Index: ChangeLog
from Thierry Geraud <thierry.geraud(a)>
Augment doc about image types.
* milena/doc/tutorial/image_types.txt: Augment.
image_types.txt | 220 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
Index: milena/doc/tutorial/image_types.txt
--- milena/doc/tutorial/image_types.txt (revision 1810)
+++ milena/doc/tutorial/image_types.txt (working copy)
@@ -24,10 +24,141 @@
signature is "ima(p : psite) : rvalue"
-** about domain and destination
+** about domain, site, and psite
-ima.domain is usually a mathematical set. Yet it can be a
-multiset (a bag) but then weird things might happen...
+*** need for psite
+Sometimes, accessing a value in constant-time complexity, O(1), is not
+possible with a site object.
+Example with a run-length encoded image :
+ c 6 7 8 9
+ r
+ +-+-+-+
+ 3 | |x| |
+ +-+-+-+-+
+ 4 | | |
+ +-+-+
+The site x is the point (3, 7). The image values are stored in a
+multi-array where the first index is the one of the run and the second
+index the offset of the cell from the beginning of the run. The site
+x thus corresponds to the cell (0, 1).
+ j= 0 1 2
+ +-+-+-+
+i= 0 | |x| |
+ +-+-+-+-+
+i= 1 | | |
+ +-+-+
+ j= 0 1
+Here we have:
+ I::site = point2d but I::psite = run_point2d
+where, roughly, run_point2d = { i_of_run, i_in_run, run_ptr }.
+*** from psite to site
+Consider that we have an image type I such as I::site != I::psite. In
+that case, an object of type I::psite is convertible towards an object
+of type I::site. Furthermore, a psite shall behave as if it was a
+Design note: it seems impossible to offer through the interface of
+some psite what is expected from its corresponding site. For
+instance, when a site has a given feature, say a method "m", then this
+method has to appear in the psite interface. Idea: thanks to
+inheritance, we fetch an interface + an implementation that delegates
+to the site.
+Example: run_point2d has a method ::row() because point2d provides
+such a method. How it works: a psite inherits from
+internal::site_impl<site> which is specialized for every site type;
+for instance, internal::site_impl<point2d> owns the method "coord
+row() const" which is defined as "return exact(this)->to_site().row()"
+This is of course only true for read-only methods.
+*** site location
+A point of a space (the 2D plane or 3D space) is about equivalent to a
+vector. We do not distinguish between those two notions: a point M is
+like the vector OM where O is the origin of the space.
+We have mln::vec<dim,coord> (space vector) built over
+metal::array<n,T> (static container). When dim = 2, we have vec::x()
+and vec::y() to access the coordinates, in addition to the more
+general method vec::op[](i). On the other side, we have
+array::element<i>() to access the i-th element.
+We do not ambiguity: grid point 2d (i,j) v. 2D plane point
+(x,y) v. 2D vector (x,y)
+ideas: gpoint2d v. spoint2d !!!
+*** iterating and ordering
+The iteration mechanism for images is directly derived from the
+mechanism for site set. A site set is iterable in a forward way.
+This way depends on the structure of the set; Cf. the documentation.
+The reserve iteration way, called backward, can always be defined
+because we only provide bidirectional containers. The ordering
+relationship corresponding to the forward iteration browsing is
+The basic iterator has the only property of browsing every site once.
+It is often identical to the forward iterator but it is not a
+requirement. FIXME: find an example where it is not the case.
+When sites are localized, a special ordering between such sites is
+defined, based on the site localization. More precisely, it is a
+lexicographical ordering considering the coordinates going from the
+first component (at index 0) to the last one (at index dim - 1). This
+is location_less. In most cases, we cannot provide an iterator that
+follows this spatial ordering because the underlying structures are
+usually not suited for such an iterator to be efficient.
+FIXME: hypothesis and property for superior_window and inferior_window.
+*** arithmetics over sites
+psite + dpsite -> psite when compatible (?)
+ site + dpsite = (re-written) site + dsite (when possible) -> site
+psite + dsite = (re-written) site + dsite (when possible) -> site
+run_psite2d + dpoint2d -> point2d
+FIXME: more examples
+** about value, rvalue, and lvalue
+Image types provide a method to access values, namely "operator() const".
+Yet, its signature is NOT "value operator()(const site& p) const"
+but "rvalue operator()(const psite& p) const"
+For instance, with I being image2d<int_u8>, we have :
+ I::value = int_u8 but I::rvalue = const int_u8&
+so copying the value when the call "f(p)" returns is avoided.
+In that case, it is a low-level implementation issue that makes rvalue
+be different from value. In some other cases, the difference can be
+more fundamental. For instance, a proxy is returned so that some extra
+code is performed if this value is eventually read (FIXME: take a better
+** about destination
ima.destination is a set. Every value, that is ima(p) with p in
ima.domain, is taken from this set. For instance, a color image can
@@ -215,6 +346,8 @@
** associated types
+*** list of associated types
mesh (? support)
pset (? domain_t)
@@ -233,6 +366,41 @@
+*** value
+Type of values enclosed in the image container.
+By copie; not by reference (not T&).
+Might be a pointer (T*).
+Assignable and copiable (not a shallow copy).
+Ex: int_u8, etc.
+*** site
+Type of the cell containing a value.
+*** required for implementation purpose
+rvalue, lvalue, and psite; see later.
+*** location
+A site can be localized into a given space, e.g., the 2D plane and can
+be point-wise. In that case, the associated type "location" gives the
+corresponding type of space vector. For instance, with a classical 2D
+image, a site is a 2D point (node of the regular square grid) and the
+location is trivially a vector of the 2D plane.
+When a site is not point-wise, some implementation can also provide a
+location; this can be convenient in order to get a spacial
+representation of sites and images. For instance, consider that we
+have a tesselation computed from point seeds (a Voronoi diagram for
+instance) and a structure (the corresponding Delaunay triangulation)
+where a site is a tile of this tesselation. A tile can be identified
+without ambiguity through its seed; this seed point is then the
+representative point for that tile. By extension, we can state that
+the location of a tile is its seed.
+For some image types, sites are not localized and a special type is
+used to define ::location.
** methods
@@ -551,6 +719,13 @@
** image2d<T>
+regular square grid where grid nodes are objects of type point2d +(row, col), a couple of
integer coordinates
+psite = point2d = point_<grid2d,int>
+site = point2d
+location = vec<2,int> (more precise than vec<2,float>)
** fun_image<S,F>
pset = S
@@ -558,6 +733,43 @@
+** geometrical transformation (morpher)
+An image computed on the fly from another image on which a geometrical
+transformation is applied. A geometrical transformation is either a
+ site_set -> site_set
+ site |-> site
+or a function
+ site_set_in -> site_set_out
+ site_in |-> site_out
+In the first case, the resulting image has the same point set as the
+initial image (example : clock-wise rotation of 90°, translation of a
+vector with integral coordinates).
+In the second case, the resulting image has a different point set,
+reflecting a possibly different domain or topology (example: arbitrary
+images (f, T) -> g
+g(p) = f( T(p) )
+so :
+g( T_1(p) ) = f(p)
+or :
+g( T(p) ) = f(p)
+FIXME: to be continued.
* value morpher
-pset is
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