* lazzara/igr.cc: update code. Add more debug and use a new variant of
milena/sandbox/ChangeLog | 7 ++++
milena/sandbox/lazzara/igr.cc | 67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/milena/sandbox/ChangeLog b/milena/sandbox/ChangeLog
index 7c9b399..dc34f80 100644
--- a/milena/sandbox/ChangeLog
+++ b/milena/sandbox/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2009-02-05 Guillaume Lazzara <z(a)lrde.epita.fr>
+ Update IGR's code.
+ * lazzara/igr.cc: update code. Add more debug and use a new variant of
+ ICP.
2009-02-05 Fabien Freling <freling(a)lrde.epita.fr>
Enable the fastest version of labeling.
diff --git a/milena/sandbox/lazzara/igr.cc b/milena/sandbox/lazzara/igr.cc
index 1a0d498..05d8471 100644
--- a/milena/sandbox/lazzara/igr.cc
+++ b/milena/sandbox/lazzara/igr.cc
@@ -11,8 +11,11 @@
#include <mln/essential/3d.hh>
#include <mln/core/image/slice_image.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/tr_image.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/interpolated.hh>
#include <mln/io/cloud/load.hh>
+#include <mln/util/timer.hh>
struct threshold : mln::Function_p2b<threshold>
@@ -219,11 +222,11 @@ keep_largest_component(const mln::Image<I>& ima)
using namespace mln;
image2d<bool> in_bw_cleaned = fill_holes(ima);
- io::pbm::save(in_bw_cleaned, "0x_in_bw_cleaned.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(in_bw_cleaned, "in_bw_cleaned.pbm");
image2d<bool> in_bw_cleaned_full = fill_holes(in_bw_cleaned);
- io::pbm::save(in_bw_cleaned_full, "0x_in_bw_cleaned_full.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(in_bw_cleaned_full, "in_bw_cleaned_full.pbm");
return in_bw_cleaned_full;
@@ -244,16 +247,50 @@ get_main_object_shape(const mln::Image<I>& in)
// J ima = keep_largest_component(in_bw);
J ima = keep_largest_component(in);
// io::pbm::save(in_bw, "02_ima.pbm");
- io::pbm::save(in, "02_ima.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(in, "ima.pbm");
std::cout << "Compute gradient" << std::endl;
J ima_grad = morpho::gradient(ima, win_c4p());
- io::pbm::save(ima_grad, "03_ima_grad.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(ima_grad, "ima_grad.pbm");
return ima_grad;
+namespace mln
+ namespace debug
+ {
+ template <typename I, typename T>
+ void
+ compare_registration(Image<I>& P_, Image<I>& X_, const T&
+ {
+ I& P = exact(P_);
+ I& X = exact(X_);
+ mln_pset(I) box = geom::bbox(X);
+ box.enlarge(40);
+ typedef mln_ch_value(I,value::rgb8) result_t;
+ result_t result(box);
+ extension_fun<result_t,pw::cst_<mln_value(result_t)> >
ext_result(result, pw::cst(value::rgb8(0,0,0)));
+ extension_fun<I,pw::cst_<mln_value(I)> > ext_X(X, pw::cst(false));
+ data::fill(ext_result, literal::black);
+ data::fill((ext_result | (pw::value(ext_X) == true)).rw(), literal::white);
+ mln_VAR(ig, (P | pw::value(P) == true));
+ mln_piter(ig_t) p(ig.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ ext_result(transf(p.to_vec())) = literal::green;
+ io::ppm::save(slice(ext_result,0), "registered-1.ppm");
+ }
+ }
int main(int, char* argv[])
using namespace mln;
@@ -288,21 +325,19 @@ int main(int, char* argv[])
K in_3d = convert::to<K>(in_3d_);
K ref_3d = convert::to<K>(ref_3d_);
- registration::basic_closest_point<point3d> closest_point(ref_3d_);
+ registration::closest_point_with_map<point3d> closest_point(ref_3d_);
+// registration::closest_point_basic<point3d> closest_point(ref_3d_);
+ util::timer t;
+ t.start();
typedef rotation<3u,float> rot_t;
typedef translation<3u,float> trans_t;
- composed<rot_t,trans_t> qk = registration::icp(in_3d_, ref_3d_, closest_point);
+ composed<trans_t,rot_t> qk = registration::icp_clean2(in_3d_, ref_3d_,
- std::cout << "* Build result image" << std::endl;
- box3d box = geom::bbox(ref_3d);
- box.enlarge(40);
- K res(box);
- data::fill(res, false);
+ std::cout << "igr.cc - Registration - " << t << std::endl;
- mln_VAR(ig, (in_3d | pw::value(in_3d) == true));
- mln_piter_(ig_t) p(ig.domain());
- for_all(p)
- res(qk(p.to_vec())) = true;
+ std::cout << "* Build result image" << std::endl;
+ debug::compare_registration(in_3d, ref_3d, qk);
- io::pbm::save(slice(res,0), "04_registered.pbm");