* mln/registration/icp2.hh: add a better debug. Revamp and remove
useless overloads.
milena/ChangeLog | 7 +
milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh | 269 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
2 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
diff --git a/milena/ChangeLog b/milena/ChangeLog
index 9d32600..3d3cca5 100644
--- a/milena/ChangeLog
+++ b/milena/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2009-02-09 Guillaume Lazzara <z(a)lrde.epita.fr>
+ Update ICP.
+ * mln/registration/icp2.hh: add a better debug. Revamp and remove
+ useless overloads.
2009-02-09 Thierry Geraud <thierry.geraud(a)lrde.epita.fr>
Optimize the video labeling canvas.
diff --git a/milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh b/milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh
index 1c83c25..1a6f331 100644
--- a/milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh
+++ b/milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
/// \file mln/registration/icp.hh
/// Register an image over an another using the ICP algorithm.
+/// \todo encode distances on 12 bits.
# include <cmath>
# include <algorithm>
@@ -61,7 +63,6 @@
# include <mln/literal/colors.hh>
# include <mln/core/image/slice_image.hh>
-# include <mln/util/timer.hh>
#include <mln/core/image/tr_image.hh>
#include <mln/core/image/extension_fun.hh>
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@
#include <mln/accu/sum.hh>
#include <mln/debug/histo.hh>
+# include <mln/util/timer.hh>
namespace mln
@@ -77,7 +79,8 @@ namespace mln
namespace registration
+ // std::string method = "compute_on_subsets";
+ std::string method = "compute_on_subset_and_p";
using namespace fun::x2x;
/*! Register point in \p c using a function of closest points
@@ -127,15 +130,15 @@ namespace mln
typedef mln_image_from_grid(mln_grid(P), P) I;
typedef mln_ch_value(I, P) cp_ima_t;
- typedef mln_ch_value(I,value::int_u8) dmap_t;
+ typedef mln_ch_value(I,value::int_u16) dmap_t;
closest_point_with_map(const p_array<P>& X)
box3d box = geom::bbox(X);
- box.enlarge(1, box.nrows() / 2);
- box.enlarge(2, box.ncols() / 2);
+ box.enlarge(1, box.nrows());
+ box.enlarge(2, box.ncols());
std::cout << "Map image defined on " << box << std::endl;
typedef mln_ch_value(I, bool) model_t;
@@ -147,13 +150,13 @@ namespace mln
util::timer t;
dmap_X_ = canvas::distance_geodesic(model, c6(),
- mln_max(value::int_u8),
+ mln_max(value::int_u16),
std::cout << "canvas::distance_geodesic - " << t <<
"s" << std::endl;
cp_ima_ = f.cp_ima;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
+//#ifndef NDEBUG
mln_ch_value(I, bool) debug2(box);
data::fill(debug2, false);
mln_ch_value(I, value::rgb8) debug(box);
@@ -175,7 +178,7 @@ namespace mln
io::pbm::save(slice(debug2,0), "debug2-b.ppm");
io::ppm::save(slice(debug,0), "debug.ppm");
std::cout << "map saved" << std::endl;
mln_site(I) operator()(const mln_site(I)& p) const
@@ -278,19 +281,58 @@ namespace mln
template <typename P, typename F>
- p_array<P>
- remove_too_far_sites(image3d<value::rgb8>& out, const p_array<P>&
+ void
+ remove_too_far_sites_debug(image3d<value::rgb8>& out, const
p_array<P>& P_,
const F& closest_point,
const std::pair<algebra::quat,mln_vec(P)>& pair,
- const p_array<P>& X, p_array<P>& removed_set,
- unsigned r)
+ const p_array<P>& X,
+ unsigned r, int d_min, int d_max, unsigned prefix)
+ {
+ unsigned removed = 0;
+ accu::histo<value::int_u8> h;
+ mln_piter(p_array<P>) p(P_);
+ data::fill(out, literal::black);
+ data::fill((out | X).rw(), literal::white);
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ vec3d_f Pk_i = pair.first.rotate(p.to_vec()) + pair.second;
+ vec3d_f Yk_i = closest_point(Pk_i).to_vec();
+ int d_i = closest_point.dmap_X_(Pk_i);
+ if (d_i >= d_min && d_i <= d_max)
+ out(Pk_i) = literal::green;
+ else
+ {
+ ++removed;
+ out(Pk_i) = literal::red;
+ }
+ }
+ std::ostringstream ss1;
+ ss1 << "histo_" << prefix << r <<
+// debug::histo_plot(h, ss1.str());
+ std::cout << h << std::endl;
+ std::ostringstream ss2;
+ ss2 << "out_" << prefix << r <<
+ io::ppm::save(mln::slice(out,0), ss2.str());
+ std::cout << "Points removed with the whole set and current d_min/d_max:
" << removed << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <typename P, typename F>
+ void
+ compute_distance_criteria(const p_array<P>& P_,
+ const F& closest_point,
+ const std::pair<algebra::quat,mln_vec(P)>& pair,
+ unsigned r, int& d_min, int& d_max)
mln_piter(p_array<P>) p(P_);
accu::histo<value::int_u8> h;
-// float sd = compute_standard_deviation(P_, pair, closest_point);
float sd;
- int d_min, d_max;
accu::sum<float> s, s2;
@@ -306,17 +348,31 @@ namespace mln
d_min = int(mean - sd);
d_max = int(mean + sd);
std::cout << "Standard deviation = " << sd <<
+ std::ostringstream ss1;
+ ss1 << "histo_" << r << ".dat";
+ debug::histo_plot(h, ss1.str());
+ std::cout << h << std::endl;
std::cout << "d thresholds = " << d_min << ' '
<< d_max << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <typename P, typename F>
+ p_array<P>
+ remove_too_far_sites(image3d<value::rgb8>& out, const p_array<P>&
+ const F& closest_point,
+ const std::pair<algebra::quat,mln_vec(P)>& pair,
+ const p_array<P>& X, p_array<P>& removed_set,
+ unsigned r, int d_min, int d_max,
+ const std::string& method)
+ {
p_array<P> tmp;
unsigned removed = 0;
- data::fill(out, literal::white);
- data::fill((out | X).rw(), literal::black);
+ data::fill(out, literal::black);
+ data::fill((out | X).rw(), literal::white);
+ mln_piter(p_array<P>) p(P_);
vec3d_f Pk_i = pair.first.rotate(p.to_vec()) + pair.second;
@@ -336,13 +392,8 @@ namespace mln
- std::ostringstream ss1;
- ss1 << "histo_" << r << ".dat";
- debug::histo_plot(h, ss1.str());
- std::cout << h << std::endl;
std::ostringstream ss2;
- ss2 << "out_0" << r << ".ppm";
+ ss2 << method << "_" << r <<
"_removed_sites" << ".ppm";
io::ppm::save(mln::slice(out,0), ss2.str());
std::cout << "Points removed: " << removed <<
@@ -350,6 +401,37 @@ namespace mln
return tmp;
+ template <typename P>
+ void
+ display_sites_used_in_icp(image3d<value::rgb8>& out, const
p_array<P>& P_sub,
+ const p_array<P>& P_, const p_array<P>& X,
+ unsigned r, const std::string& prefix,
+ const std::pair<algebra::quat,mln_vec(P)>& pair,
+ const std::string& period, const value::rgb8& c)
+ {
+ data::fill(out, literal::black);
+ data::fill((out | X).rw(), literal::white);
+ mln_piter(p_array<P>) p1(P_);
+ for_all(p1)
+ {
+ vec3d_f Pk_i = pair.first.rotate(p1.to_vec()) + pair.second;
+ out(Pk_i) = literal::red;
+ }
+ mln_piter(p_array<P>) p2(P_sub);
+ for_all(p2)
+ {
+ vec3d_f Pk_i = pair.first.rotate(p2.to_vec()) + pair.second;
+ out(Pk_i) = c;
+ }
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ ss << prefix << "_" << r << "_"
<< period << ".ppm";
+ io::ppm::save(slice(out,0), ss.str());
+ }
template <typename P, typename F>
@@ -591,85 +673,18 @@ namespace mln
return result;
- /// Shuffle the sites in P_.
- /// Use one third of P_'s sites for each run.
- /// For each run, it removes sites which are too close or too far.
- template <typename P, typename F>
- inline
- composed< translation<P::dim,float>,rotation<P::dim,float> >
- icp_clean(const p_array<P>& P_,
- const p_array<P>& X,
- const F& closest_point)
- {
- util::timer t;
- t.start();
- // P_bak is shuffled.
- p_array<P> P_bak = P_;
- std::vector<mln_element(p_array<P>)>& v =
- std::random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end());
- // P_sub = 1/3 * P_bak;
- p_array<P> P_sub = P_bak;
- P_sub.hook_std_vector_().resize(P_bak.nsites() / 3);
- unsigned r = 0;
- std::pair<algebra::quat,mln_vec(P)> pair;
- pair.first = algebra::quat(1,0,0,0);
- pair.second = literal::zero;
- box3d box = geom::bbox(X);
- box.enlarge(40);
- image3d<value::rgb8> out(box);
- p_array<P> removed_set;
- do
- {
- /// Compute transformation.
- pair = icp(P_sub, X, closest_point,
- pair.first,
- pair.second);
- pair = icp(P_sub, X, closest_point,
- pair.first,
- pair.second);
- P_sub = remove_too_far_sites(out, P_sub,
- closest_point, pair, X, removed_set, r);
- ++r;
- //Add more data
- if (r < 3)
- for (unsigned i = (P_bak.nsites() / 3) * r;
- i < (P_bak.nsites() / 3) * (r + 1); ++i)
- {
- P_sub.append(P_bak[i]);
- }
- } while (r < 4);
- std::cout << "icp = " << t << std::endl;
- typedef rotation<3u,float> rot_t;
- rot_t tqR(pair.first);
- typedef translation<3u,float> trans_t;
- trans_t tqT(pair.second);
- composed<trans_t,rot_t> result(tqT, tqR);
- return result;
- }
/// Shuffle sites in P_.
/// Do the first run with all sites.
/// For each run, remove sites which are too far or too close.
- template <typename P, typename F>
+ template <typename P>
composed< translation<P::dim,float>,rotation<P::dim,float> >
- icp_clean2(const p_array<P>& P_,
- const p_array<P>& X,
- const F& closest_point)
+ registration(const p_array<P>& P_,
+ const p_array<P>& X)
+ registration::closest_point_with_map<P> closest_point(X);
+// registration::closest_point_basic<point3d> closest_point(X);
util::timer t;
@@ -681,21 +696,38 @@ namespace mln
pair.first = algebra::quat(1,0,0,0);
pair.second = literal::zero;
box3d box = geom::bbox(X);
- box.enlarge(40);
+ box.enlarge(1, 60);
+ box.enlarge(2, 60);
image3d<value::rgb8> out(box);
p_array<P> removed_set;
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "==== New run - "
<< r << std::endl;
pair = icp(P_bak, X, closest_point,
+ display_sites_used_in_icp(out, P_bak, P_, X, r, method, pair, "final",
+ int d_min, d_max;
+ compute_distance_criteria(P_bak, closest_point, pair, r, d_min, d_max);
P_bak = remove_too_far_sites(out, P_bak,
- closest_point, pair, X, removed_set, r);
+ closest_point, pair, X, removed_set,
+ r, d_min, d_max, method);
+// P_bak = remove_too_far_sites(out, P_,
+// closest_point, pair, X, removed_set,
+// r, d_min, d_max, method);
+ display_sites_used_in_icp(out, P_bak, P_, X, r, method, pair, "schanges",
- } while (r < 4);
+ std::cout << "==== End of run" << std::endl;
+ } while (r < 10);
std::cout << "icp = " << t << std::endl;
draw_last_run(box, P_bak, removed_set, X, pair.first, pair.second);
@@ -710,45 +742,6 @@ namespace mln
- /// Run icp once with 1/10 of the sites and run it once again with the
- /// resulting tranformation and all the sites.
- template <typename P, typename F>
- inline
- composed< translation<P::dim,float>,rotation<P::dim,float> >
- icp_fast(const p_array<P>& P_,
- const p_array<P>& X,
- const F& closest_point)
- {
- typedef std::pair<algebra::quat,mln_vec(P)> pair_t;
- p_array<P> P_sub = P_;
- std::vector<mln_element(p_array<P>)>& v =
- std::random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end());
- v.resize(P_.nsites() / 10);
- util::timer t;
- t.start();
- pair_t tmp = icp(P_sub, X, closest_point,
- algebra::quat(1,0,0,0), literal::zero);
- std::cout << "icp_1 - " << t << "s" <<
- t.restart();
- pair_t tmp2 = icp(P_, X, closest_point,
- tmp.first, tmp.second);
- std::cout << "icp_2 - " << t << "s" <<
- typedef rotation<3u,float> rot_t;
- rot_t tqR(tmp2.first);
- typedef translation<3u,float> trans_t;
- trans_t tqT(tmp2.second);
- composed<rot_t,trans_t> result(tqR, tqT);
- return result;
- }
# endif // ! MLN_INCLUDE_ONLY
} // end of namespace mln::registration