scribo/src/binarization/kim.cc | 347 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 347 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 scribo/src/binarization/kim.cc
diff --git a/scribo/src/binarization/kim.cc b/scribo/src/binarization/kim.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4596990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scribo/src/binarization/kim.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)
+// This file is part of Olena.
+// Olena is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+// Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
+// Olena is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Olena. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free
+// software project without restriction. Specifically, if other files
+// instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this
+// file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce
+// an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting
+// executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
+// exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
+// executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+/// \file
+#include <cmath>
+#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
+#include <mln/value/int_u8.hh>
+#include <mln/io/magick/load.hh>
+#include <mln/io/pbm/save.hh>
+#include <mln/data/transform.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/v2v/rgb_to_luma.hh>
+#include <scribo/binarization/sauvola_ms.hh>
+#include <scribo/debug/option_parser.hh>
+#include <scribo/debug/logger.hh>
+#include <scribo/util/integral_sum_sum2_functor.hh>
+#include <scribo/text/extract_lines.hh>
+#include <scribo/debug/bboxes_enlarged_image.hh>
+#include <algorithm>
+static const scribo::debug::arg_data arg_desc[] =
+ { "input.*", "An image." },
+ { "output.pbm", "A binary image." },
+ {0, 0}
+// --enable/disable-<name>
+static const scribo::debug::toggle_data toggle_desc[] =
+ // name, description, default value
+ {0, 0, false}
+// --<name> <args>
+static const scribo::debug::opt_data opt_desc[] =
+ // name, description, arguments, check args function, number of args, default arg
+ { "debug-prefix", "Enable debug image outputs. Prefix image name with
that "
+ "given prefix.", "<prefix>", 0, 1, 0 },
+ { "k", "Sauvola's formulae parameter",
"<value>", 0, 1, "0.34" },
+ { "s", "First subsampling ratio. Possible values: 2 or 3.",
+ scribo::debug::check_sauvola_first_subsampling, 1, "3" },
+ { "verbose", "Enable verbose mode", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+ { "win-size", "Window size at scale 1", "<size>",
0, 1, "101" },
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ using namespace mln;
+ using namespace scribo;
+ scribo::debug::option_parser options(arg_desc, toggle_desc, opt_desc);
+ if (!options.parse(argc, argv))
+ return 1;
+ // Enable debug output.
+ if (options.is_set("debug-prefix"))
+ {
+ scribo::debug::logger().set_level(scribo::debug::All);
+ }
+ Magick::InitializeMagick(*argv);
+ trace::entering("main");
+ bool verbose = options.is_set("verbose");
+ // Window size
+ unsigned w_1 = atoi(options.opt_value("win-size").c_str());
+ // First subsampling scale.
+ unsigned s = atoi(options.opt_value("s").c_str());
+ double k = atof(options.opt_value("k").c_str());
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Using w_1=" << w_1 << " - s="
<< s
+ << " - k=" << k << std::endl;
+ // Load
+ image2d<value::rgb8> input_1;
+ io::magick::load(input_1, options.arg("input.*"));
+ // Convert to Gray level image.
+ image2d<value::int_u8>
+ input_1_gl = data::transform(input_1,
+ mln::fun::v2v::rgb_to_luma<value::int_u8>());
+ // 1st simple binarization
+ image2d<bool>
+ output = scribo::binarization::sauvola_ms(input_1_gl, w_1, s, k);
+ io::pbm::save(output, "debug_bin.pbm");
+ // Compute integral image
+ scribo::util::integral_sum_sum2_functor<value::int_u8,double> f_sum_sum2;
+ image2d<mln::util::couple<double,double> >
+ integral_sum_sum_2 = scribo::util::init_integral_image(input_1_gl, 1, f_sum_sum2);
+ // Find text lines
+ line_set<image2d<scribo::def::lbl_type> >
+ lines = scribo::text::extract_lines(output, c8());
+ typedef scribo::def::lbl_type V;
+ typedef image2d<V> L;
+ mln::util::array<unsigned> thickness(lines.nelements() + 1, 0);
+ const component_set<L>& comp_set = lines.components();
+ const L& lbl = comp_set.labeled_image();
+ // Compute run-lengths histogram in order to compute character
+ // thickness for each line.
+ for_all_lines(i, lines)
+ {
+ if (!lines(i).is_textline())
+ continue;
+ std::map<unsigned, unsigned> histo;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int l = lines(i).bbox().pmin().row(); l <= lines(i).bbox().pmax().row();
+ {
+ const V* end_ptr = &lbl.at_(l, lines(i).bbox().pmax().col() + 1);
+ for (const V* run_ptr = &lbl.at_(l, lines(i).bbox().pmin().col()); run_ptr !=
end_ptr; ++run_ptr)
+ if (*run_ptr)
+ ++count;
+ else
+ if (count)
+ {
+ if (histo.find(count) != histo.end())
+ histo[count]++;
+ else
+ histo.insert(std::make_pair(count, 1));
+ count = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned max = 0;
+ unsigned thick = 0;
+ for (std::map<unsigned, unsigned>::const_iterator it = histo.begin(); it !=
histo.end(); ++it)
+ if (it->second > max)
+ {
+ max = it->second;
+ thick = it->first;
+ }
+ thickness(lines(i).id()) = thick;
+ std::cout << "line " << i << " - thickness = "
<< thick << " - height = " << lines(i).x_height() <<
+ }
+ // std::cout << "integral_sum_sum_2.domain() = " <<
integral_sum_sum_2.domain() << std::endl;
+ // FIXME: To be removed.
+ extension::adjust_duplicate(integral_sum_sum_2, 50);
+ for_all_lines(i, lines)
+ {
+ if (!lines(i).is_textline())
+ continue;
+ math::round<double> round;
+ double
+ win_min = round(std::max(thickness(lines(i).id()),2u) / 2.0),
+ win_max = round(std::max(lines(i).x_height(),2u) / 2.0),
+ card_min,
+ card_max;
+ if (win_min == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << "win_min == 0 - thickness = " <<
thickness(lines(i).id()) << std::endl;
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (win_max == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << "win_max == 0 - x_height = " <<
lines(i).x_height() << std::endl;
+ abort();
+ }
+ binarization::internal::sauvola_formula compute_thres;
+ // std::cout << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
New line" << std::endl;
+ mln_piter(L) p(lines(i).bbox());
+ for_all(p)
+ {
+ accu::shape::bbox<point2d> accu;
+ point2d tl, br;
+ // Min case
+ tl.row() = (p.row() - win_min - 1);
+ tl.col() = (p.col() - win_min - 1);
+ br.row() = (p.row() + win_min);
+ br.col() = (p.col() + win_min);
+ accu.take(tl);
+ accu.take(br);
+ box2d b = accu.to_result();
+ b.crop_wrt(integral_sum_sum_2.domain());
+ point2d tr = b.pmax();
+ tr.row() = b.pmin().row();
+ point2d bl = b.pmin();
+ bl.row() = b.pmax().row();
+ {
+ accu::shape::bbox<point2d> accu;
+ point2d tl, br;
+ tl.row() = (p.row() - win_min);
+ tl.col() = (p.col() - win_min);
+ br.row() = (p.row() + win_min);
+ br.col() = (p.col() + win_min);
+ accu.take(tl);
+ accu.take(br);
+ box2d b = accu.to_result();
+ b.crop_wrt(input_1_gl.domain());
+ card_min = b.nsites();
+ }
+ // std::cout << "p = " << p << " - box = "
<< b << " - nsites = " << b.nsites() << " -
card_min = " << card_min << std::endl;
+ double sum = integral_sum_sum_2(b.pmax()).first() - integral_sum_sum_2(tr).first()
- integral_sum_sum_2(bl).first() + integral_sum_sum_2(b.pmin()).first();
+ double sum_2 = integral_sum_sum_2(b.pmax()).second() -
integral_sum_sum_2(tr).second() - integral_sum_sum_2(bl).second() +
+ double mean = sum / card_min;
+ double num = (sum_2 - sum * sum / card_min);
+ double stddev = 0;
+ if (num > 0)
+ stddev = std::sqrt(num / (card_min - 1));
+ else
+ stddev = 0;
+ double T_min = compute_thres(mean, stddev);
+ // Max case
+ accu.init();
+ tl.row() = (p.row() - win_max - 1);
+ tl.col() = (p.col() - win_max - 1);
+ br.row() = (p.row() + win_max);
+ br.col() = (p.col() + win_max);
+ accu.take(tl);
+ accu.take(br);
+ b = accu.to_result();
+ b.crop_wrt(integral_sum_sum_2.domain());
+ tr = b.pmax();
+ tr.row() = b.pmin().row();
+ bl = b.pmin();
+ bl.row() = b.pmax().row();
+ {
+ accu::shape::bbox<point2d> accu;
+ point2d tl, br;
+ tl.row() = (p.row() - win_max);
+ tl.col() = (p.col() - win_max);
+ br.row() = (p.row() + win_max);
+ br.col() = (p.col() + win_max);
+ accu.take(tl);
+ accu.take(br);
+ box2d b = accu.to_result();
+ b.crop_wrt(input_1_gl.domain());
+ card_max = b.nsites();
+ // std::cout << "card_max = " << card_max << " - b =
" << b << std::endl;
+ }
+ sum = integral_sum_sum_2(b.pmax()).first() - integral_sum_sum_2(tr).first() -
integral_sum_sum_2(bl).first() + integral_sum_sum_2(b.pmin()).first();
+ sum_2 = integral_sum_sum_2(b.pmax()).second() - integral_sum_sum_2(tr).second() -
integral_sum_sum_2(bl).second() + integral_sum_sum_2(b.pmin()).second();
+ mean = sum / card_max;
+ num = (sum_2 - sum * sum / card_max);
+ stddev = 0;
+ if (num > 0)
+ stddev = std::sqrt(num / (card_max - 1));
+ else
+ stddev = 0;
+ double T_max = compute_thres(mean, stddev);
+ // Final threshold
+ double teta = 0.3;
+ double T = teta * T_max + (1 - teta) * T_min;
+// std::cout << "bbox = " << lines(i).bbox() << " -
box = " << b << " - T_max = " << T_max << " -
T_min = " << T_min << " - T = " << T <<
+ mln_assertion(T_min <= 255);
+ mln_assertion(T_max <= 255);
+ mln_assertion(T <= 255);
+ output(p) = input_1_gl(p) <= T;
+ }
+ }
+ image2d<value::rgb8> bbox = scribo::debug::bboxes_enlarged_image(output, lines);
+ io::ppm::save(bbox, "debug_bbox.ppm");
+ io::pbm::save(output, options.arg("output.pbm"));