scribo/sandbox/icdar_13_table/Makefile | 18 +++
scribo/sandbox/icdar_13_table/src/main.cc | 171 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 scribo/sandbox/icdar_13_table/Makefile
create mode 100644 scribo/sandbox/icdar_13_table/src/main.cc
diff --git a/scribo/sandbox/icdar_13_table/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2420eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scribo/sandbox/icdar_13_table/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+CFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -O3
+CLIBS=-I../../../milena/ -I../../
+CLEAN=*.o $(OUTPUT) output/* log final.xml
+all: table
+ $(CCACHE) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DHAVE_TESSERACT_3 $(CLIBS) $(SRC) -ltesseract -o $(OUTPUT)
+ rm -rf $(CLEAN)
+.PHONY: table
diff --git a/scribo/sandbox/icdar_13_table/src/main.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ed125d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scribo/sandbox/icdar_13_table/src/main.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#include <mln/binarization/all.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
+#include <mln/data/all.hh>
+#include <mln/fun/v2v/rgb_to_luma.hh>
+#include <mln/io/pbm/all.hh>
+#include <mln/io/ppm/all.hh>
+#include <mln/labeling/all.hh>
+#include <mln/logical/and.hh>
+#include <mln/value/all.hh>
+#include <tesseract/baseapi.h>
+#include <scribo/binarization/sauvola.hh>
+#include <scribo/core/component_set.hh>
+#include <scribo/preprocessing/denoise_fg.hh>
+#include <scribo/primitive/extract/all.hh>
+using namespace mln;
+void start_xml(std::ofstream& xml, const char* name, const char* pdf)
+ xml.open(name);
+ xml << "<?xml version\"1.0\"
encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << std::endl
+ << "<document filename='" << pdf <<
"'>" << std::endl;
+void end_xml(std::ofstream& xml)
+ xml << "</document>" << std::endl;
+ xml.close();
+void write_table(std::ofstream& xml, const point2d& start, const point2d&
+ static unsigned table = 0;
+ static unsigned region = 0;
+ static unsigned page = 1;
+ xml << "\t<table id='" << table <<
"'>" << std::endl
+ << "\t\t<region id='" << region << "'
page='" << page << "'>" << std::endl
+ << "\t\t<bounding-box x1='" << start[1] <<
"' y1='" << start[0] << "' "
+ << "x2='" << end[1] << "' y2='"
<< end[0] << "'/>" << std::endl
+ << "\t\t</region>" << std::endl;
+ ++table;
+template<typename L>
+void get_horizontal_lines(scribo::component_set<L>& hlines,
+ image2d<bool>& ima,
+ image2d<bool>& bin_without,
+ const unsigned av_height)
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i <= hlines.nelements(); ++i)
+ {
+ const box2d& b = hlines(i).bbox();
+ data::fill((bin_without | b).rw(), false);
+ if (b.height() != 0 && b.width() != 0 && b.height() < av_height)
+ data::fill((ima | b).rw(), true);
+ }
+template<typename L>
+void get_vertical_lines(scribo::component_set<L>& vlines,
+ image2d<bool>& ima,
+ image2d<bool>& bin_without,
+ const unsigned av_width,
+ const int delta_prox_h)
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i <= vlines.nelements(); ++i)
+ {
+ const box2d& b = vlines(i).bbox();
+ data::fill((bin_without | b).rw(), false);
+ if (b.height() != 0 && b.width() != 0
+ && b.width() < av_width)
+ if (vlines(i).mass_center()[1] - vlines(i - 1).mass_center()[1] > delta_prox_h
+ || vlines(i).mass_center()[1] < vlines(i - 1).mass_center()[1])
+ data::fill((ima | b).rw(), true);
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ typedef value::label_16 V;
+ typedef image2d<V> L;
+ image2d<value::rgb8> original;
+ image2d<value::int_u8> filtered;
+ image2d<bool> bin, ima_hlines, ima_vlines, ima_tables, ima_texts,
+ bin_without_lines, bin_without_lines_denoised,
+ mask;
+ image2d<unsigned> labeled;
+ scribo::component_set< image2d<unsigned> > masks;
+ V nhlines, nvlines;
+ L hlines_ima, vlines_ima;
+ scribo::component_set<L> hlines, vlines;
+ unsigned av_height = 4;
+ unsigned av_width = 4;
+ int delta_prox_h = 5;
+ unsigned min_height = 71;
+ unsigned min_width = 31;
+ // Loadin and binarization
+ std::ofstream xml;
+ start_xml(xml, "final.xml", argv[1]);
+ io::ppm::load(original, argv[1]);
+ filtered = data::transform(original,
+ bin = scribo::binarization::sauvola(filtered, 81, 0.44);
+ initialize(mask, bin);
+ initialize(ima_texts, bin);
+ initialize(ima_tables, bin);
+ data::fill(ima_tables, false);
+ bin_without_lines = duplicate(bin);
+ // Lines extraction
+ hlines = scribo::primitive::extract::lines_h_discontinued(bin, c4(), nhlines,
min_width, 2);
+ vlines = scribo::primitive::extract::lines_v_discontinued(bin, c4(), nvlines,
min_height, 2);
+ get_horizontal_lines(hlines, ima_tables, bin_without_lines, av_height);
+ get_vertical_lines(vlines, ima_tables, bin_without_lines, av_width, delta_prox_h);
+ // Denoising
+ bin_without_lines_denoised = scribo::preprocessing::denoise_fg(bin_without_lines, c8(),
+ // Set the tables mask
+ unsigned n;
+ labeled = labeling::blobs(ima_tables, c8(), n);
+ masks = scribo::component_set< image2d<unsigned> >(labeled, n);
+ data::fill(mask, false);
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i <= masks.nelements(); ++i)
+ data::fill((mask | masks(i).bbox()).rw(), true);
+ // Compose table zones with bin_without_lines_lines
+ ima_texts = logical::and_(bin_without_lines_denoised, mask);
+ // Get lines images
+ hlines_ima = hlines.labeled_image();
+ vlines_ima = vlines.labeled_image();
+ ima_hlines = data::convert(bool(), hlines_ima);
+ ima_vlines = data::convert(bool(), vlines_ima);
+ // Write images and close XML
+ io::pbm::save(bin, "output/0_bin.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(bin_without_lines, "output/1_bin_without_lines.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(bin_without_lines_denoised,
+ io::pbm::save(ima_hlines, "output/3_hlines.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(ima_vlines, "output/4_vlines.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(ima_tables, "output/5_tables.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(mask, "output/6_mask.pbm");
+ io::pbm::save(ima_texts, "output/7_texts.pbm");
+ end_xml(xml);
+ return 0;