plugin-gimp/src/Makefile.am | 2 +-
plugin-gimp/src/gimp-image.hh | 588 -----------------------------------------
plugin-gimp/src/main.cc | 124 +++++-----
3 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 653 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 plugin-gimp/src/gimp-image.hh
diff --git a/plugin-gimp/src/Makefile.am b/plugin-gimp/src/Makefile.am
index fc30a5a..ccff855 100644
--- a/plugin-gimp/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/plugin-gimp/src/Makefile.am
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ milena_CPPFLAGS = \
-I$(includedir) \
-CXXFLAGS = -g -O0
diff --git a/plugin-gimp/src/gimp-image.hh b/plugin-gimp/src/gimp-image.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index be0fd4f..0000000
--- a/plugin-gimp/src/gimp-image.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,588 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007, 2011 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory
-// This file is part of the Milena Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
-// of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-// the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free
-// software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files
-// instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this
-// file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to
-// produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the
-// resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-// License. This exception does not however invalidate any other
-// reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-// Public License.
-#ifndef __IMAGEGIMP_HH__
-# define __IMAGEGIMP_HH__
-# include <libgimp/gimp.h>
-# include <libgimp/gimpui.h>
-# include <mln/core/concept/proxy.hh>
-# include <mln/core/internal/image_primary.hh>
-# include <mln/core/alias/box2d.hh>
-# include <mln/value/set.hh>
-# include <mln/value/rgb8.hh>
-# include <mln/value/int_u8.hh>
-# include <mln/literal/all.hh>
-# include <iostream>
-# include <sstream>
-namespace mln
- // Fwd decl.
- template <GimpImageType TI> struct gimp_image;
- template <typename T1, typename T2>
- struct my_shell
- : public Proxy< my_shell<T1,T2> >,
- public mln::internal::proxy_impl< T1, my_shell<T1,T2> >
- {
- // Equiv
- typedef T1 equiv;
- T1 subj_()
- {
- return val_;
- }
- my_shell(GimpPixelRgn* rgn, const point2d& p)
- : rgn_(rgn), p_(p)
- {
- gimp_pixel_rgn_get_pixel(rgn_,
- (guchar *) &val_,
- p_.col(), p_.row());
- }
- my_shell<T1, T2>& operator=(const T1& nval)
- {
- val_ = nval;
- gimp_pixel_rgn_set_pixel(rgn_,
- (guchar *) &val_,
- p_.col(), p_.row());
- }
- T1 val_;
- GimpPixelRgn* rgn_;
- point2d p_;
- };
- namespace internal
- {
- /// Trait that give mln type from gimp value tag.
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- struct gimp_value_tag_to_mln
- {
- typedef void type;
- };
- template <>
- struct gimp_value_tag_to_mln<GIMP_RGB_IMAGE>
- {
- typedef value::rgb8 type;
- };
- template <>
- struct gimp_value_tag_to_mln<GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE>
- {
- typedef value::int_u8 type;
- };
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- struct data< gimp_image<TI> >
- {
- typedef typename internal::gimp_value_tag_to_mln<TI>::type T;
- /// Constructor.
- /// {
- data(GimpPixelRgn* rgn);
- /// }
- /// Destructor.
- ~data();
- /// Gimp region.
- GimpPixelRgn* rgn_;
- guchar *rdata_;
- // Columns pointers
- //guchar** array_;
- /// theoretical box
- box2d b_;
- };
- } // end of namespace mln::internal
- namespace trait
- {
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- struct image_< gimp_image<TI> > : default_image_< mln::value::rgb8,
gimp_image<TI> >
- {
- // misc
- typedef trait::image::category::primary category;
- typedef trait::image::speed::fast speed;
- typedef trait::image::size::regular size;
- // value
- typedef trait::image::vw_io::none vw_io;
- typedef trait::image::vw_set::none vw_set;
- typedef trait::image::value_access::computed value_access;
- typedef trait::image::value_storage::one_block value_storage;
- typedef trait::image::value_browsing::site_wise_only value_browsing;
- typedef trait::image::value_alignment::with_grid value_alignment;
- typedef trait::image::value_io::read_write value_io;
- // site / domain
- typedef trait::image::pw_io::read_write pw_io;
- typedef trait::image::localization::basic_grid localization;
- typedef trait::image::dimension::two_d dimension;
- // extended domain
- typedef trait::image::ext_domain::none ext_domain;
- typedef trait::image::ext_value::multiple ext_value;
- typedef trait::image::ext_io::read_only ext_io;
- };
- } // end of namespace mln::trait
- /*! \brief Basic 2D image class.
- *
- */
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- struct gimp_image
- : public internal::image_primary<typename
- box2d, gimp_image<TI> >
- {
- typedef internal::image_primary<typename
- box2d, gimp_image<TI> > super_;
- // Warning: just to make effective types appear in Doxygen:
- typedef box2d pset;
- typedef point2d psite;
- typedef point2d point;
- typedef dpoint2d dpoint;
- typedef mln_fwd_piter(box2d) fwd_piter;
- typedef mln_bkd_piter(box2d) bkd_piter;
- // End of warning.
- typedef typename internal::gimp_value_tag_to_mln<TI>::type T;
- /// Value associated type.
- typedef T value;
- /// Return type of read-only access.
- typedef my_shell<T,guchar> rvalue;
- /// Return type of read-write access.
- typedef my_shell<T,guchar> lvalue;
- /// Skeleton.
- typedef gimp_image<TI> skeleton;
- /// Value_Set associated type.
- typedef mln::value::set<value> vset;
- /// Constructor without argument.
- gimp_image();
- /// Constructor with a gimp region.
- gimp_image(GimpPixelRgn* rgn);
- /// Constructor with a box2d.
- gimp_image(box2d box);
- /// Constructor with with the numbers of rows and columns.
- gimp_image(int nrows, int ncols);
- /// Initialise an image from a gimp region.
- void init_(GimpPixelRgn* rgn);
- // /// Initialise an image from a box2d.
- // void init_(box2d box);
- /// Test if \p p is valid.
- bool has(const point2d& p) const;
- /// Give the set of values of the image.
- const vset& values() const;
- /// Give the definition domain.
- const box2d& domain() const;
- /// const-only access to the image value located at point \p p.
- rvalue operator()(const point& p) const;
- /// Read-write access to the image value located at point \p p.
- lvalue operator()(const point& p);
- // As a fastest image:
- // -------------------
- // // Give the index of a point.
- // unsigned index_of_point(const point& p) const;
- /// Give the border thickness.
- unsigned border() const;
- /// Give the number of elements (points including border ones).
- unsigned nelements() const;
- /// Read-only access to the image value located at index \p i.
- rvalue element(unsigned i) const;
- /// Read-write access to the image value located at index \p i.
- lvalue element(unsigned i);
- /// Give the delta-index corresponding to the delta-point \p dp.
- int delta_index(const dpoint2d& dp) const;
- // /// Give the point corresponding to the index \p i.
- // point2d point_at_index(unsigned i) const;
- /// Give a hook to the value buffer.
- const guchar* buffer() const;
- /// Give a hook to the value buffer.
- guchar* buffer();
- /// Gimp Image method
- /// Give a hook to the GimpPixelRgn.
- GimpPixelRgn* gimp_region();
- /// Give a hook to the GimpDrawable.
- GimpDrawable* gimp_drawable();
- };
- namespace internal
- {
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- data< gimp_image<TI> >::data(GimpPixelRgn* rgn)
- : rgn_(rgn)
- {
- mln_assertion(rgn != NULL);
- rgn_ = rgn;
- rdata_ = rgn->data;
- mln_assertion(rdata_ != 0);
- // unsigned
- // nr = b_.height(),
- // nc = b_.width();
- // array_ = new guchar*[nc];
- // guchar* buf = rgn_->data;
- // for (unsigned i = 0; i < nc; ++i)
- // {
- // array_[i] = buf;
- // buf += nr * sizeof(T);
- // }
- b_ = make::box2d(rgn->y, rgn->x,
- rgn->y + rgn->h - 1,
- rgn->x + rgn->w - 1);
- }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- data< gimp_image<TI> >::~data()
- {
- // FIXME : Flush!
- }
- } // end of namespace mln::internal
- // gimp_image<TI>
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- gimp_image<TI>::gimp_image()
- {
- }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- gimp_image<TI>::gimp_image(GimpPixelRgn* rgn)
- {
- init_(rgn);
- gimp_tile_cache_ntiles(3 * (this->data_->rgn_->w / gimp_tile_width()));
- }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- void
- gimp_image<TI>::init_(GimpPixelRgn* rgn)
- {
- this->data_ = new internal::data< gimp_image<TI> >(rgn);
- }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- const box2d&
- gimp_image<TI>::domain() const
- {
- mln_precondition(this->is_valid());
- return this->data_->b_;
- }
- // template <GimpImageType TI>
- // unsigned
- // gimp_image<TI>::index_of_point(const point& p) const
- // {
- // mln_precondition(this->is_valid());
- // mln_precondition(this->has(p));
- // unsigned i = (this->operator()(p).address_() - this->buffer()) / sizeof(T);
- // mln_postcondition(p == this->point_at_index(i));
- // return i;
- // }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- unsigned
- gimp_image<TI>::border() const
- {
- return 0;
- }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- unsigned
- gimp_image<TI>::nelements() const
- {
- mln_precondition(this->is_valid());
- return this->data_->b_.nsites();
- }
- // template <GimpImageType TI>
- // inline
- // typename gimp_image<TI>::rvalue
- // gimp_image<TI>::element(unsigned i) const
- // {
- // mln_precondition(i < nelements());
- // return rvalue(this->data_->rdata_ + 3 * i);
- // }
- // template <GimpImageType TI>
- // inline
- // typename gimp_image<TI>::lvalue
- // gimp_image<TI>::element(unsigned i)
- // {
- // mln_precondition(i < nelements());
- // return lvalue(this->data_->rdata_ + 3 * i);
- // }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- bool
- gimp_image<TI>::has(const point2d& p) const
- {
- mln_precondition(this->is_valid());
- return this->data_->b_.has(p);
- }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- typename gimp_image<TI>::rvalue
- gimp_image<TI>::operator()(const point& p) const
- {
- mln_precondition(this->has(p));
- // return rvalue(&this->data_->array_[p.col()][p.row() * 3]);
- // return rvalue(this->data_->rdata_ + 3 * (p.row() *
this->data_->b_.width() + p.col()));
- // static T c;
- // gimp_pixel_rgn_get_pixel(this->data_->rgn_,
- // (guchar *) &c,
- // p.col(), p.row());
- // return c;
- return rvalue(this->data_->rgn_, p);
- }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- typename gimp_image<TI>::lvalue
- gimp_image<TI>::operator()(const point& p)
- {
- mln_precondition(this->has(p));
- return rvalue(this->data_->rgn_, p);
-// return lvalue(&this->data_->array_[p.col()][p.row() * 3]);
- //return rvalue(this->data_->rdata_ + 3 * (p.row() *
this->data_->b_.width() + p.col()));
- }
- // template <GimpImageType TI>
- // inline
- // int
- // gimp_image<TI>::delta_index(const dpoint2d& dp) const
- // {
- // mln_precondition(this->is_valid());
- // int o = dp[0] * this->data_->b_.width() * 3 + dp[1] * 3;
- // return o;
- // }
- // template <GimpImageType TI>
- // inline
- // point2d
- // gimp_image<TI>::point_at_index(unsigned i) const
- // {
- // mln_precondition(i < nelements());
- // def::coord
- // row = static_cast<def::coord>(i / this->data_->b_.height() +
- // col = static_cast<def::coord>(i % this->data_->b_.height() +
- // point2d p = point2d(row, col);
- // mln_postcondition(this->operator()(p).address_() == this->data_->rdata_ +
sizeof(T) * i);
- // return p;
- // }
- // template <GimpImageType TI>
- // const guchar*
- // gimp_image<TI>::buffer() const
- // {
- // return this->data_->rdata_;
- // }
- // template <GimpImageType TI>
- // guchar*
- // gimp_image<TI>::buffer()
- // {
- // return this->data_->rdata_;
- // }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- GimpPixelRgn*
- gimp_image<TI>::gimp_region()
- {
- return this->data_->rgn_;
- }
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- GimpDrawable*
- gimp_image<TI>::gimp_drawable()
- {
- return this->data_->rgn_->drawable;
- }
-# endif // ! MLN_INCLUDE_ONLY
-} // end of namespace mln
-# include <mln/core/trait/pixter.hh>
-# include <mln/core/dpoints_pixter.hh>
-# include <mln/core/pixter2d.hh>
-# include <mln/core/w_window.hh>
-namespace mln
- namespace trait
- {
- // pixter
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- struct fwd_pixter< gimp_image<TI> >
- {
- typedef fwd_pixter2d< gimp_image<TI> > ret;
- };
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- struct fwd_pixter< const gimp_image<TI> >
- {
- typedef fwd_pixter2d< const gimp_image<TI> > ret;
- };
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- struct bkd_pixter< gimp_image<TI> >
- {
- typedef bkd_pixter2d< gimp_image<TI> > ret;
- };
- template <GimpImageType TI>
- struct bkd_pixter< const gimp_image<TI> >
- {
- typedef bkd_pixter2d< const gimp_image<TI> > ret;
- };
- // qixter
- template <typename W, GimpImageType TI>
- struct fwd_qixter< gimp_image<TI>, W >
- {
- typedef dpoints_fwd_pixter< gimp_image<TI> > ret;
- };
- template <typename W, GimpImageType TI>
- struct fwd_qixter< const gimp_image<TI>, W >
- {
- typedef dpoints_fwd_pixter< const gimp_image<TI> > ret;
- };
- template <typename W, GimpImageType TI>
- struct bkd_qixter< gimp_image<TI>, W >
- {
- typedef mln::internal::fixme ret;
- };
- // nixter
- template <typename N, GimpImageType TI>
- struct fwd_nixter< gimp_image<TI>, N >
- {
- typedef dpoints_fwd_pixter< gimp_image<TI> > ret;
- };
- template <typename N, GimpImageType TI>
- struct fwd_nixter< const gimp_image<TI>, N >
- {
- typedef dpoints_fwd_pixter< const gimp_image<TI> > ret;
- };
- template <typename N, GimpImageType TI>
- struct bkd_nixter< gimp_image<TI>, N >
- {
- typedef mln::internal::fixme ret;
- };
- } // end of namespace mln::trait
-} // end of namespace mln
-#endif // ! __GIMP_IMAGE_HH__
diff --git a/plugin-gimp/src/main.cc b/plugin-gimp/src/main.cc
index 7af1ffa..703bc9e 100644
--- a/plugin-gimp/src/main.cc
+++ b/plugin-gimp/src/main.cc
@@ -33,11 +33,21 @@
#include <libgimp/gimp.h>
#include <libgimp/gimpui.h>
-#include "interface.hh"
+#include <mln/util/timer.hh>
+#include <mln/data/fill.hh>
+#include <mln/literal/colors.hh>
+#include <mln/io/ppm/save.hh>
+#include <mln/io/ppm/load.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
+#include <mln/data/paste.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/gimp-image.hh>
+//#include "interface.hh"
#include "plugin-intl.hh"
-#include "build-image.hh"
+//#include "build-image.hh"
/* Constants */
@@ -64,7 +74,7 @@ GimpPlugInInfo PLUG_IN_INFO =
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int result;
- getchar();
+// getchar();
result = gimp_main(&PLUG_IN_INFO, argc, argv);
return result;
@@ -85,9 +95,9 @@ query (void)
"Perform many image processing using Milena library",
"Olena Team <olena(a)lrde.epita.fr>"r>",
"EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)",
- "2007-2011",
+ "2011",
N_("Milena toolbox..."),
+ "RGB*, GRAY*",
G_N_ELEMENTS (args), 0,
args, NULL);
@@ -107,10 +117,7 @@ run (const gchar *name,
static GimpParam values[1];
GimpDrawable *drawable;
- GimpPixelRgn in, out;
gint32 image_ID;
- gint x1, y1, x2, y2;
- gint width, height;
GimpRunMode run_mode;
GimpPDBStatusType status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS;
@@ -121,62 +128,51 @@ run (const gchar *name,
image_ID = param[1].data.d_int32;
drawable = gimp_drawable_get (param[2].data.d_drawable);
- gimp_drawable_mask_bounds (drawable->drawable_id, &x1, &y1, &x2,
- width = drawable->width;
- height = drawable->height;
- gimp_pixel_rgn_init(&out, drawable, 0, 0, width, height, TRUE, TRUE);
- gimp_pixel_rgns_register(1, &out);
- std::cout << "Run - with data: " << out.data << std::endl;
- I tmp(&out);
- //mln::data::fill(tmp, mln::literal::black);
- // mln_piter_(I) p(tmp.domain());
- // for_all(p)
- // tmp(p) = mln::value::rgb8(0, 0, 0);
- tmp(mln::point2d(0,0)) = mln::value::rgb8(0, 255, 0);
- tmp(mln::point2d(1,0)) = mln::value::rgb8(0, 255, 0);
- tmp(mln::point2d(0,1)) = mln::value::rgb8(0, 255, 0);
- tmp(mln::point2d(1,1)) = mln::value::rgb8(0, 255, 0);
- mln::io::ppm::save(tmp, "/tmp/gimp_image.ppm");
- // std::cout << ".";
- // std::cout << std::endl;
- // build_milena_image(&in, & out);
- // if (strcmp (name, PROCEDURE_NAME) == 0)
- // {
- // switch (run_mode)
- // {
- // break;
- // dialog (image_ID, drawable);
- // break;
- // break;
- // default:
- // break;
- // }
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // }
- // gimp_drawable_update (drawable->drawable_id, x1, y1, (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1));
- // gimp_displays_flush ();
- // gimp_drawable_detach (drawable);
+ guint32 valtype = gimp_drawable_type(drawable->drawable_id);
+ if (valtype == GIMP_RGB_IMAGE)
+ {
+ typedef mln::gimp_image<GIMP_RGB_IMAGE> I;
+ {
+ mln::util::timer t;
+ t.start();
+ I tmp(drawable);
+ t.stop();
+ std::cout << "Milena Gimp image built in " << t <<
"s" << std::endl;
+ t.restart();
+ mln::data::fill(tmp, mln::literal::red);
+ t.stop();
+ std::cout << "Gimp image filled in " << t <<
"s" << std::endl;
+ tmp(mln::point2d(0,0)) = mln::value::rgb8(255, 0, 0);
+ tmp(mln::point2d(1,0)) = mln::value::rgb8(0, 0, 255);
+ tmp(mln::point2d(0,1)) = mln::value::rgb8(0, 255, 0);
+ tmp(mln::point2d(1,1)) = mln::value::rgb8(0, 255, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (valtype == GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE)
+ {
+ typedef mln::gimp_image<GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE> I;
+ {
+ mln::util::timer t;
+ t.start();
+ I tmp(drawable);
+ t.stop();
+ std::cout << "Milena Gimp image built in " << t <<
"s" << std::endl;
+ t.restart();
+ mln::data::fill(tmp, 125);
+ t.stop();
+ std::cout << "Gimp image filled in " << t <<
"s" << std::endl;
+ tmp(mln::point2d(0,0)) = 64;
+ tmp(mln::point2d(1,0)) = 150;
+ tmp(mln::point2d(0,1)) = 255;
+ tmp(mln::point2d(1,1)) = 0;
+ }
+ }
values[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS;
values[0].data.d_status = status;