Index: ChangeLog
from Thierry Geraud <thierry.geraud(a)>
Update Laurent's ISMM code.
* laurent/ Update.
* laurent/ New.
* laurent/ismm2009.hh (is_not_point): New.
(find_root): Remove. | 687 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
ismm2009.hh | 33 -- | 745 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 1403 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
Index: laurent/
--- laurent/ (revision 3162)
+++ laurent/ (working copy)
@@ -2,16 +2,216 @@
#include <mln/value/int_u8.hh>
#include <mln/value/label_8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/label_16.hh>
#include <mln/io/pgm/load.hh>
#include <mln/util/ord_pair.hh>
#include <mln/debug/println.hh>
#include <mln/core/routine/duplicate.hh>
+# include <mln/core/site_set/p_set.hh>
+# include <mln/core/site_set/p_queue.hh>
+# include <mln/core/site_set/p_priority.hh>
#include <mln/labeling/compute.hh>
#include <mln/accu/count.hh>
+ TO-DO list:
+ -----------
+ - having a heap for every lr (support merge)
+ - handling adjacency on the fly (instead of having an image)
+ */
+namespace mln
+ // Region label parenthood routines.
+ template <typename L>
+ inline
+ void make_sets(std::vector<L>& lpar, L l_max)
+ {
+ for (L l = 1; l <= l_max; ++l)
+ lpar[l] = l; // Make-set.
+ }
+ template <typename L>
+ inline
+ L find_root_l(std::vector<L>& lpar, L l)
+ {
+ if (lpar[l] == l)
+ return l;
+ else
+ return lpar[l] = find_root_l(lpar, lpar[l]);
+ }
+ // Edge tree.
+ template <typename I>
+ inline
+ mln_psite(I)
+ find_root_e(I& z_epar, mln_psite(I) e)
+ {
+ if (z_epar(e) == e)
+ return e;
+ else
+ return z_epar(e) = find_root_e(z_epar, z_epar(e));
+ }
+ // Get smallest edge.
+ template <typename Qs, typename L, typename W>
+ mln_deduce(Qs, element, element)
+ get_smallest_edge(Qs& qs, L l, const W& wst, std::vector<L>& lpar,
bool& found)
+ {
+ typedef mln_element(Qs) Q; // qs is an array of queues with type Q.
+ {
+ // Test that, when a region has merged, its edge queue has been
+ // emptied.
+ L l_ = l;
+ while (lpar[l_] != l_)
+ {
+ mln_invariant(qs[l_].is_empty());
+ l_ = lpar[l_];
+ }
+ }
+ L lr = find_root_l(lpar, l);
+ Q& q = qs[lr];
+ typedef mln_element(Q) E;
+ while (! q.is_empty())
+ {
+ const E& e = q.front();
+ L l1 = wst(p1_from_e(e)),
+ l2 = wst(p2_from_e(e));
+ mln_invariant(l1 != l2);
+ L l1r = find_root_l(lpar, l1),
+ l2r = find_root_l(lpar, l2);
+ mln_invariant(l1r == lr || l2r == lr);
+ if (l1r == l2r)
+ // 'e' is an internal edge => forget it.
+ {
+ q.pop();
+ continue;
+ }
+ found = true;
+ return e;
+ }
+ found = false;
+ return E(0,0); // FIXME: null edge.
+ }
+ // Compute an LCA; reference(?) code.
+ template <typename L, typename E, typename Epar>
+ std::vector< std::vector<E> >
+ compute_lca(const L& l_max,
+ const std::vector<E>& edge,
+ const Epar& epar)
+ {
+ mln_ch_value(Epar, std::vector<L>) chl_; // Children (known as array).
+ {
+ initialize(chl_, epar);
+ E e;
+ for (L l = 1; l <= l_max; ++l)
+ {
+ e = edge[l];
+ do
+ {
+ chl_(e).push_back(l);
+ e = epar(e);
+ }
+ while (e != epar(e));
+ chl_(e).push_back(l);
+ }
+ // e is the root edge.
+ mln_invariant(chl_(e).size() == l_max); // All labels are children.
+ }
+ /*
+ // Display children tree.
+ {
+ std::cout << "chl_ tree: " << std::endl;
+ for (L l = 1; l <= l_max; ++l)
+ {
+ E e_ = edge[l];
+ std::cout << "l = " << l << " => ";
+ do
+ {
+ std::cout << e_ << " : ";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < chl_(e_).size(); ++i)
+ std::cout << chl_(e_)[i] << ' ';
+ std::cout << " -> ";
+ e_ = epar(e_);
+ }
+ while (epar(e_) != e_);
+ std::cout << e_ << " : ";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < chl_(e_).size(); ++i)
+ std::cout << chl_(e_)[i] << ' ';
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ mln_ch_value(Epar, std::set<L>) chl; // Children (as a set).
+ {
+ initialize(chl, epar);
+ mln_piter(Epar) e(chl.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ if (chl_(e).size() != 0)
+ chl(e).insert(chl_(e).begin(), chl_(e).end());
+ }
+ unsigned size =;
+ std::vector< std::vector<E> > lca(size);
+ for (L l = 1; l <= l_max; ++l)
+ {
+ lca[l].resize(size);
+ // Diagonal.
+ lca[l][l] = edge[l]; // Itself.
+ // Superior right.
+ for (L l2 =; l2 <= l_max; ++l2)
+ {
+ E e = edge[l];
+ while (chl(e).find(l2) == chl(e).end())
+ e = epar(e);
+ lca[l][l2] = e;
+ }
+ }
+ return lca;
+ }
+} // mln
void usage(char* argv[])
@@ -22,11 +222,12 @@
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace mln;
using value::int_u8;
- using value::label_8;
+ using value::label_16;
if (argc != 2)
@@ -34,27 +235,37 @@
image2d<int_u8> raw_f;
io::pgm::load(raw_f, argv[1]);
- image2d<int_u8> f_ = add_edges(raw_f);
+ typedef image2d<int_u8> Complex;
+ typedef mln_pset_(Complex) full_D;
+ Complex f_ = add_edges(raw_f);
mln_VAR(f, f_ | is_pixel);
// debug::println("f:", f);
mln_VAR(g, f_ | is_edge);
- typedef label_8 L; // Type of labels.
+ typedef mln_value_(g_t) T; // Type of edge values.
+ typedef mln_psite_(g_t) E; // Type of edges.
+ typedef label_16 L; // Type of labels.
L n_basins;
mln_VAR( wst_g,
f_to_wst_g(f, g, e2p(), e2e(), n_basins) );
- // debug::println("g:", g);
+ std::cout << "n basins = " << n_basins << std::endl;
+ debug::println("g:", g);
debug::println("wst(g):", wst_g);
// Just to see things.
+ //
mln_VAR(adj, adjacency(wst_g, e2e()));
- debug::println("adjacency:", adj | (pw::value(wst_g) == pw::cst(0)));
+ debug::println("adj:", adj);
+ mln_VAR(adj_line, adj | (pw::value(wst_g) == pw::cst(0)));
+ debug::println("adjacency:", adj_line);
@@ -71,33 +282,89 @@
- debug::println("wst(g) fully valuated:", wst_g_full);
// Depict the watershed line.
mln_VAR(is_line, pw::value(wst_g_full) == pw::cst(0));
- debug::println("wst(g) line:", wst_g | is_line);
+ // --- debug::println("wst(g) line:", wst_g | is_line);
+ mln_VAR(g_line, g | is_line);
+ debug::println("g | wst(g) line:", g_line);
- // Get the smallest edge out of every basin.
- std::vector<point2d> edge = smallest_edges(extend(wst_g | is_line, wst_g_full),
- n_basins, e2p(), g);
- for (L l = 1; l <= n_basins; ++l)
- std::cout << int(l) << ": " << edge[l] <<
+ // Priority queue -> edge.
+ typedef p_priority< T, p_queue<E> > Q;
+ util::array<Q> q(;
+ {
+ mln_piter_(g_t) e(g.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ if (wst_g(e) == 0)
+ {
+ L l1 = wst_g_full(p1_from_e(e)),
+ l2 = wst_g_full(p2_from_e(e));
+ if (l1 > l2)
+ std::swap(l1, l2);
+ mln_invariant(l1 < l2);
+ q[l1].push(mln_max(T) - g(e), e);
+ q[l2].push(mln_max(T) - g(e), e);
+ }
+ // --- for (L l = 1; l <= n_basins; ++l)
+ // --- std::cout << "q["<< l << "] = "
<< q[l] << std::endl;
+ }
+ // To know if an edge is out of a given region (label l), we
+ // maintain the information about region merging using
+ // an union-find structure.
+ std::vector<L> lpar(;
+ make_sets(lpar, n_basins);
+ // Given a region R with label l and an edge e = (l1, l2) from the
+ // priority queue, we get know if that edge is out of the set of
+ // regions containing l: we shall have l1r = lr or l2r = lr.
+ // Please note that an edge (l1, l2) is internal to a set of regions
+ // if l1r = l2r.
+// // Test the 'get_smallest_edge' routine.
// {
-// // Test the result with an alternate code.
-// std::vector<point2d> edge_alt = smallest_edges_alt(wst_g, n_basins, e2e(),
+// bool found;
// for (L l = 1; l <= n_basins; ++l)
-// mln_invariant(edge_alt[l] == edge[l]);
+// {
+// E e = get_smallest_edge(q, l, wst_g_full, lpar, found);
+// std::cout << l << ": e = " << e
+// << " -- g(e) = " << g(e) << std::endl;
// }
+// }
+ E null = E(0,0); // Impossible value.
+ // Information "label l -> edge e".
+ std::vector<E> edge(;
+ for (L l = 1; l <= n_basins; ++l)
+ edge[l] = null;
// Compute an attribute per region.
+ // --------------------------------
typedef unsigned A;
util::array<A> a = labeling::compute(accu::meta::count(),
@@ -109,49 +376,385 @@
std::vector<pair_t> v = sort_attributes(a, n_basins); // Sort regions.
- std::cout << "attributes = ";
+ // Display attributes.
+ {
+ std::cout << "(attribute, label) = { ";
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_basins; ++i)
- std::cout << v[i].first // Attribute (increasing).
- << ':'
+ std::cout << '(' << v[i].first // Attribute (increasing).
+ << ','
<< v[i].second // Region label.
- << " - ";
- std::cout << std::endl;
+ << ") ";
+ std::cout << '}' << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ }
- std::vector<L> lpar(;
- for (L l = 1; l <= n_basins; ++l)
- lpar[l] = l; // Make-set.
- util::array<A> a_merged = a;
+ // Go!
+ // --------------------------------
+ mln_ch_value_(g_line_t, E)
+ epar, // Edge forest.
+ z_epar; // Auxiliary data: edge forest with compression and balancing.
+ {
+ initialize(epar, g_line);
+ initialize(z_epar, g_line);
+ mln_piter_(g_line_t) e(g_line.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ {
+ // Make-Set.
+ epar(e) = e;
+ z_epar(e) = e;
+ }
+ debug::println("all edges:", epar); // epar(e) == e so we depict the
+ }
+ // 'aa' is the result attribute image; it is defined on the complex
+ // (so it has edges, pixels, and 0-face-points).
+ image2d<A> aa;
+ initialize(aa, f_);
+ data::fill(aa, 0); // Safety iff 0 is an invalidate attribute value!
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_basins; ++i)
- L l = v[i].second, // Region label.
- lr = find_root(lpar, l);
+ L l = v[i].second; // Region label.
+ bool found;
+ E e = get_smallest_edge(q, l, wst_g_full, lpar, found);
+ if (! found)
+ {
+ // The last iteration is useless: all regions have already
+ // merged. We could have written: "for i = 1 to n_basins - 1".
+ mln_invariant(i == n_basins);
+ break;
+ }
- point2d e = edge[l]; // FIXME: Use the heap!
+ L l1 = wst_g_full(p1_from_e(e)),
+ l2 = wst_g_full(p2_from_e(e)),
+ l1r = find_root_l(lpar, l1),
+ l2r = find_root_l(lpar, l2);
- mln_invariant(wst_g_full(p1_from_e(e)) == l ||
- wst_g_full(p2_from_e(e)) == l);
- L l2 = ( wst_g_full(p1_from_e(e)) == l ?
- wst_g_full(p2_from_e(e)) :
- wst_g_full(p1_from_e(e)) ),
- l2r = find_root(lpar, l2);
- if (lr == l2r)
- continue; // Already merged.
- if (l2r < lr)
- std::swap(lr, l2r);
- mln_invariant(l2r > lr);
- lpar[lr] = l2r;
- a_merged[l2r] += lr; // FIXME: We want accumulators here!
+ aa(e) = a[l];
+ // Consistency tests.
+ {
+ mln_invariant(a[l] == v[i].first);
+ mln_invariant(epar(e) == e); // 'e' has not been processed yet.
+ mln_invariant(l1 != l2); // It is a valid edge, i.e., between 2 different
+ mln_invariant(l1r != l2r); // ...that are not already merged.
+ L lr = find_root_l(lpar, l);
+ mln_invariant(lr == l // Either l is not deja-vu
+ || ((lr == l1r && lr != l2r) || // or l belongs to l1r xor l2r.
+ (lr == l2r && lr != l1r)));
+ /*
+ std::cout << "l = " << l
+ << " e = " << e
+ << " (l1, l2) = (" << l1 << ", " << l2
<< ") => "
+ << " merging R" << l1r << " and R" << l2r
+ << std::endl;
+ */
+ // Merging both regions.
+ {
+ if (l2r < l1r)
+ std::swap(l1r, l2r);
+ mln_invariant(l2r > l1r);
+ lpar[l1r] = l2r;
+ /*
+ std::cout << "q[l1r] = " << q[l1r] << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "q[l2r] = " << q[l2r] << std::endl;
+ */
+ q[l2r].insert(q[l1r]);
+ q[l1r].clear();
+ /*
+ std::cout << "q[l2r] = " << q[l2r] << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ */
+ /*
+ // Displaying lpar.
+ {
+ std::cout << "lpar = ";
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_basins; ++i)
L l = v[i].second;
- std::cout << l << " -> " << lpar[l] <<
+ std::cout << l << "->" << lpar[l] << "
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ E e1 = edge[l1],
+ e2 = edge[l2];
+ if (e1 == null && e2 == null)
+ {
+ // New edge-component (singleton)
+ // Put differently: new edge-node!
+ edge[l1] = e;
+ edge[l2] = e;
+ // after:
+ // e
+ // / \
+ // l1 l2
+ }
+ else if (e1 != null && e2 != null)
+ {
+ // Two trees shall merge.
+ E e1r = find_root_e(z_epar, e1),
+ e2r = find_root_e(z_epar, e2);
+ mln_invariant(e1r != e2r); // Otherwise, there's a bug!
+ // before:
+ // e1r e2r
+ // |... |...
+ // e1 e2
+ // / \ / \
+ // l1 . l2 .
+ epar(e1r) = e; z_epar(e1r) = e;
+ epar(e2r) = e; z_epar(e2r) = e;
+ // after:
+ // e
+ // / \
+ // e1r e2r
+ // |... |...
+ // e1 e2
+ // / \ / \
+ // l1 . l2 .
+ }
+ else if (e1 != null && e2 == null)
+ {
+ E e1r = find_root_e(z_epar, e1);
+ // before:
+ // e1r
+ // |...
+ // e1 null
+ // / \ /
+ // l1 . l2
+ epar(e1r) = e; z_epar(e1r) = e;
+ edge[l2] = e;
+ // after:
+ // e
+ // / \
+ // e1r l2
+ // |...
+ // e1
+ // / \
+ // l1 .
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mln_invariant(e1 == null && e2 != null);
+ E e2r = find_root_e(z_epar, e2);
+ epar(e2r) = e; z_epar(e2r) = e;
+ edge[l1] = e;
+ }
+ } // end of "for every region with increasing attribute"
+ // Displaying the "edge tree".
+ {
+ p_set<E> leaves;
+ // Region l -> edge e.
+ std::cout << "region:(edge) = ";
+ for (L l = 1; l <= n_basins; ++l)
+ {
+ mln_invariant(edge[l] != null);
+ leaves.insert(edge[l]);
+ std::cout << l << ':' << edge[l] << " ";
+ std::cout << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ mln_piter_(p_set<E>) e(leaves);
+ // Tree "e -> epar(e)".
+ std::cout << "edge tree: " << std::endl;
+ for_all(e)
+ {
+ E e_ = e;
+ do
+ {
+ std::cout << e_ << " -> ";
+ mln_invariant(aa(e_) != 0 && aa(epar(e_)) != 0); // aa is valid
+ mln_invariant(aa(epar(e_)) >= aa(e_));
+ e_ = epar(e_);
+ }
+ while (epar(e_) != e_);
+ std::cout << e_ << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ // Edge parenthood goes with 'a' increasing:
+ std::cout << "edge tree new attributes: " << std::endl;
+ for_all(e)
+ {
+ E e_ = e;
+ do
+ {
+ std::cout << aa(e_) << " -> ";
+ // Edge parenthood goes with a increasing:
+ mln_invariant(aa(epar(e_)) >= aa(e_));
+ e_ = epar(e_);
+ }
+ while (epar(e_) != e_);
+ std::cout << aa(e_) << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ } // end of tree display.
+ // Testing both that all regions and all "smallest" edges have
+ // merged (assumption: connected domain!).
+ {
+ L l_1 = v[1].second,
+ l_root = find_root_l(lpar, l_1);
+ mln_invariant(edge[l_1] != null);
+ E e_root = find_root_e(z_epar, edge[l_1]);
+ for (unsigned i = 2; i <= n_basins; ++i)
+ {
+ L l = v[i].second;
+ mln_invariant(find_root_l(lpar, l) == l_root);
+ mln_invariant(edge[l] != null);
+ mln_invariant(find_root_e(z_epar, edge[l]) == e_root);
+ }
+ }
+ // Reminders:
+ debug::println("wst(g) fully valuated:", wst_g_full);
+ debug::println("g_line:", g_line);
+ // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ // | We want an "image" of the "merging value of a" over all edges
+ // | (not only the set of 'e' used to merge). |
+ // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ {
+ // Dealing with the watershed line.
+ mln_VAR(aa_line, aa | is_line);
+ {
+ // First, processing the 1D-faces (edges) of the watershed line.
+ std::vector< std::vector<E> > lca;
+ lca = compute_lca(n_basins, edge, epar); // lca is auxiliary data.
+ mln_piter_(g_line_t) e(g_line.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ {
+ L l1 = adj_line(e).first(),
+ l2 = adj_line(e).second();
+ mln_invariant(l1 != 0 && l2 > l1);
+ E e_ = lca[l1][l2];
+ mln_invariant(is_line(e_));
+ mln_invariant(aa(e_) != 0); // aa is valid at e_.
+ // The attribute value propagates from the lca to the current edge
+ // of the line:
+ aa(e) = aa(e_);
+ }
+ debug::println("aa | wst(g) line:", (aa | is_edge) | is_line);
+ // Second, processing the 0D-faces (points) of the watershed line.
+ data::paste(morpho::dilation(extend(aa_line | (pw::value(aa_line) == pw::cst(0)),
+ aa_line),
+ c4().win()),
+ aa_line);
+ /*
+ // Version with "aa(x) = 0" to separate sheds (a shed =
+ // adjacency between a couple of basins).
+ mln_piter_(aa_line_t) pxl(aa_line.domain());
+ mln_niter_(neighb2d) ne(c4(), pxl); // FIXME: "pxl -> nbhoring edges"
is explictly c4()...
+ for_all(pxl)
+ {
+ if (aa(pxl) != 0)
+ continue;
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ A na, na2;
+ for_all(ne)
+ if (aa_line.has(ne))
+ {
+ mln_invariant(aa(ne) != 0);
+ if (count == 0)
+ na = aa(ne); // First attribute value encountered.
+ else
+ na2 = aa(ne); // Second (or more) attr value encountered.
+ ++count;
+ }
+ if (count == 2)
+ {
+ mln_invariant(na == na2); // Both attribute values have to be the same.
+ aa(pxl) = na;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ debug::println("aa | line:", aa_line);
+ // Now dealing with all elements of basins:
+ // - 2D-faces, i.e., original pixels;
+ // - 1D-faces, i.e., edges within regions;
+ // - 0D-faces, i.e., points within regions.
+ mln_VAR(aa_basins, aa | (pw::value(wst_g_full) != pw::cst(0)));
+ {
+ mln_piter_(aa_basins_t) p(aa_basins.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ aa(p) = a[wst_g_full(p)];
+ }
+ debug::println("aa | basins", aa_basins);
+ }
+ debug::println("aa:", aa);
} // end of main
Index: laurent/
--- laurent/ (revision 0)
+++ laurent/ (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+#include "ismm2009.hh"
+#include <mln/value/int_u8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/label_8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/label_16.hh>
+#include <mln/io/pgm/load.hh>
+#include <mln/util/ord_pair.hh>
+#include <mln/debug/println.hh>
+#include <mln/core/routine/duplicate.hh>
+# include <mln/core/site_set/p_set.hh>
+# include <mln/core/site_set/p_queue.hh>
+# include <mln/core/site_set/p_priority.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/compute.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/count.hh>
+namespace mln
+ // Region label parenthood routines.
+ template <typename L>
+ inline
+ void make_sets(std::vector<L>& lpar, L l_max)
+ {
+ for (L l = 1; l <= l_max; ++l)
+ lpar[l] = l; // Make-set.
+ }
+ template <typename L>
+ inline
+ L find_root_l(std::vector<L>& lpar, L l)
+ {
+ if (lpar[l] == l)
+ return l;
+ else
+ return lpar[l] = find_root_l(lpar, lpar[l]);
+ }
+ // Edge tree.
+ template <typename I>
+ inline
+ mln_psite(I)
+ find_root_e(I& z_epar, mln_psite(I) e)
+ {
+ if (z_epar(e) == e)
+ return e;
+ else
+ return z_epar(e) = find_root_e(z_epar, z_epar(e));
+ }
+ // Get smallest edge.
+ template <typename Q, typename L, typename W>
+ mln_element(Q)
+ get_smallest_edge(Q& q, L l, const W& wst, std::vector<L>& lpar,
bool& found)
+ {
+ L lr = find_root_l(lpar, l);
+ typedef mln_element(Q) E;
+ mln_fwd_piter(Q) e(q);
+ for_all(e)
+ {
+ L l1 = wst(p1_from_e(e)),
+ l2 = wst(p2_from_e(e));
+ mln_invariant(l1 != l2);
+ L l1r = find_root_l(lpar, l1),
+ l2r = find_root_l(lpar, l2);
+ if (l1r == l2r)
+ // 'e' is an internal edge => forget it.
+ continue;
+ if (l1r == lr || l2r == lr)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ found = false;
+ return E();
+ }
+ // Compute an LCA; reference(?) code.
+ template <typename L, typename E, typename Epar>
+ image2d<E> compute_lca(const L& l_max,
+ const std::vector<E>& edge,
+ const Epar& epar)
+ {
+ mln_ch_value(Epar, std::vector<L>) chl_; // Children (known as array).
+ {
+ initialize(chl_, epar);
+ E e;
+ for (L l = 1; l <= l_max; ++l)
+ {
+ e = edge[l];
+ do
+ {
+ chl_(e).push_back(l);
+ e = epar(e);
+ }
+ while (e != epar(e));
+ chl_(e).push_back(l);
+ }
+ // e is the root edge.
+ mln_invariant(chl_(e).size() == l_max); // All labels are children.
+ }
+ /*
+ // Display children tree.
+ {
+ std::cout << "chl_ tree: " << std::endl;
+ for (L l = 1; l <= l_max; ++l)
+ {
+ E e_ = edge[l];
+ std::cout << "l = " << l << " => ";
+ do
+ {
+ std::cout << e_ << " : ";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < chl_(e_).size(); ++i)
+ std::cout << chl_(e_)[i] << ' ';
+ std::cout << " -> ";
+ e_ = epar(e_);
+ }
+ while (epar(e_) != e_);
+ std::cout << e_ << " : ";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < chl_(e_).size(); ++i)
+ std::cout << chl_(e_)[i] << ' ';
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ mln_ch_value(Epar, std::set<L>) chl; // Children (as a set).
+ {
+ initialize(chl, epar);
+ mln_piter(Epar) e(chl.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ if (chl_(e).size() != 0)
+ chl(e).insert(chl_(e).begin(), chl_(e).end());
+ }
+ box2d b = make::box2d(1, 1, l_max, l_max);
+ image2d<E> lca(b);
+ data::fill(lca, E(0,0));
+ // Superior right.
+ for (int l1 = 1; l1 <= l_max; ++l1)
+ for (int l2 = l1 + 1; l2 <= l_max; ++l2)
+ {
+ E e = edge[l1];
+ while (chl(e).find(l2) == chl(e).end())
+ e = epar(e);
+ lca.at_(l1, l2) = e;
+ }
+ // Diagonal.
+ for (int l = 1; l <= l_max; ++l)
+ lca.at_(l, l) = edge[l]; // Itself.
+ // debug::println(lca);
+ return lca;
+ }
+} // mln
+void usage(char* argv[])
+ std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " input.pgm"
<< std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Laurent ISMM 2009 scheme." << std::endl;
+ abort();
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ using namespace mln;
+ using value::int_u8;
+ using value::label_16;
+ if (argc != 2)
+ usage(argv);
+ image2d<int_u8> raw_f;
+ io::pgm::load(raw_f, argv[1]);
+ typedef image2d<int_u8> Complex;
+ typedef mln_pset_(Complex) full_D;
+ Complex f_ = add_edges(raw_f);
+ mln_VAR(f, f_ | is_pixel);
+ // debug::println("f:", f);
+ mln_VAR(g, f_ | is_edge);
+ typedef mln_value_(g_t) T; // Type of edge values.
+ typedef mln_psite_(g_t) E; // Type of edges.
+ typedef label_16 L; // Type of labels.
+ L n_basins;
+ mln_VAR( wst_g,
+ f_to_wst_g(f, g, e2p(), e2e(), n_basins) );
+ std::cout << "n basins = " << n_basins << std::endl;
+ debug::println("g:", g);
+ debug::println("wst(g):", wst_g);
+ // Just to see things.
+ //
+ mln_VAR(adj, adjacency(wst_g, e2e()));
+ debug::println("adj:", adj);
+ mln_VAR(adj_line, adj | (pw::value(wst_g) == pw::cst(0)));
+ debug::println("adjacency:", adj_line);
+ image2d<L> wst_g_full = wst_g.unmorph_();
+ {
+ // edges (1D-faces) -> pixels (2D-faces)
+ mln_VAR(w_pixels, wst_g_full | is_pixel);
+ data::paste(morpho::dilation(extend(w_pixels, pw::value(wst_g_full)),
+ c4().win()),
+ wst_g_full);
+ // edges (1D-faces) -> points (0D-faces)
+ mln_VAR(w_points, wst_g_full | is_point);
+ data::paste(morpho::erosion(extend(w_points, pw::value(wst_g_full)),
+ c4().win()),
+ wst_g_full);
+ }
+ // Depict the watershed line.
+ mln_VAR(is_line, pw::value(wst_g_full) == pw::cst(0));
+ // --- debug::println("wst(g) line:", wst_g | is_line);
+ mln_VAR(g_line, g | is_line);
+ debug::println("g | wst(g) line:", g_line);
+ // Priority queue -> edge.
+ typedef p_priority< T, p_queue<E> > Q;
+ Q q;
+ {
+ mln_piter_(g_t) e(g.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ if (wst_g(e) == 0)
+ q.push(mln_max(T) - g(e), e);
+ // --- std::cout << "q = " << q << std::endl;
+ }
+ // To know if an edge is out of a given region (label l), we
+ // maintain the information about region merging using
+ // an union-find structure.
+ std::vector<L> lpar(;
+ make_sets(lpar, n_basins);
+ // Given a region R with label l and an edge e = (l1, l2) from the
+ // priority queue, we get know if that edge is out of the set of
+ // regions containing l: we shall have l1r = lr or l2r = lr.
+ // Please note that an edge (l1, l2) is internal to a set of regions
+ // if l1r = l2r.
+// // Test the 'get_smallest_edge' routine.
+// {
+// bool found;
+// for (L l = 1; l <= n_basins; ++l)
+// {
+// E e = get_smallest_edge(q, l, wst_g_full, lpar, found);
+// std::cout << l << ": e = " << e
+// << " -- g(e) = " << g(e) << std::endl;
+// }
+// }
+ E null = E(0,0); // Impossible value.
+ // Information "label l -> edge e".
+ std::vector<E> edge(;
+ for (L l = 1; l <= n_basins; ++l)
+ edge[l] = null;
+ // Compute an attribute per region.
+ // --------------------------------
+ typedef unsigned A;
+ util::array<A> a = labeling::compute(accu::meta::count(),
+ g,
+ wst_g,
+ n_basins);
+ typedef std::pair<A,L> pair_t;
+ std::vector<pair_t> v = sort_attributes(a, n_basins); // Sort regions.
+ // Display attributes.
+ {
+ std::cout << "(attribute, label) = { ";
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_basins; ++i)
+ std::cout << '(' << v[i].first // Attribute (increasing).
+ << ','
+ << v[i].second // Region label.
+ << ") ";
+ std::cout << '}' << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ // Go!
+ // --------------------------------
+ mln_ch_value_(g_line_t, E)
+ epar, // Edge forest.
+ z_epar; // Auxiliary data: edge forest with compression and balancing.
+ {
+ initialize(epar, g_line);
+ initialize(z_epar, g_line);
+ mln_piter_(g_line_t) e(g_line.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ {
+ // Make-Set.
+ epar(e) = e;
+ z_epar(e) = e;
+ }
+ debug::println("all edges:", epar); // epar(e) == e so we depict the
+ }
+ // 'aa' is the result attribute image; it is defined on the complex
+ // (so it has edges, pixels, and 0-face-points).
+ image2d<A> aa;
+ initialize(aa, f_);
+ data::fill(aa, 0); // Safety iff 0 is an invalidate attribute value!
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_basins; ++i)
+ {
+ L l = v[i].second; // Region label.
+ bool found;
+ E e = get_smallest_edge(q, l, wst_g_full, lpar, found);
+ if (! found)
+ {
+ // The last iteration is useless: all regions have already
+ // merged. We could have written: "for i = 1 to n_basins - 1".
+ mln_invariant(i == n_basins);
+ break;
+ }
+ L l1 = wst_g_full(p1_from_e(e)),
+ l2 = wst_g_full(p2_from_e(e)),
+ l1r = find_root_l(lpar, l1),
+ l2r = find_root_l(lpar, l2);
+ aa(e) = a[l];
+ // Consistency tests.
+ {
+ mln_invariant(a[l] == v[i].first);
+ mln_invariant(epar(e) == e); // 'e' has not been processed yet.
+ mln_invariant(l1 != l2); // It is a valid edge, i.e., between 2 different
+ mln_invariant(l1r != l2r); // ...that are not already merged.
+ L lr = find_root_l(lpar, l);
+ mln_invariant(lr == l // Either l is not deja-vu
+ || ((lr == l1r && lr != l2r) || // or l belongs to l1r xor l2r.
+ (lr == l2r && lr != l1r)));
+ }
+ /*
+ std::cout << "l = " << l
+ << " e = " << e
+ << " (l1, l2) = (" << l1 << ", " << l2
<< ") => "
+ << " merging R" << l1r << " and R" << l2r
+ << std::endl;
+ */
+ // Merging both regions.
+ {
+ if (l2r < l1r)
+ std::swap(l1r, l2r);
+ mln_invariant(l2r > l1r);
+ lpar[l1r] = l2r;
+ /*
+ // Displaying lpar.
+ {
+ std::cout << "lpar = ";
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_basins; ++i)
+ {
+ L l = v[i].second;
+ std::cout << l << "->" << lpar[l] << "
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ E e1 = edge[l1],
+ e2 = edge[l2];
+ if (e1 == null && e2 == null)
+ {
+ // New edge-component (singleton)
+ // Put differently: new edge-node!
+ edge[l1] = e;
+ edge[l2] = e;
+ // after:
+ // e
+ // / \
+ // l1 l2
+ }
+ else if (e1 != null && e2 != null)
+ {
+ // Two trees shall merge.
+ E e1r = find_root_e(z_epar, e1),
+ e2r = find_root_e(z_epar, e2);
+ mln_invariant(e1r != e2r); // Otherwise, there's a bug!
+ // before:
+ // e1r e2r
+ // |... |...
+ // e1 e2
+ // / \ / \
+ // l1 . l2 .
+ epar(e1r) = e; z_epar(e1r) = e;
+ epar(e2r) = e; z_epar(e2r) = e;
+ // after:
+ // e
+ // / \
+ // e1r e2r
+ // |... |...
+ // e1 e2
+ // / \ / \
+ // l1 . l2 .
+ }
+ else if (e1 != null && e2 == null)
+ {
+ E e1r = find_root_e(z_epar, e1);
+ // before:
+ // e1r
+ // |...
+ // e1 null
+ // / \ /
+ // l1 . l2
+ epar(e1r) = e; z_epar(e1r) = e;
+ edge[l2] = e;
+ // after:
+ // e
+ // / \
+ // e1r l2
+ // |...
+ // e1
+ // / \
+ // l1 .
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mln_invariant(e1 == null && e2 != null);
+ E e2r = find_root_e(z_epar, e2);
+ epar(e2r) = e; z_epar(e2r) = e;
+ edge[l1] = e;
+ }
+ } // end of "for every region with increasing attribute"
+ // Displaying the "edge tree".
+ {
+ p_set<E> leaves;
+ // Region l -> edge e.
+ std::cout << "region:(edge) = ";
+ for (L l = 1; l <= n_basins; ++l)
+ {
+ mln_invariant(edge[l] != null);
+ leaves.insert(edge[l]);
+ std::cout << l << ':' << edge[l] << " ";
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
+ mln_piter_(p_set<E>) e(leaves);
+ // Tree "e -> epar(e)".
+ std::cout << "edge tree: " << std::endl;
+ for_all(e)
+ {
+ E e_ = e;
+ do
+ {
+ std::cout << e_ << " -> ";
+ mln_invariant(aa(e_) != 0 && aa(epar(e_)) != 0); // aa is valid
+ mln_invariant(aa(epar(e_)) >= aa(e_));
+ e_ = epar(e_);
+ }
+ while (epar(e_) != e_);
+ std::cout << e_ << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ // Edge parenthood goes with 'a' increasing:
+ std::cout << "edge tree new attributes: " << std::endl;
+ for_all(e)
+ {
+ E e_ = e;
+ do
+ {
+ std::cout << aa(e_) << " -> ";
+ // Edge parenthood goes with a increasing:
+ mln_invariant(aa(epar(e_)) >= aa(e_));
+ e_ = epar(e_);
+ }
+ while (epar(e_) != e_);
+ std::cout << aa(e_) << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ } // end of tree display.
+ // Testing both that all regions and all "smallest" edges have
+ // merged (assumption: connected domain!).
+ {
+ L l_1 = v[1].second,
+ l_root = find_root_l(lpar, l_1);
+ mln_invariant(edge[l_1] != null);
+ E e_root = find_root_e(z_epar, edge[l_1]);
+ for (unsigned i = 2; i <= n_basins; ++i)
+ {
+ L l = v[i].second;
+ mln_invariant(find_root_l(lpar, l) == l_root);
+ mln_invariant(edge[l] != null);
+ mln_invariant(find_root_e(z_epar, edge[l]) == e_root);
+ }
+ }
+ // Reminders:
+ debug::println("wst(g) fully valuated:", wst_g_full);
+ debug::println("g_line:", g_line);
+ // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ // | We want an "image" of the "merging value of a" over all edges
+ // | (not only the set of 'e' used to merge). |
+ // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ {
+ // Dealing with the watershed line.
+ mln_VAR(aa_line, aa | is_line);
+ {
+ // First, processing the 1D-faces (edges) of the watershed line.
+ image2d<E> lca = compute_lca(n_basins, edge, epar); // lca is auxiliary
+ mln_piter_(g_line_t) e(g_line.domain());
+ for_all(e)
+ {
+ E e_ = lca.at_(adj_line(e).first(), adj_line(e).second());
+ mln_invariant(is_line(e_));
+ mln_invariant(aa(e_) != 0); // aa is valid at e_.
+ // The attribute value propagates from the lca to the current edge
+ // of the line:
+ aa(e) = aa(e_);
+ }
+ debug::println("aa | wst(g) line:", (aa | is_edge) | is_line);
+ // Second, processing the 0D-faces (points) of the watershed line.
+ mln_piter_(aa_line_t) pxl(aa_line.domain());
+ mln_niter_(neighb2d) ne(c4(), pxl); // FIXME: "pxl -> nbhoring edges"
is explictly c4()...
+ for_all(pxl)
+ {
+ if (aa(pxl) != 0)
+ continue;
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ A na, na2;
+ for_all(ne)
+ if (aa_line.has(ne))
+ {
+ mln_invariant(aa(ne) != 0);
+ if (count == 0)
+ na = aa(ne); // First attribute value encountered.
+ else
+ na2 = aa(ne); // Second (or more) attr value encountered.
+ ++count;
+ }
+ if (count == 2)
+ {
+ mln_invariant(na == na2); // Both attribute values have to be the same.
+ aa(pxl) = na;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug::println("aa | line:", aa_line);
+ // Now dealing with all elements of basins:
+ // - 2D-faces, i.e., original pixels;
+ // - 1D-faces, i.e., edges within regions;
+ // - 0D-faces, i.e., points within regions.
+ mln_VAR(aa_basins, aa | (pw::value(wst_g_full) != pw::cst(0)));
+ {
+ mln_piter_(aa_basins_t) p(aa_basins.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ aa(p) = a[wst_g_full(p)];
+ }
+ debug::println("aa | basins", aa_basins);
+ }
+ debug::println("aa:", aa);
+} // end of main
+for (i=0; i<V; i++) // Initialiser les heaps de fibonacci
+ fh_setcmp(G->hp[i], cmp); // Chaque region a une heap de ses edges
+forall edges z that separates two regions v and w
+ fh_insert(G->hp[v], (void *)(z)); // Ajouter les edges dans les heaps
+ fh_insert(G->hp[w], (void *)(z));
+UFinit(G->V); // Initialiser l'union-find
+// Parcourir les regions par attribut croissant
+for (j=0; j<V-1; j++)
+ i = find(j);
+ do
+ { // trouver l'edge minimum qui sorte de la region
+ e = fh_extractmin(G->hp[i]);
+ }
+ while ((UFfind(e->v, e->w)) && (e !=NULL));
+ if (e != NULL)
+ { // Normalement, e != NULL, sinon c'est un BIG pb!!!
+ int ui, uj, uk;
+ ui = find(e->v);
+ uj = find(e->w);
+ uk = UFunion(e->v,e->w); // Merger les regions
+ if (uk == ui)
+ { // et merger les edges
+ G->hp[ui] = fh_union(G->hp[ui], G->hp[uj]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ G->hp[uj] = fh_union(G->hp[uj], G->hp[ui]);
+ }
+ mst[k] = *e; // Garder l'arete
+ SaliencyWeight[k] = attribut[ui];// Poids dans la nouvelle hierarchie
+ OldWeight[k] = e->weight; // Poids dans l'ancienne hierarchie (inutile)
+ k++;
+ }
+ // Calcul de la sortie
+ Pour toutes les edges separantes z=(x,y)
+ {
+ S[z] = max {SaliencyWeight[k] | sur le chemin reliant x a y dans mst}
+ }
+ */
Index: laurent/ismm2009.hh
--- laurent/ismm2009.hh (revision 3162)
+++ laurent/ismm2009.hh (working copy)
@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@
return p.row() % 2 && p.col() % 2;
+ inline
+ bool is_not_point(const point2d& p)
+ {
+ return ! is_point(p);
+ }
// Neighborhoods.
@@ -268,19 +274,6 @@
- // Find root.
- template <typename L>
- inline
- L find_root(std::vector<L>& par, L l)
- {
- if (par[l] == l)
- return l;
- else
- return par[l] = find_root(par, par[l]);
- }
// Display.
@@ -334,13 +327,13 @@
mln_VAR( wst_g,
morpho::meyer_wst(g, e2e, n_basins) );
- // Test the consistency with regional minima.
- {
- L n_regmins;
- mln_VAR( regmin_g,
- labeling::regional_minima(g, e2e, n_regmins) );
- mln_invariant(n_basins == n_regmins);
- }
+// // Test the consistency with regional minima.
+// {
+// L n_regmins;
+// mln_VAR( regmin_g,
+// labeling::regional_minima(g, e2e, n_regmins) );
+// mln_invariant(n_basins == n_regmins);
+// }
return wst_g;