Index: ChangeLog
from Nicolas Ballas <ballas(a)>
Continue documentation.
* doc/tutorial/design/include/properties.tex: Add properties.
* doc/tutorial/design/include/imagetours.tex: Fix typos.
* doc/tutorial/design/design.tex: Update.
design.tex | 14 ++++++++
include/imagetours.tex | 6 +--
include/properties.tex | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
3 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
Index: doc/tutorial/design/include/properties.tex
--- doc/tutorial/design/include/properties.tex (revision 2537)
+++ doc/tutorial/design/include/properties.tex (working copy)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
A property has several values.
@@ -107,13 +108,12 @@
between its sites.
An image on a non-localized space has this property set to $none$.
An image on a localized space has this property set to $space$.
-An image based on a isotropic grid has this property set to $isotropic\_gride$
+An image based on a isotropic grid has this property set to $isotropic\_grid$
An image based on a anisotropic grid has this property set to
An image based on a aligned and orthogonal grid has its property set to
-%% FIXME: Is it true?
If an image has its \verb+localization+ set to $space$, the user must define
the neighborhood relationships between the sites.
Otherwise, the image underlying grid defines the neighborhood relationships.
@@ -139,8 +139,6 @@
+--- two_d
+--- three_d
This property specifies the dimension of the image.
@@ -159,7 +157,7 @@
\index{Property: value\_access}
-value\_access: any
+value_access: any
+--- direct
@@ -170,19 +168,19 @@
Image values can either be computed on the fly by a function or stored in
-memory. If an image type has a direct acces on the values in memory, it is
+memory. If an image type has a direct access on the values in memory, it is
possible to take a reference of them. In this case, this property is set to
$direct$. In the other case, this property is set $indirect$. When an image
computes its values on the fly, this property is refined to $computed$.
-\index{Property: vw\_storage}
+\index{Property: value\_storage}
-vw_storage: any
+value_storage: any
- +--- /ram/
+ +--- /memory/
| |
| +--- singleton
| |
@@ -192,6 +190,37 @@
+--- irrelevant
+This property indicates how the values are stored in memory, when it is the
+case. If the values aren't stored in the $memory$, this property is set to
+$irrelevant$. If this property is set to $singleton$, only one value is store
+in memory for the whole image (this the case of the \verb+flat_image+ type).
+If this value is set to $one\_block$, all the image values are stored in a
+linear buffer in memory. And, an image is $piecewise$, when it's value are
+stored in several buffers in memory.
+\index{Property: value\_alignment}
+value_alignment: any
+ |
+ +--- with_grid
+ |
+ +--- not_aligned
+ |
+ +--- irrelevant
+This property indicates if the image values are ordered the same way in memory
+than when we run over them through a \verb+fwd_piter+.
+When this is the case, the image values are aligned with the image underlying
+grid, this property is set to $with\_grid$.
+If the values are not ordered the same way in memory than the \verb+fwd_piter+
+order, this property is set to $not\_aligned$.
+If the image values are not stored in memory, this property is set to
% access %
@@ -255,23 +284,38 @@
%% FIXME functions that modify globaly all the values...
vw_io: any
- +--- /vm_some/
+ +--- /some/
| |
| +--- vw_read
| |
| +--- vw_read_write
- +--- vw_none
+ | |
+ | +--- vw_global_read_write
+ +--- none
+This property defines the value wise access of an image.
+If \verb+vw_io+ is set to $vw\_none$, the associated image type does not
+ provide any value wise access.
+If an image type provides a readable (or writable)
+value access, this property is set to $vw\_read$ (or $vw\_read\_write$).
+If the image provide a value wise access that allows the user to change
+globally all the image values through a function $value$ to $value$,
+this property is set to $vw\_global\_read\_write$.
+%% FIXME define the interface associated
+The method provided for this value access depend on the \verb+vm_set+ property.
\index{Property: vw\_set}
- vw_io: any
+ vw_set: any
+--- /some/
| |
@@ -282,6 +326,15 @@
+This property precises what kind of value access is provided by an image type.
+If an image type does not provide any value access (\verb+vw_io+ set to $none$)
+, \verb+vw_set+ is set to $none$.
+Otherwise, \verb+vw_set+ is set to $uni$ if the image provides an
+access to the mathematical set of values taken by the image (through the method
+If \verb+vw_set+ is set to $multi$, the image provides an access to the values
+taken in memory (cells) (through the method \verb+cells+). Note that a value
+can be present twice in the cells set.
Index: doc/tutorial/design/include/imagetours.tex
--- doc/tutorial/design/include/imagetours.tex (revision 2537)
+++ doc/tutorial/design/include/imagetours.tex (working copy)
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
compose the definition domain of the image.
A value is associated to each site of the image. This is the destination domain
of the image.
-To access to a value of an image nammed $ima$ localized at the point p, we
-just use the mathematic notation: \verb+ima(p)+.
+To access to a value of an image named $ima$ localized at the point p, we
+just use the mathematics notation: \verb+ima(p)+.
Obviously, every image types of Milena provide an access $site$ to $value$,
through \verb+ima(p)+. Yet, depending on the image type, the values can be
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
%% Explain the different template parameters T/S/F...
All the image types are parametrized by different static parameters.
-In this document, we will used the following namming convention for the
+In this document, we will used the following naming convention for the
image types parameters:
\item{\verb+T+:} represents an image value type.
Index: doc/tutorial/design/design.tex
--- doc/tutorial/design/design.tex (revision 2537)
+++ doc/tutorial/design/design.tex (working copy)
@@ -35,6 +35,20 @@
+ {\lstset{tabsize=2,
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+ breaklines=true,
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ framexleftmargin=13mm,
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+ }