2008-11-03 Matthieu Garrigues <garrigues(a)lrde.epita.fr>
Create doc/benchmark/morpho, add bench for erosion.
* doc/benchmark/morpho/erosion.cc: New, bench several specialization
of erosion.
* doc/benchmark/morpho: New.
* tests/morpho/erosion.cc: Make it a real test, not a
benchmark. Remove output and timer.
doc/benchmark/morpho/erosion.cc | 292 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tests/morpho/erosion.cc | 94 ------------
2 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
Index: branches/cleanup-2008/milena/tests/morpho/erosion.cc
--- branches/cleanup-2008/milena/tests/morpho/erosion.cc (revision 2775)
+++ branches/cleanup-2008/milena/tests/morpho/erosion.cc (revision 2776)
@@ -42,31 +42,12 @@
#include <mln/morpho/erosion.hh>
#include "tests/data.hh"
-#include "tests/timer.hh"
int main()
using namespace mln;
using value::int_u8;
-// unsigned
-// l_oct = 11, L_oct = 6 * l_oct + 1,
-// l_rec = 29, L_rec = 2 * l_rec + 1;
- // l_
- // oct rec err
- // 0 0 3
- // 0 1 5
- // 1 2 15
- // 1 3 9
- // 2 5 11
- // 3 8 9
- // 5 13 15
- // 8 21 11
- // 11 29 1
- // 25 66 15
border::thickness = 20;
image2d<int_u8> lena;
io::pgm::load(lena, MLN_IMG_DIR "/lena.pgm");
@@ -79,214 +60,145 @@
win::octagon2d oct(6 * 3 + 1);
image2d<int_u8> out;
image2d<int_u8> ref;
-// trace::quiet = false;
- timer t;
// Rectangle
- std::cout << "-------------------------- Rectangle: " <<
- t.start();
ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, rec);
- std::cout << "generic on rectangle2d: " << t <<
- t.start();
out = morpho::erosion(lena, rec);
- std::cout << "dispach on rectangle2d: " << t <<
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, rec);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on rectangle2d: " <<
t << std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, rec);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on rectangle2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-------------------------- Hline2d: " <<
- t.start();
ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, hline);
- std::cout << "generic on hline2d: " << t << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::erosion(lena, hline);
- std::cout << "dispach on hline2d : " << t << std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, hline);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on hline2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, hline);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on hline2d: " << t <<
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-------------------------- Vline2d: "<< std::endl;
- t.start();
ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, vline);
- std::cout << "generic on vline2d: " << t << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::erosion(lena, vline);
- std::cout << "dispach on vline2d : " << t << std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, vline);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on vline2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, vline);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on vline2d: " << t <<
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-------------------------- Diag2d: "<< std::endl;
- t.start();
ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, diag2d);
- std::cout << "generic on diag2d: " << t << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::erosion(lena, diag2d);
- std::cout << "dispach on diag2d : " << t << std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, diag2d);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on diag2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, diag2d);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on diag2d: " << t <<
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-------------------------- Backdiag2d: "<<
- t.start();
ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, backdiag2d);
- std::cout << "generic on backdiag2d: " << t <<
- t.start();
out = morpho::erosion(lena, backdiag2d);
- std::cout << "dispach on backdiag2d : " << t <<
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, backdiag2d);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on backdiag2d: " <<
t << std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- t.start();
out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, backdiag2d);
- std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on backdiag2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-------------------------- Octagon: " <<
// Octagon
- t.start();
ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, oct);
- std::cout << "generic on octagon: " << t << std::endl;
io::pgm::save(ref, "out_oct_ref.pgm");
- t.start();
out = morpho::erosion(lena, oct);
- std::cout << "dispach on octagon: " << t << std::endl;
bool test = out == ref;
- std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
Index: branches/cleanup-2008/milena/doc/benchmark/morpho/erosion.cc
--- branches/cleanup-2008/milena/doc/benchmark/morpho/erosion.cc (revision 0)
+++ branches/cleanup-2008/milena/doc/benchmark/morpho/erosion.cc (revision 2776)
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)
+// This file is part of the Olena Library. This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+// of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+// the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free
+// software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files
+// instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this
+// file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to
+// produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the
+// resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
+// License. This exception does not however invalidate any other
+// reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
+// Public License.
+/*! \file tests/morpho/erosion.cc
+ *
+ * \brief Test on mln::morpho::erosion.
+ */
+#include <mln/core/image/image2d.hh>
+#include <mln/win/all.hh>
+#include <mln/debug/iota.hh>
+#include <mln/io/pgm/load.hh>
+#include <mln/io/pgm/save.hh>
+#include <mln/value/int_u8.hh>
+#include <mln/morpho/erosion.hh>
+#include "tests/data.hh"
+#include "tests/timer.hh"
+int main()
+ using namespace mln;
+ using value::int_u8;
+// unsigned
+// l_oct = 11, L_oct = 6 * l_oct + 1,
+// l_rec = 29, L_rec = 2 * l_rec + 1;
+ // l_
+ // oct rec err
+ // 0 0 3
+ // 0 1 5
+ // 1 2 15
+ // 1 3 9
+ // 2 5 11
+ // 3 8 9
+ // 5 13 15
+ // 8 21 11
+ // 11 29 1
+ // 25 66 15
+ border::thickness = 20;
+ image2d<int_u8> lena;
+ io::pgm::load(lena, MLN_IMG_DIR "/lena.pgm");
+ win::rectangle2d rec(21, 21);
+ win::hline2d hline(31);
+ win::vline2d vline(31);
+ win::diag2d diag2d(31);
+ win::backdiag2d backdiag2d(31);
+ win::octagon2d oct(6 * 3 + 1);
+ image2d<int_u8> out;
+ image2d<int_u8> ref;
+// trace::quiet = false;
+ timer t;
+ // Rectangle
+ std::cout << "-------------------------- Rectangle: " <<
+ {
+ t.start();
+ ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, rec);
+ std::cout << "generic on rectangle2d: " << t <<
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::erosion(lena, rec);
+ std::cout << "dispach on rectangle2d: " << t <<
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, rec);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on rectangle2d: " <<
t << std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, rec);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on rectangle2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ //Hline
+ std::cout << "-------------------------- Hline2d: " <<
+ {
+ t.start();
+ ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, hline);
+ std::cout << "generic on hline2d: " << t << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::erosion(lena, hline);
+ std::cout << "dispach on hline2d : " << t << std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, hline);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on hline2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, hline);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on hline2d: " << t <<
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << "-------------------------- Vline2d: "<< std::endl;
+ //Vline
+ {
+ t.start();
+ ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, vline);
+ std::cout << "generic on vline2d: " << t << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::erosion(lena, vline);
+ std::cout << "dispach on vline2d : " << t << std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, vline);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on vline2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, vline);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on vline2d: " << t <<
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ //Diag2d
+ std::cout << "-------------------------- Diag2d: "<< std::endl;
+ {
+ t.start();
+ ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, diag2d);
+ std::cout << "generic on diag2d: " << t << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::erosion(lena, diag2d);
+ std::cout << "dispach on diag2d : " << t << std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, diag2d);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on diag2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, diag2d);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on diag2d: " << t <<
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ //Backdiag2d
+ std::cout << "-------------------------- Backdiag2d: "<<
+ {
+ t.start();
+ ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, backdiag2d);
+ std::cout << "generic on backdiag2d: " << t <<
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::erosion(lena, backdiag2d);
+ std::cout << "dispach on backdiag2d : " << t <<
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest(lena, backdiag2d);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d_fastest on backdiag2d: " <<
t << std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::impl::erosion_arbitrary_2d(lena, backdiag2d);
+ std::cout << "erosion_arbitrary_2d on backdiag2d: " << t
<< std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << "-------------------------- Octagon: " <<
+ // Octagon
+ {
+ t.start();
+ ref = morpho::impl::generic::erosion_on_function(lena, oct);
+ std::cout << "generic on octagon: " << t << std::endl;
+ io::pgm::save(ref, "out_oct_ref.pgm");
+ }
+ {
+ t.start();
+ out = morpho::erosion(lena, oct);
+ std::cout << "dispach on octagon: " << t << std::endl;
+ bool test = out == ref;
+ mln_assertion(test);
+ std::cout << " " << (test ? "OK" :
"KO!!!") << std::endl;
+ }