This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Olena, a generic and efficient image processing platform".
The branch icdar/hdlac2011 has been created
at 853ed71516fef6f26d0ba5cd80b35a74f6c53269 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
853ed71 Add new sample programs.
e94251a Fix use of skeleton_constrained.
23a40a7 Add new tests.
cc99fdd New routine to extract both thin and thick separators.
7f93eff scribo/primitive/extract/non_text_hdoc.hh: New routine for historical documents.
9562a2a New object filter.
cb19d2d Various small fixes in Scribo.
129baa2 Add holder information to component_info.
316f515 New specific toolchain for historical documents.
Olena, a generic and efficient image processing platform