Index: ChangeLog
from Ugo Jardonnet <ugo.jardonnet(a)>
Fix stuff for registration.
* mln/core/image/lazy_image.hh: Fix box type.
* mln/fun/x2x/rotation.hh: Fix matrix creation.
* mln/registration/get_rot.hh: Assert 3d.
* mln/registration/registration.hh: p_array convertion.
* mln/registration/icp.hh: Remove debug print.
* sandbox/lazzara/ Add useless things.
mln/core/image/lazy_image.hh | 4 ++--
mln/fun/x2x/rotation.hh | 2 +-
mln/registration/get_rot.hh | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
mln/registration/icp.hh | 14 ++------------
mln/registration/registration.hh | 6 +++---
sandbox/lazzara/ | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
6 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
Index: mln/core/image/lazy_image.hh
--- mln/core/image/lazy_image.hh (revision 3224)
+++ mln/core/image/lazy_image.hh (working copy)
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
void init_(const F& fun, const B& box);
/// Return domain of lazyd_image.
- const box2d& domain() const;
+ const box<mln_psite(I)>& domain() const;
/// Test if a pixel value is accessible at \p p.
bool has(const mln_psite(I)&) const;
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
template <typename I, typename F, typename B>
- const box2d&
+ const box<mln_psite(I)>&
lazy_image<I,F,B>::domain() const
return this->data_->bb_;
Index: mln/fun/x2x/rotation.hh
--- mln/fun/x2x/rotation.hh (revision 3224)
+++ mln/fun/x2x/rotation.hh (working copy)
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
xy + zw, 1.f - x2 - z2, yz - xw, 0,
xz - yw, yz + xw, 1.f - x2 - y2, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1};
- this->m_(make::mat<4,4>(t));
+ this->m_ = make::mat<4,4>(t);
template <unsigned n, typename C>
Index: mln/registration/get_rot.hh
--- mln/registration/get_rot.hh (revision 3224)
+++ mln/registration/get_rot.hh (working copy)
@@ -61,12 +61,22 @@
const M& map,
const algebra::vec<2u,float>& mu_xk)
- (void) c;
- (void) mu_c;
- (void) ck;
- (void) map;
- (void) mu_xk;
- //FIXME: Write 2d version of rotation computation betwenn two p_array
+ assert(0 && "TODO");
+ //// V1
+ // M1 := c covariance
+ // V1 := greatest eigen vector of M1
+ //// V2
+ // M2 := c covariance
+ // V2 := greatest eigen vector of M2
+ //// alpha
+ // cos(alpha) = (V1.V2) / (|V1|.|V2|)
+ //FIXME: Write 2d version of rotation computation between two p_arrays
return fun::x2x::rotation<2u, float>();
@@ -85,8 +95,8 @@
algebra::mat<3u,3u,float> Mk(literal::zero);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < c.nsites(); ++i)
- algebra::vec<3u,float> ci = c[i];
- algebra::vec<3u,float> xki = map(ck[i]);
+ algebra::vec<3u,float> ci = convert::to< algebra::vec<3u,float>
+ algebra::vec<3u,float> xki = convert::to< algebra::vec<3u,float>
Mk += make::mat(ci - mu_c) * trans(make::mat(xki - mu_xk));
Mk /= c.nsites();
@@ -121,6 +131,8 @@
algebra::quat qR(literal::zero);
qR = math::jacobi(Qk);
+ std::cout << qR << std::endl;
return fun::x2x::rotation<3u, float>(qR);
Index: mln/registration/registration.hh
--- mln/registration/registration.hh (revision 3224)
+++ mln/registration/registration.hh (working copy)
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
const J& surface)
//FIXME: Use convert::to< p_array<mln_psite(I)> >()
- p_array<mln_psite(I)> c = convert::to_p_array(cloud);
- p_array<mln_psite(J)> x = convert::to_p_array(surface);
+ p_array<mln_psite(I)> c = convert::to< p_array<mln_psite(I)>
+ p_array<mln_psite(J)> x = convert::to< p_array<mln_psite(J)>
//init rigid transform qk
composed< rotation<I::psite::dim, float>, translation<I::psite::dim,
float> > qk;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
//make a lazy_image map via function closest_point
fun::x2p::closest_point<mln_psite(I)> fun(x, working_box);
- lazy_image<I, fun::x2p::closest_point<mln_psite(I)>, box2d>
+ lazy_image< I, fun::x2p::closest_point<mln_psite(I)>,
box<mln_psite(I)> >
map(fun, fun.domain());
//run registration
Index: mln/registration/icp.hh
--- mln/registration/icp.hh (revision 3224)
+++ mln/registration/icp.hh (working copy)
@@ -169,18 +169,10 @@
//work on a reduced version of c_
p_array<P> c = c_;
- std::cout << "c_length" << c_length << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-nsites" << c_.nsites() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "bad point" << c[9100] << std::endl;
//FIXME: Use c_ and specify c_length to function using c_
- std::cout << "+nsites" << c.nsites() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "bad point" << c[9100] << std::endl;
+ //FIXME: avoid use of ck
p_array<P> ck(c);
algebra::vec<P::dim,float> mu_c = center(c);
@@ -188,7 +180,6 @@
apply(qk, c, ck);
- unsigned int k = 0;
do {
std::cout << "*------" << std::endl;;
@@ -204,13 +195,12 @@
// = d(closest(qk-1(P)), qk(P))
d_k = internal::rms(c, map, buf_qk[1], qk);
- k++;
//FIXME: Add matrix norm
//} while ((qk - buf_qk[1]).sqr_norm() / qk.sqr_norm() > epsilon);
std::cout << d_k << std::endl;
- } while (d_k > 9.2);
+ } while (d_k > 9.2 + epsilon);
Index: sandbox/lazzara/
--- sandbox/lazzara/ (revision 3224)
+++ sandbox/lazzara/ (working copy)
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include <mln/essential/2d.hh>
+#include <mln/core/image/image3d.hh>
#include <mln/binarization/binarization.hh>
#include <mln/labeling/background.hh>
@@ -21,7 +22,38 @@
+template <typename T>
+to_image3d(const mln::image2d<T>& img)
+ mln::point3d pmin(img.domain().pmin()[0], img.domain().pmin()[1], 0);
+ mln::point3d pmax(img.domain().pmax()[0], img.domain().pmax()[1], 0);
+ mln::image3d<T> img3d(mln::box3d(pmin,pmax));
+ mln_piter(mln::image3d<T>) p(img3d.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ img3d(p) = exact(img)(mln::point2d(p[0],p[1]));
+ return img3d;
+template <typename T>
+mln::point<mln::grid::square, T>
+to_point2d(const mln::point<mln::grid::cube, T>& p)
+ return mln::point<mln::grid::square, T>(p[0], p[1]);
+//point2d -> point3d
+template <typename T>
+mln::point<mln::grid::cube, T>
+to_point3d(const mln::point<mln::grid::square, T>& p)
+ return mln::point<mln::grid::cube, T>(p[0], p[1], 0);
template <typename I>
@@ -132,7 +164,5 @@
res(qk(p.to_site().to_vec())) = true;
io::pbm::save(slice(res,0), "04_registered.pbm");