximate stats": (n, (n x sum)) => useful for computing
the enlarging delta
+ return l1;
+ }
+ box2d enlarge(const box2d& b, int delta)
+ {
+ box2d b_(point2d(b.pmin().row(), b.pmin().col() - delta),
+ point2d(b.pmax().row(), b.pmax().col() + delta));
+ return b_;
+ }
+ void compute_data(// in
+ unsigned tl, unsigned tr, unsigned bl, unsigned br,
+ // out
+ unsigned& l1, unsigned& l2, unsigned& l3, unsigned& l4,
+ unsigned& count_non_zero,
+ unsigned& count_different_labels)
+ {
+ l1 = l2 = l3 = l4 = 0;
+ count_non_zero = 0;
+ if (tl)
+ {
+ l1 = tl;
+ ++count_non_zero;
+ }
+ if (tr)
+ {
+ if (! l1) l1 = tr;
+ else if (tr != l1) l2 = tr;
+ ++count_non_zero;
+ }
+ if (bl)
+ {
+ if (! l1) l1 = bl;
+ else if (! l2) { if (bl != l1) l2 = bl; }
+ else if (bl != l1 && bl != l2) l3 = bl;
+ ++count_non_zero;
+ }
+ if (br)
+ {
+ if (! l1) l1 = br;
+ else if (! l2) { if (br != l1) l2 = br; }
+ else if (! l3) { if (br != l1 && br != l2) l3 = br; }
+ else if (br != l1 && br != l2 && br != l3) l4 = br;
+ ++count_non_zero;
+ }
+ if (l1 == 0)
+ count_different_labels = 0;
+ else if (l2 == 0)
+ count_different_labels = 1;
+ else if (l3 == 0)
+ count_different_labels = 2;
+ else if (l4 == 0)
+ count_different_labels = 3;
+ else
+ count_different_labels = 4;
+ if (count_different_labels == 0)
+ std::cerr << "bug 0" << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <typename L>
+ bool looks_like_a_text_line(const scribo::line_info<L>& l)
+ {
+ return
+ /*l.card() > 2 // suffisient cardinality
+ && */l.bbox().height() > 20 // and suffisient height
+ && l.bbox().width() > 50 // and suffisient width
+ && l.bbox().width() > 2 * l.bbox().height(); // and horizontal-like.
+ // FIXME:
+ // if (n_comps > 2)
+ // return true;
+ // FIXME: Refine?
+ }
+ template <typename L>
+ int delta_of_line(const scribo::line_info<L>& l)
+ {
+ return l.char_width() /* / 2 */ + l.char_space();
+ }
+ template <typename L>
+ void draw_enlarged_box(image2d<unsigned>& output,
+ const scribo::line_info<L>& l)
+ {
+ if (looks_like_a_text_line(l))
+ draw_box(output, enlarge(l.bbox(), delta_of_line(l)), l.id());
+ else
+ draw_box(output, l.bbox(), l.id());
+ }
+ template <typename L>
+ bool lines_can_merge(const scribo::line_info<L>& l1, const
scribo::line_info<L>& l2)
+ {
+ float hratio = float(l1.bbox().height()) / float(l2.bbox().height());
+ float xhratio = float(l1.x_height()) / float(l2.x_height());
+ if ((hratio < 0.5 || hratio > 2.) && (xhratio < 0.8 || xhratio >
1.25)) // too different heights
+ return false;
+ unsigned
+ col1 = l1.bbox().pcenter().col(),
+ col2 = l2.bbox().pcenter().col();
+ if (col1 < col2)
+ return col1 + l1.bbox().width() / 4 < col2 - l2.bbox().width() / 4;
+ else
+ return col2 + l2.bbox().width() / 4 < col1 - l1.bbox().width() / 4;
+ }
+// struct line_info<L>
+// {
+// bool looks_like_a_text_line; // pre-computed
+// int delta_of_line; // pre-computed before each merging pass
+// // FIXME:
+// //
+// // Important note: after merging two lines, we draw the
+// // merged line over the existing one; we have to ensure that we
+// // cover the previous rectangle (otherwise we have a label in
+// // 'output' that is not used anymore! and it can mix up the
+// // detection of upcoming merges...) so this delta has to remain
+// // the same during one pass. Another solution (yet more costly)
+// // could be of erasing the previous rectangle before re-drawing...
+// };
+ template <typename L>
+ image2d<unsigned>
+ one_merge_pass(unsigned ith_pass,
+ const box2d& domain,
+ std::vector<scribo::line_id_t>& v,
+ scribo::line_set<L>& lines,
+ util::array<unsigned>& parent,
+ util::array<bool>& looks_like_a_text_line_,
+ bool last_pass = false)
+ {
+ image2d<unsigned> canvas(domain);
+ data::fill(canvas, 0);
+ image2d<value::int_u8> log(domain);
+ data::fill(log, 0);
+ unsigned
+ count_new = 0,
+ count_include = 0,
+ count_merge = 0,
+ count_grow = 0,
+ count_bad_3 = 0,
+ count_bad_4 = 0;
+ unsigned
+ count_1_grow_ok = 0,
+ count_1_grow_KO = 0,
+ count_1_merge_ok = 0,
+ count_1_merge_KO = 0,
+ count_1_other = 0,
+ count_2_merge_hyphen_ok = 0,
+ count_2_merge_hyphen_KO = 0,
+ count_2_merge_all_ok = 0,
+ count_2_merge_all_KO = 0,
+ count_2_merge_other = 0;
+ const unsigned n = lines.nelements();
+ unsigned l_;
+ for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ unsigned l = v[i];
+ if (parent[l] != l) // not a root, so has already merged, thus ignore it
+ continue;
+ box2d b = lines(l).bbox();
+ unsigned tl, tr, bl, br;
+ {
+ box2d b_ =
+ looks_like_a_text_line_(lines(l).id()) ?
+ enlarge(b, delta_of_line(lines(l))) :
+ b;
+ tl = canvas(b_.pmin());
+ tr = canvas.at_(b_.pmin().row(), b_.pmax().col());
+ bl = canvas.at_(b_.pmax().row(), b_.pmin().col());
+ br = canvas(b_.pmax());
+ }
+// {
+// tl = canvas(b.pmin());
+// tr = canvas.at_(b.pmin().row(), b.pmax().col());
+// bl = canvas.at_(b.pmax().row(), b.pmin().col());
+// br = canvas(b.pmax());
+// }
+ if (tl == tr && bl == br && tl == bl) // Same behavior for all
+ {
+ if (tl != 0)
+ {
+ // Main case: it is an "included" box (falling in an already drawn box)
+ ++count_include;
+ // Merge lines #tl and #l.
+ l_ = do_union(lines, tl, l, parent);
+ // We have to re-draw the original largest line since
+ // it may change of label (take the one of the included line).
+ draw_enlarged_box(canvas, lines(l_));
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 128);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Main case: it is a "new" box, to be drawn in the background.
+ ++count_new;
+ // Extra test:
+ if (canvas(b.pcenter()) == 0)
+ // confirmation that we are not in this rare pathological case:
+ //
+ // o---o
+ // +----|---|---------+
+ // | | ? | |
+ // +----|---|---------+
+ // o---o
+ {
+ draw_enlarged_box(canvas, lines(l));
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 127);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // FIXME:
+ // We have to tag as pathological the line l.
+ if (last_pass)
+ lines(l).update_tag(scribo::line::Pathological);
+ std::cout << "pathological ''new box''" <<
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Particular cases.
+ unsigned
+ l1, l2, l3, l4,
+ count_non_zero, count_different_labels;
+ compute_data(// in
+ tl, tr, bl, br,
+ // out
+ l1, l2, l3, l4,
+ count_non_zero, count_different_labels);
+ if (count_different_labels == 0)
+ std::cout << "bug 0000" << std::endl;
+ if (count_different_labels == 1 && count_non_zero == 3)
+ {
+ // +----------+
+ // | x--x |
+ // | | | |
+ // | x--0 !! |
+ // +----------+
+ std::cout << "bug 1-3" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // FIXME: Handle the case where count_different_labels ==
+ // 2 && count_non_zero == 3?
+ if (count_different_labels == 4)
+ {
+ ++count_bad_4;
+ // FIXME:
+ // We have to tag as pathological the line l.
+ if (last_pass)
+ lines(l).update_tag(scribo::line::Pathological);
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 254);
+ }
+ if (count_different_labels == 3)
+ {
+ ++count_bad_3;
+ // FIXME:
+ // We have to tag as pathological the line l.
+ if (last_pass)
+ lines(l).update_tag(scribo::line::Pathological);
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 253);
+ }
+ if (count_different_labels == 1) // Usually a "grow" case thanks to
comma, hyphen, etc.
+ {
+ ++count_grow;
+ if (count_non_zero == 0 || count_non_zero == 4)
+ std::cerr << "bug 1-04" << std::endl;
+ // We have to test if we shall merge!
+ bool
+ l_is_line = looks_like_a_text_line_(lines(l).id()),
+ l1_is_line = looks_like_a_text_line_(lines(l1).id());
+ if (! l_is_line && l1_is_line)
+ {
+ // This is the classical "grow" case: a small component
+ // makes a larger one grow.
+ // l should be a comma, hyphen, etc. of the line l1
+ // so we try to make line l1 grow.
+ if (lines(l).bbox().height() < lines(l1).bbox().height()
+ && lines(l).bbox().width() < lines(l1).bbox().width())
+ {
+ // line l height and width are resp. smaller than line l1 height and width.
+ ++count_1_grow_ok;
+ l_ = do_union(lines, l, l1, parent);
+ draw_enlarged_box(canvas, lines(l_));
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 100);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++count_1_grow_KO;
+ // ,-.
+ // | | l etait une fois...
+ // | |
+ // | | bla bla bla.
+ // | |
+ // | | bla bla bla
+ // `-'
+ //
+ // It is usually the case of a dropped initial...
+ //
+ // FIXME: Do we want to set this line as pathological?
+ if (last_pass)
+ lines(l).update_tag(scribo::line::Pathological);
+ draw_box(canvas, b, l);
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 101);
+ }
+ // It seems better to distinguish between the
+ // different cases : if the height of line l is
+ // larger than the width, I can be a comma so I
+ // only merge if my location is at the bottom of
+ // line l1, and so on.
+ }
+ else if (l_is_line && l1_is_line)
+ {
+ // Less common case than the above "grow" one:
+ // two lines merge.
+ if (lines_can_merge(lines(l), lines(l1)))
+ {
+ ++count_1_merge_ok;
+ l_ = do_union(lines, l, l1, parent);
+ draw_enlarged_box(canvas, lines(l_));
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 110);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++count_1_merge_KO;
+ if (last_pass)
+ lines(l).update_tag(scribo::line::Pathological);
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 111);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++count_1_other;
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 120);
+ }
+ }
+ if (count_different_labels == 2)
+ {
+ bool
+ l_is_line = looks_like_a_text_line_(lines(l).id()),
+ l1_is_line = looks_like_a_text_line_(lines(l1).id()),
+ l2_is_line = looks_like_a_text_line_(lines(l2).id());
+ if (! l_is_line && l1_is_line && l2_is_line)
+ {
+ // Typically an hyphen joins two tines (two chunks of the same line).
+ if (lines_can_merge(lines(l1), lines(l2)))
+ {
+ ++count_2_merge_hyphen_ok;
+ do_union(lines, l1, l2, parent);
+ l_ = do_union(lines, l, l2, parent);
+ draw_enlarged_box(canvas, lines(l_));
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 80);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++count_2_merge_hyphen_KO;
+ if (last_pass)
+ lines(l).update_tag(scribo::line::Pathological);
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 81);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (l_is_line && l1_is_line && l2_is_line)
+ {
+ // Typically three chunks of the same line.
+ if (lines_can_merge(lines(l1), lines(l2))
+ && lines_can_merge(lines(l), lines(l1))
+ && lines_can_merge(lines(l), lines(l2)))
+ {
+ ++count_2_merge_all_ok;
+ do_union(lines, l1, l2, parent);
+ l_ = do_union(lines, l, l2, parent);
+ draw_enlarged_box(canvas, lines(l_));
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 90);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++count_2_merge_all_KO;
+ if (last_pass)
+ lines(l).update_tag(scribo::line::Pathological);
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 91);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++count_2_merge_other;
+ if (last_pass)
+ lines(l).update_tag(scribo::line::Pathological);
+ // Log:
+ draw_box(log, b, 255);
+ }
+ // FIXME: Perhaps there is only one merge...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout
+ << "new = " << count_new << std::endl
+ << "inc = " << count_include << std::endl
+ << "mrg = " << count_merge << std::endl
+ << "grw = " << count_grow << std::endl
+ << "bd3 = " << count_bad_3 << std::endl
+ << "bd4 = " << count_bad_4 << std::endl;
+ std::cout
+ << std::endl
+ << "#1 grow ok = " << count_1_grow_ok << std::endl
+ << "#1 grow KO = " << count_1_grow_KO << std::endl
+ << "#1 merge ok = " << count_1_merge_ok << std::endl
+ << "#1 merge KO = " << count_1_merge_KO << std::endl
+ << "#1 other = " << count_1_other << std::endl;
+ std::cout
+ << std::endl
+ << "#2 merge hyphen ok = " << count_2_merge_hyphen_ok <<
+ << "#2 merge hyphen KO = " << count_2_merge_hyphen_KO <<
+ << "#2 merge all ok = " << count_2_merge_all_ok <<
+ << "#2 merge all KO = " << count_2_merge_all_KO <<
+ << "#2 merge other = " << count_2_merge_other <<
+ if (ith_pass == 1)
+ mln::io::pgm::save(log, "log_1.pgm");
+ else if (ith_pass == 2)
+ mln::io::pgm::save(log, "log_2.pgm");
+ else if (ith_pass == 3)
+ mln::io::pgm::save(log, "log_3.pgm");
+ return canvas;
+ }
+ template <typename L>
+ struct order_lines_id
+ {
+ order_lines_id(const scribo::line_set<L>& lines)
+ : lines_(lines)
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator()(const scribo::line_id_t& l1, const scribo::line_id_t& l2) const
+ {
+ if (lines_(l1).bbox().nsites() == lines_(l2).bbox().nsites())
+ return l1 < l2;
+ return lines_(l1).bbox().nsites() < lines_(l2).bbox().nsites();
+ }
+ scribo::line_set<L> lines_;
+ };
+ template <typename L>
+ scribo::line_set<L>
+ draw_boxes(const box2d& input_domain,
+ const scribo::line_set<L>& lines_)
+ {
+ scribo::line_set<L> lines = lines_.duplicate();
+ const unsigned n = lines.nelements();
+ order_lines_id<L> func(lines);
+ std::vector<scribo::line_id_t> v;
+ v.reserve(n);
+ // Union-find parent data, used to merge lines.
+ util::array<unsigned> parent(n + 1);
+ // Initialize data
+ parent(0) = 0;
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < parent.nelements(); ++l)
+ {
+ v.push_back(l);
+ parent[l] = l;
+ }
+ // Sort lines by bbox.nelements() and ids.
+ std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), func);
+ image2d<unsigned> canvas;
+ util::timer t;
+ // Caching whether a line looks like a text line.
+ util::array<bool>
+ looks_like_a_text_line_(unsigned(lines.nelements()) + 1);
+ for_all_lines(l, lines)
+ looks_like_a_text_line_[l] = looks_like_a_text_line(lines(l));
+ // First pass
+ t.start();
+ one_merge_pass(1, input_domain, v, lines,
+ parent, looks_like_a_text_line_);
+ float ts = t.stop();
+ std::cout << "time " << ts << std::endl;
+ // Second pass
+ t.start();
+ canvas = one_merge_pass(2, input_domain, v, lines,
+ parent, looks_like_a_text_line_,
+ true); // <- last pass
+ ts = t.stop();
+ std::cout << "time " << ts << std::endl;
+ using value::int_u8;
+ //io::pgm::save(data::wrap(int_u8(), canvas), "merge_result.pgm");
+ mln::io::ppm::save(labeling::colorize(value::rgb8(), canvas),
+ "merge_result.ppm");
+ return lines;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace scribo::text::internal
+ // Facade
+ template <typename L>
+ line_set<L>
+ merging(const box2d& input_domain,
+ const scribo::line_set<L>& lines)
+ {
+ using namespace mln;
+ util::timer t;
+ t.start();
+ scribo::line_set<L> output = internal::draw_boxes(input_domain, lines);
+ float ts = t.stop();
+ std::cout << ts << std::endl;
+ return output;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace scribo::text
+} // end of namespace scribo