* mln/registration/icp2.hh: Make it work and make it more generic.
milena/ChangeLog | 6 +
milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh | 334 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
2 files changed, 256 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
diff --git a/milena/ChangeLog b/milena/ChangeLog
index da694aa..5669206 100644
--- a/milena/ChangeLog
+++ b/milena/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
2009-02-03 Guillaume Lazzara <z(a)lrde.epita.fr>
+ Update new version of ICP.
+ * mln/registration/icp2.hh: Make it work and make it more generic.
+2009-02-03 Guillaume Lazzara <z(a)lrde.epita.fr>
Fix distribution.
* headers.mk: add mln/io/cloud/all.hh.
diff --git a/milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh b/milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh
index e077b4e..2993caa 100644
--- a/milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh
+++ b/milena/mln/registration/icp2.hh
@@ -32,93 +32,224 @@
/// Register an image over an another using the ICP algorithm.
+# include <mln/core/alias/vec3d.hh>
+# include <mln/math/jacobi.hh>
# include <mln/fun/x2x/all.hh>
# include <mln/fun/x2v/all.hh>
# include <mln/convert/to.hh>
-# include <mln/transform/internal/closest_point_functor.hh>
-# include <mln/canvas/distance_geodesic.hh>
# include <mln/accu/compute.hh>
# include <mln/accu/center.hh>
+# include <mln/accu/rms.hh>
+# include <mln/trait/image_from_grid.hh>
+# include <mln/set/compute.hh>
+//Should be removed when closest_point functors are moved.
+# include <mln/core/alias/neighb3d.hh>
+# include <mln/transform/internal/closest_point_functor.hh>
+# include <mln/canvas/distance_geodesic.hh>
+# include <mln/pw/all.hh>
namespace mln
namespace registration
using namespace fun::x2x;
- /*! Register point in \p c using a map of closest points \p map
+ /*! Register point in \p c using a function of closest points
+ * \p closest_point.
- * \param[in] c The cloud of points.
- * \param[in] map The map of closest points.
- * \param[in] epsilon ICP stops if sqr_norm(qk - qk-1) /
- * sqr_norm(qk) > epsilon
+ * \param[in] data_P The cloud of points.
+ * \param[in] model_X the reference surface.
+ * \param[in] closest_point The function of closest points.
* \param[out] qk The rigid transformation obtained.
- * \pre \p ima has to be initialized.
+ * \return the rigid transformation which may be use later to create
+ * a registered image.
+ *
+ * WARNING: the function \p closest_point *MUST* take float/double
+ * vector as arguments. Otherwise the resulting transformation may be
+ * wrong due to the truncation of the vector coordinate values.
+ *
+ * \pre \p data_p and \p model_X must not be empty.
+ *
+ * Reference article: "A Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes", Paul J.
+ * Besl and Neil D. McKay, IEEE, 2, February 1992.
+ *
- template <typename D, typename M, typename T>
- void
- icp(const Image<D>& data, const Image<M>& model, T& qk);
+ template <typename P, typename F>
+ composed< rotation<P::dim,float>,translation<P::dim,float> >
+ icp(const p_array<P>& data_P,
+ const p_array<P>& model_X,
+ const F& closest_point,
+ const algebra::quat& initial_rot,
+ const mln_vec(P)& initial_translation);
+ template <typename P, typename F>
+ composed< rotation<P::dim,float>,translation<P::dim,float> >
+ icp(const p_array<P>& data_P,
+ const p_array<P>& model_X,
+ const F& closest_point);
- template <typename P, typename C, typename T>
+ /// Closest point functor based on map distance.
+ template <typename P>
+ class cp_with_map_t
+ {
+ typedef mln_image_from_grid(mln_grid(P), P) I;
+ typedef mln_ch_value(I, P) cp_ima_t;
+ public:
+ cp_with_map_t(const p_array<P>& model_X)
+ {
+ box3d box = geom::bbox(model_X);
+ box.enlarge(50);
+ typedef mln_ch_value(I, bool) model_t;
+ model_t model(box);
+ data::fill(model, false);
+ data::fill((model | model_X).rw(), true);
+ transform::internal::closest_point_functor<I> f;
+ typedef mln_ch_value(I,value::int_u16) dmap_t;
+ dmap_t dmap_X = canvas::distance_geodesic(model, c6(),
+ mln_max(value::int_u16),
+ f);
+ cp_ima_ = f.cp_ima;
+ }
+ mln_site(I) operator()(const mln_site(I)& p) const
+ {
+ return cp_ima_(p);
+ }
+ private:
+ cp_ima_t cp_ima_;
+ };
+ /// Closest point functor based on map distance.
+ template <typename P>
+ class basic_closest_point
+ {
+ typedef mln_image_from_grid(mln_grid(P), P) I;
+ typedef p_array<P> X_t;
+ public:
+ basic_closest_point(const p_array<P>& X)
+ : X_(X)
+ {
+ }
+ float
+ l2_distance(const vec3d_f& vec1, const vec3d_f& vec2) const
+ {
+ typedef float D;
+ D d = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ {
+ D sqr_v1_v2 = static_cast<D>(mln::math::sqr(vec1[i] - vec2[i]));
+ d = static_cast<D>(d + sqr_v1_v2);
+ }
+ return d;
+ }
+ mln_site(I) operator()(const vec3d_f& v) const
+ {
+ vec3d_f best_x = convert::to<vec3d_f>(X_[0].to_vec());
+ float best_d = l2_distance(v, best_x);
+ mln_piter(X_t) X_i(X_);
+ for_all(X_i)
+ {
+ float d = l2_distance(v, convert::to<vec3d_f>(X_i));
+ if (d < best_d)
+ {
+ best_d = d;
+ best_x = X_i.to_vec();
+ }
+ }
+ return best_x;
+ }
+ private:
+ const p_array<P>& X_;
+ };
+ template <typename P, typename F>
compute_d_k(const p_array<P>& data_P,
- const C& cp_X,
- const T& qk,
- const T& qk_next)
+ const F& closest_point,
+ const algebra::quat& qR,
+ const algebra::quat& qR_old,
+ const vec3d_f& qT,
+ const vec3d_f& qT_old)
- float f = 0.f;
+ accu::rms<vec3d_f, float> accu;
mln_piter(p_array<P>) p(data_P);
// yk_i - pk+1_i
- f += norm::l2(cp_X(qk(p.to_site().to_vec())).to_vec() -
+ vec3d_f Pk_i = qR_old.rotate(p.to_vec()) + qT_old;
+ vec3d_f Pk_1_i = qR.rotate(p.to_vec()) + qT;
+ accu.take(closest_point(Pk_i).to_vec() - Pk_1_i);
- return f / data_P.nsites();
+ return accu.to_result();
- template <typename P, typename C, typename T>
+ template <typename P, typename F>
compute_e_k(const p_array<P>& data_P,
- const C& cp_X,
- const T& qk)
+ const F& closest_point,
+ const algebra::quat& qR,
+ const vec3d_f& qT)
- float f = 0.f;
+ accu::rms<vec3d_f, float> accu;
mln_piter(p_array<P>) p(data_P);
// yk_i - pk_i
- f += norm::l2(cp_X(qk(p.to_site().to_vec())).to_vec() -
+ vec3d_f Pk_i = qR.rotate(p.to_vec()) + qT;
+ accu.take(closest_point(Pk_i).to_vec() - Pk_i);
- return f / data_P.nsites();
+ return accu.to_result();
- template <typename P, typename T>
- fun::x2x::rotation<3u, float>
+ /// FIXME: work only for 3d images.
+ template <typename P, typename F>
+ algebra::quat
get_rot(const p_array<P>& data_P,
- const algebra::vec<3u,float>& mu_P,
- const algebra::vec<3u,float>& mu_Yk,
- const T& qk)
+ const vec3d_f& mu_P,
+ const vec3d_f& mu_Yk,
+ const F& closest_point,
+ const algebra::quat& qR,
+ const vec3d_f& qT)
- // FIXME: Make use of a cross_covariance accu (maybe not because of map(ck[i]))
+ /// Mk: cross-covariance matrix.
algebra::mat<3u,3u,float> Mk;
mln_piter(p_array<P>) p(data_P);
+ // FIXME: could we use an accu?
- algebra::vec<3u,float> P_i = p.to_site().to_vec();
- algebra::vec<3u,float> Yk_i = qk(p.to_site().to_vec());
+ vec3d_f P_i = p.to_vec();
+ vec3d_f Pk_i = qR.rotate(p.to_vec()) + qT;
+ vec3d_f Yk_i = closest_point(Pk_i).to_vec();
Mk += make::mat(P_i - mu_P) * trans(make::mat(Yk_i - mu_Yk));
Mk /= data_P.nsites();
- algebra::vec<3u,float> A;
+ vec3d_f A;
A[0] = Mk(1,2) - Mk(2,1);
A[1] = Mk(2,0) - Mk(0,2);
A[2] = Mk(0,1) - Mk(1,0);
@@ -127,11 +258,11 @@ namespace mln
float t = tr(Mk);
Qk(0,0) = t;
- for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
+ for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
Qk(i,0) = A[i - 1];
Qk(0,i) = A[i - 1];
- for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++)
+ for (int j = 1; j < 4; ++j)
if (i == j)
Qk(i,j) = 2 * Mk(i - 1,i - 1) - t;
@@ -145,80 +276,115 @@ namespace mln
Qk(2,3) = Mk(1,2) + Mk(2,1);
Qk(3,2) = Mk(1,2) + Mk(2,1);
- algebra::quat qR = math::jacobi(Qk);
- return fun::x2x::rotation<3u, float>(qR);
+ return mln::math::jacobi(Qk);
- template <typename P, typename C, typename T>
- T
- get_transformation(const p_array<P>& data_P,
- const algebra::vec<P::dim,float>& mu_P,
- const C& cp_X,
- const T& qk)
+ // Compute mu_Yk, mass center of Yk.
+ template <typename P, typename F>
+ inline
+ vec3d_f
+ get_mu_yk(const p_array<P>& data_P,
+ const F& closest_point,
+ const algebra::quat& qR,
+ const vec3d_f& qT)
- algebra::vec<P::dim,float> mu_Yk;
+ accu::center<P,vec3d_f> accu;
- // Compute mu_Yk, mass center of Yk.
mln_piter(p_array<P>) p(data_P);
- mu_Yk += cp_X(qk(p.to_site().to_vec())).to_vec();
- mu_Yk /= data_P.nsites();
- // qR
- rotation<P::dim, float> tqR = get_rot(data_P, mu_P, mu_Yk, qk);
- // qT
- const algebra::vec<P::dim,float> qT = mu_Yk - tqR(mu_P);
- translation<P::dim, float> tqT(qT);
- return compose(tqR, tqT);
+ {
+ vec3d_f Pk_i = qR.rotate(p.to_vec()) + qT;
+ accu.take(closest_point(Pk_i).to_vec());
+ }
+ return accu.to_result();
- template <typename D, typename M, typename T>
+ template <typename P, typename F>
- void
- icp(const Image<D>& data, const Image<M>& model_X, T& qk)
+ composed< rotation<P::dim,float>,translation<P::dim,float> >
+ icp(const p_array<P>& data_P,
+ const p_array<P>& model_X,
+ const F& closest_point,
+ const algebra::quat& initial_rot,
+ const mln_vec(P)& initial_translation)
- typedef mln_psite(M) P;
+ mln_precondition(P::dim == 3);
+ mln_precondition(!data_P.is_empty());
+ mln_precondition(!model_X.is_empty());
+ mln_precondition(!initial_rot.is_null());
typedef p_array<P> cloud_t;
- cloud_t data_P = convert::to<cloud_t>(exact(data));
+ vec3d_f mu_P = set::compute(accu::center<P,vec3d_f>(), data_P);
+ vec3d_f qT_old, qT = initial_translation;
+ algebra::quat qR_old, qR = initial_rot;
+ float ek, ek_old = mln_max(float);
+ float dk, dk_old = mln_max(float);
+ unsigned k = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ qT_old = qT;
+ qR_old = qR;
- // Compute distance map and closest point image.
- transform::internal::closest_point_functor<M> f;
- typedef mln_ch_value(M,value::int_u16) I;
- I dmap_X = canvas::distance_geodesic(model_X, c6(),
- mln_max(value::int_u16), f);
+ // Compute error ek = d(Pk,Yk)
+ ek = compute_e_k(data_P, closest_point, qR, qT);
- const mln_ch_value(M, P)& cp_X = f.cp_ima;
+ /// Compute transformation
+ ///
+ // mu_Yk - Pk's mass center.
+ vec3d_f mu_Yk = get_mu_yk(data_P, closest_point, qR_old, qT_old);
- algebra::vec<P::dim,float> mu_P = set::compute(accu::meta::center(),
- exact(data).domain()).to_vec();
+ // quaternion qR - rotation
+ qR = get_rot(data_P, mu_P, mu_Yk, closest_point, qR_old, qT_old);
+ vec3d_f tmp = qR.v();
- float d_k_prev = 0, d_k = mln_max(float);
- float e_k_prev = 0, e_k = mln_max(float);
- do
- {
- d_k_prev = d_k;
- e_k_prev = e_k;
+ // vector qT - translation
+ qT = mu_Yk - qR.rotate(mu_P);
+ ///
+ /// End of "compute transformation"
- //compute qk
- T qk_next = get_transformation(data_P, mu_P, cp_X, qk);
+ // Distance dk = d(Pk+1, Yk)
+ dk = compute_d_k(data_P, closest_point, qR, qR_old, qT, qT_old);
- d_k = compute_d_k(data_P, cp_X, qk, qk_next);
- std::cout << d_k << std::endl;
- e_k = compute_e_k(data_P, cp_X, qk);
+ // Check property according the related paper.
+ mln_assertion(0 <= dk);
+ mln_assertion(dk <= ek);
+ mln_assertion(ek <= dk_old);
+ mln_assertion(dk_old <= ek_old);
- qk = qk_next;
- } while ((d_k_prev - d_k) >= 1e-3);
+ // Backing up results.
+ dk_old = dk;
+ ek_old = ek;
+ ++k;
+ } while ((k < 3)
+ || norm::l2((qT - qT_old)) + norm::l2((qR - qR_old).to_vec()) > 1e-5);
+ typedef rotation<3u,float> rot_t;
+ rot_t tqR(qR);
+ typedef translation<3u,float> trans_t;
+ trans_t tqT(qT);
+ composed<rot_t,trans_t> result(tqR, tqT);
+ return result;
+ }
+ template <typename P, typename F>
+ inline
+ composed< rotation<P::dim,float>,translation<P::dim,float> >
+ icp(const p_array<P>& data_P,
+ const p_array<P>& model_X,
+ const F& closest_point)
+ {
+ return icp(data_P, model_X, closest_point,
+ algebra::quat(1,0,0,0), literal::zero);
# endif // ! MLN_INCLUDE_ONLY