From: Maxime van Noppen <yabo(a)>
To: transformers-patches(a), olena-patches(a)
Subject: scool r121: Add the 'mutable' keyword
2008-10-17 Maxime van Noppen <yabo(a)>
Add the 'mutable' keyword.
* pp-cxx/CxxFun.str: Pretty-print the 'const' keyword when it is
* present.
* cxx-syn/CxxFun.sdf: Add the 'const-method' production.
* scl-syn/Expression.sdf: Use the C++ semantic regarding '=' and
* '=='.
* scoolt/Class.str: Add a dynamic-rule system to scope translations
* of declarations so that it is possible to detect wether the
* translation takes place or not inside a class context.
* scoolt/Declaration.str: Handle function modifiers.
* scoolt/Expression.str: Handle the Assign constructor.
* scoolt/Function.str: Don't add the 'const' keywords when either
* the method is mutable or that it is a function and not a method.
* scoolt/Program.str: Initialize the dynamic rule system for scoped
* translation rules.
cxx-syn/CxxFun.sdf | 7 +++++++
pp-cxx/CxxFun.str | 14 ++++++++++----
scl-syn/Expression.sdf | 12 ++++++------
scoolt/Class.str | 15 ++++++++++++++-
scoolt/Declaration.str | 8 ++++++--
scoolt/Expression.str | 6 +++++-
scoolt/Function.str | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
scoolt/Program.str | 5 ++++-
8 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
Index: branches/scool-ng/src/pp-cxx/CxxFun.str
--- branches/scool-ng/src/pp-cxx/CxxFun.str (revision 120)
+++ branches/scool-ng/src/pp-cxx/CxxFun.str (revision 121)
@@ -4,14 +4,20 @@
+ IsConst:
+ Const() -> S(" const")
+ IsConst:
+ None() -> S("")
- CxxFun(params, t, idf, args) ->
+ CxxFun(params, t, idf, const, args) ->
V vs=0
~<CxxParamsToAbox> params
H hs=0
- H hs=1 [ ~<CxxTypeToAbox> t ~<CxxIdToAbox> idf ] "(" H hs=1 [
~*<CxxListToAbox(CxxArgDefToAbox|",")> args ] ")" ";"
+ H hs=1 [ ~<CxxTypeToAbox> t ~<CxxIdToAbox> idf ] "(" H hs=1 [
~*<CxxListToAbox(CxxArgDefToAbox|",")> args ] ")"
~<IsConst> const ";"
@@ -27,12 +33,12 @@
- CxxFun(params, t, idf, args, body) ->
+ CxxFun(params, t, idf, args, const, body) ->
V vs=0
~<CxxParamsToAbox> params
H hs=0 [
- H hs=1 [ ~<CxxTypeToAbox> t ~<CxxIdToAbox> idf] "(" H hs=1 [
~*<CxxListToAbox(CxxArgDefToAbox|",")> args ] ")"
+ H hs=1 [ ~<CxxTypeToAbox> t ~<CxxIdToAbox> idf] "(" H hs=1 [
~*<CxxListToAbox(CxxArgDefToAbox|",")> args ] ")"
~<IsConst> const
V vs=0 is=2
Index: branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Expression.str
--- branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Expression.str (revision 120)
+++ branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Expression.str (revision 121)
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
String(str) -> <un-double-quote> str
-// |[ ~exp:e1 + ~exp:e2; ]| -> CxxSum(cxx_e1, cxx_e2)
Sum(e1, e2) -> CxxSum(cxx_e1, cxx_e2)
<ExpressionToCxx> e1 => cxx_e1
@@ -41,6 +40,11 @@
; <ParametersToCxx> params => cxx_params
; <ArgumentsToCxx> args => cxx_args
+ ExpressionToCxx:
+ Assign(lvalue, rvalue) -> CxxAssign(cxx_lvalue, cxx_rvalue)
+ where
+ <IdentifierToCxx> lvalue => cxx_lvalue // FIXME: lvalue might not be an
+ ; <ExpressionToCxx> rvalue => cxx_rvalue
Index: branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Class.str
--- branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Class.str (revision 120)
+++ branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Class.str (revision 121)
@@ -32,8 +32,14 @@
decl -> cxx_decl
- <map (DeclarationToCxx)> decl => cxx_decl
+ <map (ClassDeclarationToCxx)> decl => cxx_decl
+ ClassDeclarationToCxx:
+ decl -> cxx_decl
+ where
+ InClass
+ ; <DeclarationToCxx> decl => cxx_decl
+ ; OutClass
// Add the exact type parameter if the class is not final
@@ -108,3 +114,10 @@
; <IdentifierToCxx> idf => cxx_idf
; <InheritanceToCxx(| cqualif, cxx_idf)> mother => cxx_mother
+ ClassInit = rules(IsInClass: _ -> 0)
+ InClass = rules(IsInClass:- _) ; rules(IsInClass: _ -> 1)
+ OutClass = rules(IsInClass: _ -> 0) ; rules(IsInClass:- _)
Index: branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Declaration.str
--- branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Declaration.str (revision 120)
+++ branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Declaration.str (revision 121)
@@ -42,21 +42,25 @@
- |[ ~idf : ~ftype:fun_type; ]| -> CxxFun(cxx_params, cxx_ret_type, cxx_idf,
+// |[ ~idf : ~ftype:fun_type; ]| -> CxxFun(cxx_params, cxx_ret_type, cxx_idf,
const, cxx_args)
+ FunctionDeclaration(modifier, idf, fun_type) -> CxxFun(cxx_params, cxx_ret_type,
cxx_idf, const, cxx_args)
<IdentifierToCxx> idf => cxx_idf
; <TypeToCxx> <GetReturnType> fun_type => cxx_ret_type
; <ParametersToCxx> <GetParameters> fun_type => cxx_params
; <ArgumentsToCxx> <GetArguments> fun_type => cxx_args
+ ; <IsMethodConst> modifier => const
- |[ ~idf : ~ftype:fun_type = { ~fbody:body } ]| -> CxxFun(cxx_params, cxx_ret_type,
cxx_idf, cxx_args, cxx_body)
+// |[ ~idf : ~ftype:fun_type = { ~fbody:body } ]| -> CxxFun(cxx_params,
cxx_ret_type, cxx_idf, cxx_args, Const, cxx_body)
+ FunctionDefinition(modifier, idf, fun_type, FunctionBlock(body)) ->
CxxFun(cxx_params, cxx_ret_type, cxx_idf, cxx_args, const, cxx_body)
<IdentifierToCxx> idf => cxx_idf
; <TypeToCxx> <GetReturnType> fun_type => cxx_ret_type
; <ParametersToCxx> <GetParameters> fun_type => cxx_params
; <ArgumentsToCxx> <GetArguments> fun_type => cxx_args
; <FunctionBodyToCxx> body => cxx_body
+ ; <IsMethodConst> modifier => const
Index: branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Function.str
--- branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Function.str (revision 120)
+++ branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Function.str (revision 121)
@@ -4,6 +4,25 @@
+ // Detect the constness of the method regarding to the modifier
+ IsMethodConst:
+ Some("mutable") -> None()
+ IsMethodConst:
+ _ -> None()
+ where
+ <eq> (<IsInClass>, 0)
+ IsMethodConst:
+ x -> Const()
+ where
+ <not (?Some("mutable"))> x
+ ; <eq> (<IsInClass>, 1)
// Extract data from a FunctionType
Index: branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Program.str
--- branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Program.str (revision 120)
+++ branches/scool-ng/src/scoolt/Program.str (revision 121)
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
- Program(stm_list) -> CxxProgram(<map (StatementToCxx)> stm_list)
+ Program(stm_list) -> cxx_program
+ where
+ ClassInit
+ ; !CxxProgram(<map (StatementToCxx)> stm_list) => cxx_program
// Program(l) -> CxxProgram(<conc> (<map(DeclToCxx)> l, <map(ImplToCxx
<+ CxxEmpty)> l))
Index: branches/scool-ng/src/scl-syn/Expression.sdf
--- branches/scool-ng/src/scl-syn/Expression.sdf (revision 120)
+++ branches/scool-ng/src/scl-syn/Expression.sdf (revision 121)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
Expression "-" Expression ->
Expression {cons("Substraction")}
Expression "*" Expression ->
Expression {cons("Multiplication")}
Expression "/" Expression ->
Expression {cons("Division")}
- Expression "=" Expression -> Expression {cons("Equal")}
+ Expression "==" Expression -> Expression {cons("Equal")}
Expression "!=" Expression ->
Expression {cons("Different")}
Expression "<" Expression ->
Expression {cons("StrictInferior")}
Expression ">" Expression ->
Expression {cons("StrictSuperior")}
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
Expression "or" Expression -> Expression {cons("Or")}
Expression "and" Expression -> Expression {cons("And")}
- %%Identifier ":=" Expression ->
Expression {cons("Assign")}
+ Identifier "=" Expression -> Expression {cons("Assign")}
%%Expression "." Identifier -> Expression {cons("Field")}
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Expression "-" Expression -> Expression
- Expression "=" Expression
-> Expression
+ Expression "==" Expression -> Expression
Expression "and" Expression
-> Expression
@@ -62,6 +62,6 @@
Expression "or" Expression
-> Expression
-%%> {right:
-%% Identifier ":=" Expression -> Expression
-%% }
+> {right:
+ Identifier "=" Expression -> Expression
+ }
Index: branches/scool-ng/src/cxx-syn/CxxFun.sdf
--- branches/scool-ng/src/cxx-syn/CxxFun.sdf (revision 120)
+++ branches/scool-ng/src/cxx-syn/CxxFun.sdf (revision 121)
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@
-> CxxTopLevel {cons("CxxFun")}
"template" "<" {(CxxType CxxId) ","}* ">"
+ CxxType CxxId "(" {(CxxType CxxId) ","}* ")" Const?
+ "{"
+ CxxStm*
+ "}"
+ -> CxxTopLevel {cons("CxxFun")}
+ "template" "<" {(CxxType CxxId) ","}* ">"
CxxType CxxId "(" {(CxxType CxxId) ","}* ")" ";"
-> CxxTopLevel {cons("CxxFun")}
"template" "<" {(CxxType CxxId) ","}* ">"