* green/demo/annotating/hsv: New directory.
* green/demo/annotating/hsv/Makefile.am: New Makefile.
.../regional_maxima => annotating/hsv}/Makefile.am | 6 +-
milena/sandbox/green/demo/annotating/hsv/hsv.cc | 607 ++++++++++++++++++++
.../sandbox/green/ChangeLog | 0
3 files changed, 611 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
copy milena/sandbox/green/demo/{labeling/regional_maxima =>
annotating/hsv}/Makefile.am (94%)
create mode 100644 milena/sandbox/green/demo/annotating/hsv/hsv.cc
copy milena/doc/outputs/accu-right-instanciation.txt => scribo/sandbox/green/ChangeLog
diff --git a/milena/sandbox/green/demo/labeling/regional_maxima/Makefile.am
similarity index 94%
copy from milena/sandbox/green/demo/labeling/regional_maxima/Makefile.am
copy to milena/sandbox/green/demo/annotating/hsv/Makefile.am
index 1dd1cfb..a5d4fff 100644
--- a/milena/sandbox/green/demo/labeling/regional_maxima/Makefile.am
+++ b/milena/sandbox/green/demo/annotating/hsv/Makefile.am
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
-INCLUDES= -I$(HOME)/svn/oln/trunk/milena/sandbox/green
-CXXFLAGS= -ggdb -O0 -Wall -W -pedantic -ansi -pipe $(INCLUDES)
+INCLUDES1= -I$(HOME)/git/olena/milena/sandbox/green
+INCLUDES2= -I$(HOME)/git/olena/milena
+CXXFLAGS= -DNDEBUG -ggdb -O0 -Wall -W -pedantic -ansi -pipe $(INCLUDES)
#CXXFLAGS= -DNDEBUG -O1 -Wall -W -pedantic -ansi -pipe $(INCLUDES)
#CXXFLAGS= -DNDEBUG -O3 -Wall -W -pedantic -ansi -pipe $(INCLUDES)
ECHO= echo
diff --git a/milena/sandbox/green/demo/annotating/hsv/hsv.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a61a5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/milena/sandbox/green/demo/annotating/hsv/hsv.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+// Test de l'opérateur de Millet TSVal (HSV)
+// Val = max(R,G,B)
+// Sat = (max(R,G,B) - min(R,G,B))/max(R,G,B)
+// si R = max(R,G,B) alors Hue = 60 * [(V-B)/(max(R,G,B)-min(R,G,B))]
+// si G = max(R,G,B) alors Hue = 60 * [2 + (B-R)/(max(R,G,B)-min(R,G,B))]
+// si B = max(R,G,B) alors Hue = 60 * [4 + (R-G)/(max(R,G,B)-min(R,G,B))]
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <mln/accu/max_site.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/math/count.hh>
+#include <mln/accu/stat/histo1d.hh>
+#include <mln/binarization/threshold.hh>
+#include <mln/core/alias/point1d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/alias/box1d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/concept/image.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/dmorph/image_if.hh>
+#include <mln/data/transform.hh>
+#include <mln/data/compute.hh>
+#include <mln/data/stretch.hh>
+#include <mln/debug/println.hh>
+#include <mln/literal/colors.hh>
+#include <mln/literal/grays.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/v2v/rgb_to_hsv.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/v2v/rgb_to_achromatism_map.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/v2v/achromatism.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/v2v/hue_concentration.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/p2b/component_equals.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/p2b/achromatic.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/v2v/component.hh>
+#include <mln/geom/nsites.hh>
+#include <mln/img_path.hh>
+#include <mln/io/plot/save_image_sh.hh>
+#include <mln/io/ppm/load.hh>
+#include <mln/io/pgm/save.hh>
+#include <mln/io/pbm/save.hh>
+#include <mln/pw/cst.hh>
+#include <mln/pw/value.hh>
+//#include <mln/trace/quiet.hh>
+#include <mln/value/rgb8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/int_u8.hh>
+#include <mln/value/hsv.hh>
+mln::value::rgb8 label_color(const mln::value::rgb8 rgb)
+ mln::value::hsv_f hsv = mln::fun::v2v::f_rgb_to_hsv_f(rgb);
+ mln::value::rgb8 result;
+ // Is it a gray level ?
+ if (0 == hsv.sat())
+ {
+ // which result one ?
+ if (82 > hsv.sat())
+ result = mln::literal::black;
+ else if (179 > hsv.sat())
+ result= mln::literal::medium_gray;
+ else
+ result = mln::literal::white;
+ }
+ // Is it a true result color ?
+ else if (14 > hsv.hue())
+ result = mln::literal::red;
+ else if (29 > hsv.hue())
+ {
+ // Is is brown or orange ?
+ unsigned dist_orange = mln::math::abs(hsv.sat() - 184)
+ + mln::math::abs(hsv.val() - 65);
+ unsigned dist_brown = mln::math::abs(hsv.sat() - 255)
+ + mln::math::abs(hsv.val() - 125);
+ if (dist_orange < dist_brown)
+ result = mln::literal::orange;
+ else
+ result = mln::literal::brown;
+ }
+ else if (45 > hsv.hue())
+ {
+ // Is it green or yellow ?
+ if (80 > hsv.val())
+ result = mln::literal::green;
+ else
+ result = mln::literal::yellow;
+ }
+ else if (113 > hsv.hue())
+ result = mln::literal::green;
+ else if (149 > hsv.hue())
+ result = mln::literal::cyan;
+ else if (205 > hsv.hue())
+ result = mln::literal::blue;
+ else if (235 > hsv.hue())
+ result = mln::literal::violet;
+ else if (242 > hsv.hue())
+ result = mln::literal::pink;
+ else
+ result = mln::literal::red;
+ return result;
+//unsigned count_histo(const mln::image1d<unsigned>& img)
+template <typename I>
+unsigned count_histo(const mln::Image<I>& img_)
+ const I& img = exact(img_);
+ mln_precondition(img.is_valid());
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ mln_piter(I) p(img.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ result += img(p);
+ return result;
+// calcul de contribution
+float r(short p, unsigned histo_p, short x, unsigned histo_x)
+ float result = mln::math::sqr(((float)histo_x / histo_p) * (x-p));
+ return result;
+template <typename I>
+unsigned peak_histo(const mln::Image<I>& histo_)
+ const I& histo = exact(histo_);
+ mln_precondition(histo.is_valid());
+ // Find the peak of the histogram
+ unsigned v_max = mln::opt::at(histo, 0);
+ short p_max = 0;
+ mln_piter(I) p(histo.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ if (v_max < histo(p))
+ {
+ v_max = histo(p);
+ p_max = p.ind();
+ }
+ }
+ return p_max;
+// unsigned stddev_color(mln::image2d<mln::value::int_u8> input_int_u8,
+// const char *name_histo,
+// const char *name_image)
+// {
+// typedef mln::point1d t_point1d;
+// typedef mln::value::rgb8 t_rgb8;
+// typedef mln::value::int_u8 t_int_u8;
+// typedef mln::image2d<t_rgb8> t_image2d_rgb8;
+// typedef mln::image2d<t_int_u8> t_image2d_int_u8;
+// typedef mln::image1d<unsigned> t_histo1d;
+// typedef mln::fun::v2v::rgb8_to_int_u8 t_rgb8_to_int_u8;
+// typedef mln::accu::meta::stat::histo1d t_histo1d_fun;
+// typedef mln::accu::max_site<t_histo1d> t_max_site_fun;
+// t_histo1d histo;
+// std::cout << "histo : " << name_histo << std::endl;
+// std::cout << "image : " << name_image << std::endl;
+// histo = mln::data::compute(t_histo1d_fun(), input_int_u8);
+// mln::io::pgm::save(input_int_u8, name_image);
+// mln::io::plot::save_image_sh(histo, name_histo);
+// mln::debug::println(histo);
+// // Find the peak of the histogram
+// unsigned v_max = mln::opt::at(histo, 0);
+// short p_max = 0;
+// mln_piter_(t_histo1d) p(histo.domain());
+// for_all(p)
+// {
+// if (v_max < histo(p))
+// {
+// v_max = histo(p);
+// p_max = p.ind();
+// }
+// }
+// // Compute the specific stddev
+// float stddev_low = 0.0;
+// float stddev_up = 0.0;
+// float stddev = 0.0;
+// if (250 > p_max)
+// for (short i = p_max+1; i < p_max+6; ++i)
+// stddev_up += r(p_max, mln::opt::at(histo,p_max),
+// i, mln::opt::at(histo,i));
+// if (5 < p_max)
+// for (short i = p_max-1; i > p_max-6; --i)
+// stddev_low += r(p_max, mln::opt::at(histo,p_max),
+// i, mln::opt::at(histo,i));
+// stddev = (250 < p_max)? stddev_low : (5 > p_max)? stddev_up :
+// (stddev_low + stddev_up)/2;
+// std::cout << "max_site : " << p_max << std::endl;
+// std::cout << "h(max_site) : " << v_max << std::endl;
+// std::cout << "stddev_up : " << stddev_up <<
+// std::cout << "stddev_low : " << stddev_low <<
+// std::cout << "stddev : " << stddev << std::endl;
+// return 0;
+// }
+// -------------------------------------
+// input image <name>.ppm
+// map <name>-<map>.pgm
+// thresholded map <name>-<map>.pbm
+// histogram <name>-<map>.sh
+// decision <name>-<map>.txt
+// -------------------------------------
+// Achromatism <name>-achromatism.pgm
+// call achromatism(input_rgb8, 7, 99.0)
+void achromatism(mln::image2d<mln::value::rgb8> input_rgb8,
+ mln::value::int_u8 threshold,
+ float percentage)
+ typedef mln::fun::v2v::rgb_to_achromatism_map<8> t_rgb_to_achromatism_map;
+ mln::image2d<mln::value::int_u8> map;
+ mln::image2d<mln::value::int_u8> view;
+ mln::image2d<bool> mask;
+ mln::image1d<unsigned> histo;
+ unsigned cnt1;
+ unsigned cnt2;
+ float prop;
+ bool result;
+ map = mln::data::transform(input_rgb8, t_rgb_to_achromatism_map());
+ view = mln::data::stretch(mln::value::int_u8(), map);
+ mask = mln::binarization::threshold(map, threshold);
+ histo = mln::data::compute(mln::accu::meta::stat::histo1d(),
+ map | (mln::pw::value(mask) == true));
+ cnt1 = count_histo(histo);
+ cnt2 = mln::geom::nsites(input_rgb8);
+ prop = (100.0 * (cnt2 - cnt1) / cnt2);
+ result = (prop > percentage);
+ std::ofstream txt_stream("achromatism.txt");
+ txt_stream << "Achromatism" << std::endl;
+ txt_stream << "Nbre pixels : " << cnt2
<< std::endl;
+ txt_stream << "Nbre pixels achromatiques : " <<
(cnt2-cnt1)<< std::endl;
+ txt_stream << "Percentage : " << prop
<< std::endl;
+ txt_stream << "Image achromatique : " << result
<< std::endl;
+ txt_stream << std::endl;
+ txt_stream.flush();
+ txt_stream.close();
+ mln::io::pgm::save(view, "achromatism.pgm");
+ mln::io::plot::save_image_sh(histo, "achromatism.sh");
+ mln::io::pbm::save(mask, "achromatism.pbm");
+// call low_saturation(input_rgb8, achromatism_mask, 100, 95.0)
+void low_saturation(mln::image2d<mln::value::hsv_f> input_hsvf,
+ mln::image2d<bool> achromatism_mask,
+ mln::value::int_u8 threshold,
+ float percentage)
+ typedef mln::value::hsv_f t_hsvf;
+ typedef mln::value::hsv_f::s_type t_sat;
+ typedef mln::fun::v2v::component<t_hsvf,1> t_component_s;
+ mln::image2d<t_sat> map;
+ mln::image2d<mln::value::int_u8> view;
+ mln::image2d<bool> mask;
+ mln::image1d<unsigned> histo;
+ unsigned cnt1;
+ unsigned cnt2;
+ float prop;
+ bool result;
+ map = mln::data::transform(input_hsvf, t_component_s());
+ view = mln::data::stretch(mln::value::int_u8(), map);
+// where is histo ??
+ prop = (100.0 * (cnt2 - cnt1) / cnt2);
+ result = (prop > percentage);
+ std::cout << "Saturation" << std::endl;
+ cnt1 = count_histo(histo_s | mln::box1d(mln::point1d(0),mln::point1d(100)));
+ cnt2= mln::geom::nsites(achromatic | (mln::pw::value(achromatic)==false));
+ std::ofstream txt_stream("achromatism.txt");
+ txt_stream << "Saturation" << std::endl;
+ txt_stream << "Nbre pixels : " << cnt2
<< std::endl;
+ txt_stream << "Nbre p faiblement saturés : " << cnt1
<< std::endl;
+ txt_stream << "Pourcentage : " << prop
<< std::endl;
+ txt_stream << "Image faiblement saturé : " << result
<< std::endl;
+ txt_stream << std::endl;
+ txt_stream.flush();
+ txt_stream.close();
+ mln::io::pgm::save(view, "achromatism.pgm");
+ mln::io::plot::save_image_sh(histo, "achromatism.sh");
+ mln::io::pbm::save(mask, "achromatism.pbm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00032c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00042c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00076c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00082c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00142c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00215c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00228c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00234c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00248c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00252c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00253c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00255c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00259c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00271c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00290c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00293c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00304c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00307c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00376c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00411c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00419c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00447c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00498c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00510c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00550c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00573c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00589c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00592c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00597c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00599c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00600c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00031c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00034c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00043c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00063c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00065c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00072c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00081c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00083c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00329c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00036c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00037c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00039c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00040c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00049c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00055c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00057c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00068c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00262c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00263c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00311c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00319c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00440c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00608c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00630c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00631c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00028c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00046c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00073c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00089c_20p.ppm");
+ mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/ta00090c_20p.ppm");
+// To DO mettre le seuil d'achromaticité en paramètre
+// TO DO inverser les couleurs sur les masques
+int main()
+ typedef mln::value::rgb8 t_rgb8;
+ typedef mln::value::int_u8 t_int_u8;
+ typedef mln::value::hsv_f t_hsvf;
+ typedef mln::value::hsv_f::h_type t_hue;
+ typedef mln::value::hsv_f::s_type t_sat;
+ typedef mln::value::hsv_f::v_type t_val;
+ typedef mln::image2d<t_hue> t_image2d_hue;
+ typedef mln::image2d<t_sat> t_image2d_sat;
+ typedef mln::image2d<t_val> t_image2d_val;
+ typedef mln::image2d<t_hsvf> t_image2d_hsvf;
+ typedef mln::image2d<t_rgb8> t_image2d_rgb8;
+ typedef mln::image2d<float> t_image2d_float;
+ typedef mln::image1d<unsigned> t_histo1d;
+ typedef mln::image2d<t_int_u8> t_image2d_int_u8;
+ typedef mln::image2d<bool> t_mask;
+ typedef mln::fun::v2v::f_rgb_to_hsv_f_t t_rgb8_to_hsv;
+ typedef mln::accu::math::count<t_hsvf> t_count;
+ typedef mln::fun::v2v::component<t_hsvf,0> t_component_h;
+ typedef mln::fun::v2v::component<t_hsvf,1> t_component_s;
+ typedef mln::fun::v2v::component<t_hsvf,2> t_component_v;
+ typedef mln::fun::p2b::component_equals<t_image2d_hsvf,0> t_component_eq0;
+ typedef mln::fun::p2b::component_equals<t_image2d_hsvf,1> t_component_eq1;
+ typedef mln::fun::p2b::component_equals<t_image2d_hsvf,2> t_component_eq2;
+ typedef mln::fun::p2b::achromatic<t_rgb8> t_achromatic;
+ t_image2d_rgb8 input_rgb8;
+ t_image2d_hsvf input_hsvf;
+ t_mask achromatic;
+ t_mask low_saturation;
+ t_image2d_float achromatism1;
+ t_image2d_int_u8 achromatism2;
+ t_image2d_float hue_concentration1;
+ t_image2d_int_u8 hue_concentration2;
+ t_image2d_hue input_h;
+ t_image2d_hue input_h2;
+ t_image2d_sat input_s;
+ t_image2d_val input_v;
+ t_image2d_int_u8 input_h8;
+ t_image2d_int_u8 input_s8;
+ t_image2d_int_u8 input_v8;
+ t_histo1d histo_h;
+ t_histo1d histo_s;
+ t_histo1d histo_v;
+ unsigned cnt1;
+ unsigned cnt2;
+ float percentage;
+ bool result;
+ std::cout << "Image loading phase ..." << std::endl;
+// mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ANNOTATING_1_BILL_IMG_PATH"/bill03.ppm");
+// mln::io::ppm::load(input_rgb8, ICDAR_20P_PPM_IMG_PATH"/mp00082c_20p.ppm");
+ achromatism(input_rgb8,7,99.0);
+ exit(-1);
+ std::cout << "Init achromatic mask ..." << std::endl;
+ initialize(achromatic, input_rgb8);
+ mln::data::fill(achromatic, false);
+ mln::data::fill((achromatic | t_achromatic(input_rgb8, 0.03)).rw(), true);
+ mln::io::pbm::save(achromatic, "achromatic.pbm");
+ std::cout << "Achieve canal forking ..." << std::endl;
+ input_hsvf = mln::data::transform(input_rgb8, t_rgb8_to_hsv());
+ input_h = mln::data::transform(input_hsvf, t_component_h());
+ input_s = mln::data::transform(input_hsvf, t_component_s());
+ input_v = mln::data::transform(input_hsvf, t_component_v());
+ // quid des achromatiques ???
+ input_h8 = mln::data::stretch(t_int_u8(), input_h);
+ input_s8 = mln::data::stretch(t_int_u8(), input_s);
+ input_v8 = mln::data::stretch(t_int_u8(), input_v);
+ std::cout << "Init low saturation mask ..." << std::endl;
+ initialize(low_saturation, input_s8);
+ mln::data::fill(low_saturation, false);
+ mln::data::fill((low_saturation|(mln::pw::value(input_s8) <
+ mln::pw::cst(100u))).rw(), true);
+ mln::io::pbm::save(low_saturation, "low_saturation.pbm");
+ std::cout << "Compute histograms ..." << std::endl;
+ histo_h = mln::data::compute(mln::accu::meta::stat::histo1d(),
+ input_h8|(mln::pw::value(achromatic)==false));
+ histo_s = mln::data::compute(mln::accu::meta::stat::histo1d(),
+ input_s8|(mln::pw::value(achromatic)==false));
+ histo_v = mln::data::compute(mln::accu::meta::stat::histo1d(),
+ input_v8|(mln::pw::value(achromatic)==false));
+ // etude des cartes
+ hue_concentration1=mln::data::transform(input_h,
+ mln::fun::v2v::hue_concentration(histo_h));
+ achromatism1=mln::data::transform(input_rgb8,mln::fun::v2v::achromatism());
+ hue_concentration2= mln::data::stretch(t_int_u8(), hue_concentration1);
+ achromatism2= mln::data::stretch(t_int_u8(), achromatism1);
+ mln::io::pgm::save(achromatism2, "achromatism_map.pgm");
+ mln::io::pgm::save(hue_concentration2, "hue_concentration_map.pgm");
+ mln::io::pgm::save(input_s8, "saturation_map.pgm");
+// cnt1 = mln::data::compute(t_count(),
+// (input_hsvf|t_component_eq0(input_hsvf,-1)).rw());
+ std::cout << "Achromatism" << std::endl;
+ cnt1 = count_histo(histo_h);
+ cnt2 = mln::geom::nsites(input_h);
+ percentage = (100.0 * (cnt2 - cnt1) / cnt2);
+ result = percentage > 99.0;
+ std::cout << "Nbre pixels : " << cnt2
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Nbre pixels achromatiques : " <<
(cnt2-cnt1)<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Percentage : " << percentage
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Image achromatique : " << result
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Saturation" << std::endl;
+ cnt1 = count_histo(histo_s | mln::box1d(mln::point1d(0),mln::point1d(100)));
+ cnt2= mln::geom::nsites(achromatic | (mln::pw::value(achromatic)==false));
+ percentage = (100.0 * cnt1 / cnt2);
+ result = percentage > 95.0;
+ std::cout << "Nbre pixels : " << cnt2
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Nbre p faiblement saturés : " << cnt1
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Percentage : " << percentage
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Image faiblement saturé : " << result
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ // et peut être 50% des pixels faiblement saturées
+ mln::debug::println(histo_h);
+ unsigned peak = peak_histo(histo_h);
+ cnt1 = count_histo(histo_h | mln::box1d(mln::point1d(peak-20),
+ mln::point1d(peak+20)));
+ cnt2= count_histo(histo_h);
+ percentage = (100.0 * cnt1 / cnt2);
+ result = percentage > 95.0;
+ std::cout << "Position du pic : " << peak
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Nbre pixels : " << cnt2
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Nbre pixels proches pic : " << cnt1
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Percentage : " << percentage
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Image fortement teintée : " << result
<< std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ // Autre possibilité
+ // calculer le maximum de la teinte et regarder si le pourcentage pixels dont
+ // la distance est inférieure à 20 > 95%
+ // alors
+// 3 cartes
+// 1) carte d'achromaticité d = max(|r-g|,|r-b|,|g-b|)
+// 2) carte de saturation
+// 3) carte d'éloignement par rapport au pic de teinte
diff --git a/milena/doc/outputs/accu-right-instanciation.txt
similarity index 100%
copy from milena/doc/outputs/accu-right-instanciation.txt
copy to scribo/sandbox/green/ChangeLog