Index: ChangeLog
from Thierry Geraud <thierry.geraud(a)>
Add a short and quick image tour.
* doc/tutorial/images_tour.txt: New.
images_tour.txt | 415 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 415 insertions(+)
Index: doc/tutorial/images_tour.txt
--- doc/tutorial/images_tour.txt (revision 0)
+++ doc/tutorial/images_tour.txt (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ -*- outline -*-
+file images_tour.txt
+* forewords
+** caption
+*** parameters
+name type of
+T every value
+S domain (site set)
+F function
+FIXME: ...
+*** morpher
+when a morpher is defined on a single image, this image
+is called "ref"
+FIXME: when multiple images...
+** site sets
+*** multiplicity of sites in a set
+many set types are uni-sets: box2d, p_set (IDEA: unique<S>...)
+for some other set types, one cannot ensure unicity while keeping
+acceptable performance. For instance, p_array<P>, p_runs<P>.
+IDEA: unique<S> is a site-set morpher that first tests that the
+reference set does not have any element with multiplicity and then
+statically change the multiplicity property to "unique". For
+instance, an object of type unique< p_array<P> > is ensured to have no
+element with multiplicity---as a consequence, such an object neither
+features an imperative "op[i]" nor an "append(p)" method.
+Having site-sets with multiplicity can result in weird definitions of
+images. Imagine a contour like an '8' encoded from a p_array<P>; for
+the same site, but two different psites, we can have two different
+ a
+ h b
+ c/g <- same point, say p, but both psites c and g
+ d f
+ e
+In that particular example, ima(c) can be different from ima(g); of
+course, we cannot write ima(p) since its data are not point-wise
+*** boxes
+Boxes are defined on grids. A n-d box is a pair (p_min, p_max). A
+n-d point is (coord_0, .., coord_(n-1)). A DEFAULT ordering
+relationship is defined to be used with containers of points; it
+relies on the lexicographic ordering of the coordinates. This default
+ordering is also the box2d.is_forward_before(p1, p2).
+*** run-based point-sets
+**** run
+A run is a couple (p_start, len); it contains the set of points browse
+by: for i from 0 to len-1, p = p_start + i * d, where d = (0,..,0, 1).
+Remark: the last coordinate of points and dpoints, whatever the
+dimension is, is the one that changes the most often when browsing a
+A run_psite is the couple (p_start, i).
+**** runs
+A "runs" is a set of runs which are sorted with the default ordering
+of points. For instance, this "runs" point-set:
+is: {(b,3), (c,2), (a,4)}.
+A runs_psite is a (i_of_run, i_in_run, ptr towards the "runs"). To
+access the data of an image encoded by runs, the ptr can be null; in
+that case, we cannot test if this psite matches the image domain.
+Please note that a runs_psite p can NOT be (p_start, i) because, in
+that case, the .has(p) method has the O(N) complexity since browsing
+the array of runs is required.
+* tour
+** primary images
+name short description ima(p)
+image2d<T> rectangle image on 2d integer grid; = .data[p.row][p.col]
+ data in RAM; outer border
+mmap_image2d<T> likewise but data are "memory mapped"
+file_image2d<T> likewise but data are stored in a file
+ and border is fixed
+tiled_image FIXME: ...
+ say that piter (for_all tile, for_all p of tile) is different from fwd_piter
+fun_image<S,F> defined by a domain and a function : p -> v -> .f(p)
+flat_image<S,T> defined by a domain with the same value for all p = .val
+pkey_image<P,T> defined by couples (p,v) where p is a key r:
assert(.data.has_key(p)); -> .data[p]
+ to retrieve v w: .data[p] <- v
+pvkeys_image<P,T> defined by couples (p,v), p being the key, and at
+ the same time, coherently maintaining couples
+ (v,[p]) where v is the key.
+ graph-based images
+ FIXME: Cf. Roland
+ rle-based images
+rle_image<P,T> encoded by runs, a value is associated with -> .val[p.r]
+ each run (every point of a run has the same value)
+ for short: image = { [val]r, [run]r }
+ FIXME: , dom=[run]r to make clearer(?)
+sparse_image<P, T> encoded by runs, a value is associated with ->
+ each point composing a run.
+ for short: image = { [[val]i]r, [run]r } where
+ the i-th point of run[r] has the value val[r][i]
+value_enc_image<P, T> encoded by runs, this image associates an array ->
+ of runs with every value. This is a value-driven image.
+ either:
+ for short: image = { [val -> [run]] }
+ or:
+ for short: image = { [val]i, [[run]]i }
+psite = { val, i_of_run (r), i_in_run (i) }
+ for_all val
+ for_all run in ima[val]
+ for_all p in run
+** domain morpher
+name short description ima(p)
+*** FIXME: name it
+ima = { ima1, ima2 }
+ima(p) : if (ima1.has(p)) -> ima1(p) else ima2(p)
+** value morpher
+name short description ima(p)
+f_image<F,I> image values are viewed through a "function" if I is
read-only or .f pure:
+ * direct-way only:
+ -> .f(ref(p))
+ if I is writable:
+ * .f bijective (reverse is f_):
+ -> .f(ref(p))
+ ima(p) <- v => ref(p) <- f_(v)
+ * .f "pseudo-bijective":
+ -> .f(ref(p))
+ ima(p) <- v => f_(in-out ref(p), v)
+f_images<F,n,I> values from n images are viewed thru a function like above with
ref#i instead of only 1 ref
+lut_image<I,T> binding between ref image values and "viewed"
values -> .lut[.ref(p).index]
+ remarkable feature: value iterable and writable
+** FIXME: other kinds of morphers
+ex: hexa< image2d<int> > and hexa< sub_image<I,S> >
+this last type is easier to handle than sub_image< hexa<I>, hexa<S> >
+* extra information
+** forewords
+bb : 2x2 box starting from (0,0)
+when a point does not belong to a domain, the image value associated
+to this point is depicted by '.'
+** image2d<T>
+*** comments
+pointer arithmetics is possible to improve algorithm efficiency
+*** example
+.dom = bb
+.border = 1
+ =
+ 0 0 0 0 \
+ 0 1 2 0 \
+ 0 3 4 0 \
+ 0 0 0 0
+ima =
+ 1 2
+ 3 4
+*** related image types
+image1d, image3d
+** mmap_image2d<T>
+FIXME: like image2d<T>
+** file_image2d<T>
+FIXME: like image2d<T>
+** fun_image<S,F>
+*** comments
+.f is a pure function
+*** example
+.f = p -> p.row + p.col
+.dom = bb
+ima =
+ 0 1
+ 1 2
+*** related image types
+** flat_image<S,T>
+*** comments
+struct = { dom : S, val : T }
+this is not a specialization of fun_image (such as .f is p -> .val,
+for all p) because:
+- it allows value iteration (conversely to fun_image)
+- it is writable (change of .val)
+*** example
+.dom = bb
+.val = 9
+ima =
+ 9 9
+ 9 9
+** pkey_image<P,T>
+*** naming
+rename as pv_image, p_image(?)
+*** big issue
+when is an entry created? related question: what about reading a
+value with no entry for the p key?
+*** comments
+at writing (ima(p) <- v) an entry for key p is implicitly created if
+it does not already exist (an alternative solution is to create
+explicitly an entry before assigning a value; rejected cause too
+verbose, no so intuitive).
+slow image type because data are encoded by a red-black tree to
+retrieve v from (the key) p; testing that this image has p is costly.
+*** example
+,0) := 5,1) := 7
+ima =
+ 5 .
+ . 7
+*** related image types
+rle_sparse_image (because it also allows to create images with few
+data and free-form domains)
+** rle_image<P,T>
+*** comments
+the precondition of "ima(p)" is:
+ assert(p.r < ima.n_runs and p.i < p.len);
+where p.len -> p.runs[p.i].len
+*** specialization
+compact_rle<P, T> FIXME
+** f_image<F,I>
+*** comments
+*** example
+*** specializations
+*** related image types
+** f_images<F,n,I>
+*** alternative naming
+*** comments
+*** example
+*** specializations
+stack_images<n,I> where .f is p -> make::algebra::vec(ref_1(p)...ref_n(p))
+*** related image types
+ LocalWords: rle morphers mmap im val col ima int hexa dom bb vec lut iterable
+ LocalWords: len enc uniset unisets unicity op psites min dpoints psite ptr
+ LocalWords: coord pkey pvkeys