Git branch: cleanup (HEAD: 557f721)
2008-09-08 Guillaume Lazzara <z(a)lrde.epita.fr>
First draft of the tutorial.
* milena/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex: New.
ChangeLog | 5 +
milena/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex | 578 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 583 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index fb00fa6..c2d0668 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2008-09-08 Guillaume Lazzara <z(a)lrde.epita.fr>
+ First draft of the tutorial.
+ * milena/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex: New.
2008-05-05 Roland Levillain <roland(a)lrde.epita.fr>
Update the list of Makefiles to be configured.
diff --git a/milena/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex b/milena/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1df6993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/milena/doc/tutorial/tutorial.tex
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+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[width=#2]{figures/#1}
+ \caption{#4\label{fig:#1}}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{figure}
+\title{Olena - Tutorial
+ajouter dans => milena/doc/tutorial |
+The following tutorial talks about 2D images. We chose that kind of images
+because it is easier to understand and this is the
+most used. \\
+[dessin de grille 2d, colonnes/lignes numerotees + repere x/y]
+Intersection <=> point 2d <=> milieu d'un pixel \\
+Since examples are based on 2D images pixels are actually "points" however we
+will call them "sites" which is the most generic name.\\
+Here is also a list of common variable name conventions:
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
+ \hline
+ \textbf{Object} & \textbf{Variable name} \\ \hline
+ Site & p \\ \hline
+ Value & v \\ \hline
+ Neighboor & n \\ \hline
+ A site close to another site p & q \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+Methods provided by the objects in the library are in constant time. If you need
+a specific method but you cannot find it, you may find an algorithm which can
+compute the information you need.
+//FIXME lister \underline{TOUS} les concepts (core/concepts)
+\section{Site set}
+Site sets are used:
+ \item To define an image definition domain.
+ \item As Site container.
+Here is a list of all the site set concepts which can be found in
+Site set & Description \\ \hline
+p\_complex\_piter & \\ \hline
+p\_graph\_piter & \\ \hline
+p\_key & \\ \hline
+p\_priority & \\ \hline
+p\_run\_piter & \\ \hline
+box & \\ \hline
+p\_bgraph & \\ \hline
+p\_double & \\ \hline
+p\_if & \\ \hline
+p\_line\_graph & \\ \hline
+p\_queue\_fast & \\ \hline
+p\_set & \\ \hline
+box\_piter & \\ \hline
+p\_bgraph\_piter & \\ \hline
+p\_faces & \\ \hline
+p\_if\_piter & \\ \hline
+p\_line\_graph\_piter & \\ \hline
+p\_queue & \\ \hline
+p\_set\_of & \\ \hline
+line2d & \\ \hline
+p\_complex & \\ \hline
+p\_graph & \\ \hline
+p\_image & \\ \hline
+p\_mutable\_array\_of & \\ \hline
+p\_run & \\ \hline
+p\_vaccess & \\ \hline
+\subsection{Basic interface}
+Common basic interface:\\
+Return Type & Name & Arguments & Const & Commor type automatically from
+given container type
+passed as parameter. These macros can be used with any container like images or
+site sets.ents \\ \hline
+bool & is\_valid & - & X & Returns true if it has been initialized. The
+default constructor does not do it. \\ \hline
+bool & has & const P\& p & X & See \ref{fig:box_has} \\ \hline
+\end{tabular} \\
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+ box2d<int> b(2,3);
+ std::cout << b.has(point2d(4, 5)) << std::endl; // false
+ std::cout << b.has(point2d(1, 0)) << std::endl; // true
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{How to use has()\label{fig:box_has}}
+\subsection{Optional interface}
+Site sets may have other methods depending on their type: \\
+Return Type & Name & Arguments & Const & Comments \\ \hline
+size\_t & nsites & - & - & \\ \hline
+const Box\& & bbox & - & X & Bounding box. Available only on grid
site sets.
+\\ \hline
+\end{tabular} \\
+The previous methods are available depending on the site set. A box
+will have the bbox() method since it can be retrived in constant time: a box
+is it's own bounding box (see \ref{fig:box_bbox}). A p\_array does not have this
+method since sites do not have to be adjacent. Maintaining such information, in
+order to keep getting the bbox in constant time, would be time and memory
+consuming. Instead of providing a method directly in p\_array, an algorithm is
+available if this information needed (see \ref{fig:parray_bbox}).
+P\_array and box both have a nsites method since the internal structure allow a
+constant time retrieval.
+\subsubsection*{Sample code}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+ p_array<point2d> arr;
+ // The bbox is computed thanks to bbox() algorithm.
+ box2d<int> box = geom::bbox(arr);
+ std::cout << box << std::endl;
+ // p_array provides nsites(),
+ // it can be retrieved in constant time.
+ std::cout << "nsites = " << arr.nsites() << std::endl;
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{How to retrieve information from a p\_array.\label{fig:parray_bbox}}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+ box2d<int> b(2,3);
+ // The bbox can be retrived in constant time.
+ std::cout << b.bbox() << std::endl;
+ // nsites can be retrieved in constant time.
+ std::cout << "nsites = " << b.nsites() << std::endl;
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{How to retrieve information from a box.\label{fig:box_bbox}}
+An image is composed both of:
+\item A function $$
+f : \left\{
+ \begin{array}{lll}
+ Site &\rightarrow & Value \\
+ p & \mapsto & v
+ \end{array}
+\item A site set, also called the "domain".
+Every image type is defined on a specific site type. An image2d will always
+have a domain defined by a box2d.
+The Value set, which includes all the possible values a site can have, is also
+called "destination" set.
+//FIXME: remove this line
+ici, site <=> Point2d
+//FIXME : un tuto existe deja
+[sample code]
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+ box2d b(2,3);
+ image2d<int> ima(b); // Define the domain of the image.
+ cout << b << std::endl; // Display b
+ cout << ima.domain() << std::endl; // Display b too
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{Equivalence between domain and bounding box.\label{fig:img_bbox}}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+ box2d b(2,3);
+ image2d<int> ima(b);
+ point2d p(1, 2);
+ ima.at(1,2) = 9; // The value is returned by reference
+ // and can be changed.
+ cout << ima(p) << std::endl; // prints 9
+ ima(p) = 2; // The value is returned by reference
+ // and can be changed.
+ cout << ima(p) << std::endl; // prints 2
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{How to update a site value.\label{fig:img_sitevalue}}
+Return Type & Name & Arguments & Const & Comments \\ \hline
+site\_set & domain & - & X - & \\ \hline
+const Value\& & operator() & const point\& p & X & Used for
reading. \\ \hline
+Value\& & operator() & const point\& p & - & Used for writing. \\
+const P\& & at & unsigned x,
+ unsigned y & X & Used for reading. \\ \hline
+P\& & at & unsigned x,
+ unsigned y & - & Used for writing. \\ \hline
+bool & has & const Point\& p & X & \\ \hline
+bool & has\_data & - & X & Returns true if the domain is defined. \\
+site\_id & id & - & X & Return the Id of the underlying shared data. \\
+FIXME & destination & - & X & Value set of all the possible site values
in this
+Image. \\ \hline
+Images do not actually store the data in the class. This is a pointer
+to an allocated space which can be shared with other objects. Once an image is
+assigned to another one, the two images share the same data so they have the
+same ID and point to the same memory space.
+If a deep copy of the image is needed, a method clone() is available.
+Example in figure \ref{fig:img_sitevalue} illustrates this behavior.
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+ image2d<int> ima1(box2d(2, 3));
+ image2d<int> ima2;
+ image2d<int> ima3;
+ point2d p(1,2);
+ ima2 = ima1; // ima1.id() == ima2.id()
+ // and both point to the same memory area.
+ ima2(p) = 2; // ima1 is modified as well.
+ // prints "2 - 2"
+ std::cout << ima2(p) << " - " << ima1(p) <<
+ // prints "true"
+ std::cout << (ima2.id() == ima1.id()) << std::endl;
+ ima3 = ima1.clone(); // Makes a deep copy.
+ ima3(p) = 3;
+ // prints "3 - 2"
+ std::cout << ima3(p) << " - " << ima1(p) <<
+ // prints "false"
+ std::cout << (ima3.id() == ima1.id()) << std::endl;
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{Data sharing with Images.\label{fig:img_sitevalue}}
+[Illustration : grille + intersection + pmin() + pmax() + distance entre 2
+points en x et en y = 1]\\
+\section{Delta point site}
+\section{Generalized pixel}
+\section{Meta accumulator}
+\section{Pixel iterator}
+\section{Point site}
+\section{Pseudo site}
+\section{Regular grid}
+\section{Site iterator}
+\section{Site proxy}
+\section{Value iterator}
+\section{Value set}
+\section{Weighted window}
+Every objects
+Each container object in Olena like site sets or images have iterators.
+There are usually three kinds:
+\item \textbf{fwd\_iter}, depends on the container,
+\item \textbf{bkd\_iter}, iterates like forward but to the opposite way,
+\item \textbf{iter}, usually the same as fwd\_iter. It is guaranteed to
+iterate all over the elements.
+The iterator type name depends on the data pointed by it: \\
+Data type & Iterator Names \\ \hline
+Site & fwd\_piter, bkd\_piter, piter \\ \hline
+Value & fwd\_viter, bkd\_viter, viter \\ \hline
+\end{tabular} \\
+As you may have noticed, according to the data type, the word "iter" is
+by the usual name variable used for that data type. Sites variables are usually
+called 'p' so the proper iterator is "piter".\\
+An iterator has the following interface: \\
+Return Type & Name & Arguments & Const & Comments \\ \hline
+void & start & - & - & \\ \hline
+void & next & - & - & \\ \hline
+bool & is\_valid & - & - & Return false if created with the default
+constructor and not associated to a proper container.\\ \hline
+\end{tabular} \\
+Example of different forward iterations:
+ \item box2d: from top to bottom then from left to right.
+ \item p\_array<point2d>: from left to right.
+A for\_all() macro is available to iterate over all the sites
+(Fig. \ref{fig:for_all}). \\
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+ box2d b(3, 2);
+ mln_piter(box2d) p(b);
+ for_all(p)
+ std::cout << p; //prints every site coordinates.
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{Use of the for\_all() macro.\label{fig:for_all}}
+Note that when you declare an iterator, prefer using the "mln\_*iter" macros.
+They resolve the iterator type automatically from the given container type
+passed as parameter. These macros can be used with any container like images or
+site sets.
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+ image2d<int> ima(box2d<int>(2, 3));
+ mln_piter(box2d<int>) p(ima.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ std::cout << p << std::endl;
+ mln_viter(image2d<int>) v(ima.destination());
+ for_all(v)
+ std::cout << v << std::endl;
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{mln\_*iter macros can be used with any
+\chapter{Basic operations}
+//FIXME : illustrer
+ \item level::clone(), creates a deep copy of an object. Any shared data is
+ \item level::fill(), fill an object with a value (fig. \ref{fig:fill_impl}).
+ \item level::paste(), paste object data to another object (fig.
+ \item labeling::blobs(), find and label the different components of an image.
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+template <typename I>
+void fill(I& ima, mln_value(I) v)
+ mln_piter(I) p(ima.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ ima(p) = v;
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{Implementation of the fill routine.\label{fig:fill_impl}}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single]
+template <typename I, typename J>
+void paste(const I& data, J& dest)
+ mln_piter(I) p(data.domain());
+ for_all(p)
+ dest(p) = data(p);
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \caption{Implementation of the paste routine.\label{fig:paste_impl}}
+\section{Work with parts of an image}
+Sometime it may be interesting to work only on some part of the image or to
+extract only a sub set of that image. Olena enables that thoughout out the
+operator '|'.
+Three kinds of that operator exist:\\
+Prototype & Comments \\ \hline
+Image $|$ Sub Domain & Create a new image.\\ \hline
+Image $|$ Function\_p2b & Do not create a new image but create a morpher.\\
+Function\_p2v $|$ Sub Domain & Do not create a new image but create a morpher.\\
+\end{tabular} \\
+A Sub Domain can be a site set, an image or any value returned by this
+Function\_p2v is a function which returns a Value from a given
+Site and Function\_p2b returns a boolean from a given point. These functions.
+ are actually a sort of predicate. You can easily get of function of
+function\_p2v kind thanks to pw::value(Image). It returns the point to value
+function used in the given image. C functions can also be used as predicate by
+passing the function pointer.
+You can easily get a function\_p2b by comparing the value returned
+by a function\_p2v to another Value.
+The following sample code illustrates this feature.
+All along the examples, the image "ima" will refer to the following
+ bool vals[6][5] = {
+ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
+ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ {1, 1, 0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 0, 1, 1, 1},
+ {1, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+ };
+ image2d<bool> ima = make::image2d(vals);
+A simple example is to fill only a part of an image with a specific value:
+p_array2d<bool> arr;
+// We add two points in the array.
+arr.append(point2d(0, 1));
+arr.append(point2d(4, 0));
+// We restrict the image to the sites
+// contained in arr and fill these ones
+// with 0.
+// We must call "inplace" here.
+fill(inplace(ima | arr), 0);
+mln_VAR(ima2, ima | arr);
+// We do not need to call "inplace" here.
+fill(ima2, 0);
+NOTE: due to C++ issues, "in place" routines, such as fill and paste, which
+modify the image passed as argument, cannot be called directly with temporary
+objects. This means that either the routines are called with an image which is a
+local variable or the image is passed to "inplace()". That routine is a work
+around that \textbf{MUST} be used otherwise the code will not compile. The last
+example show two most common use cases.\\
+The two next examples extract a specific component from an image and fill a new
+image with red only in the extracted component's domain.
+ using namespace mln;
+ using value::int_u8;
+ using value::rgb8;
+ // Find and label the different components.
+ int_u8 nlabels;
+ image2d<int_u8> lab = labeling::blobs(ima, c4(), nlabels);
+ // Store a boolean image. True if the site is part of
+ // component 2, false otherwise.
+ mln_VAR(lab_2b, lab | (pw::value(lab) == 2));
+ // Get the sub site set containing only the sites
+ // part of component 2.
+ mln_VAR(lab_2, lab_2b.domain(1));
+ // Fill the sites of component 2 with red.
+ fill(lab_2, color::red);
+This last example can be written more quickly:
+ using namespace mln;
+ using value::int_u8;
+ using value::rgb8;
+ // Find and label the different components.
+ int_u8 nlabels;
+ image2d<int_u8> lab = labeling::blobs(ima, c4(), nlabels);
+ // Fill the sites of component 2 with red.
+ fill(inplace(lab.domain(2)), color::red);
\ No newline at end of file