On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 20:57:26 +0100
Niels Van Vliet <niels(a)lrde.epita.fr> wrote:
+/*! Return the number of components of T if T is vectorial.
+** If T is non vectorial, the value returned should not be considered.
+#define ntg_if_vectorial_nb_comp(T) \
+ ntg::type_traits<typename mlc::if_<ntg_is_a(T, ntg::vectorial)::ret, \
+ T, \
+ ntg::vec<42, bool> >::ret>::nb_comp
+/*! Same as \a ntg_if_vectorial_nb_comp but without 'typename'
+** \see ntg_if_vectorial_nb_comp
+#define ntg_if_vectorial_nb_comp_(T) \
+ ntg::type_traits<mlc::if_<ntg_is_a_(T, ntg::vectorial)::ret, \
+ T, \
+ ntg::vec<42, bool> >::ret>::nb_comp
+/*! Compare the number of components.
+** - If \a A and \a B are non_vectorial, then
+** \a {ntg_compare_nb_comp(A, B)::ret = true}
+** - If \a A and \a B are vectorial, then
+** \a {ntg_compare_nb_comp(A, B)::ret = (ntg_nb_comp(A) =
+** - Otherwise, it returns false
+#define ntg_compare_nb_comp(A, B) \
+ mlc::if_< \
+ ntg_is_a(A, ntg::non_vectorial)::ret, \
+ ntg_is_a(B, ntg::non_vectorial), \
+ mlc::eq<ntg_if_vectorial_nb_comp(A), \
+ ntg_if_vectorial_nb_comp(B)> >::ret
+/*! Same as \a ntg_compare_nb_comp but without 'typename'
+** \see ntg_compare_nb_comp
+#define ntg_compare_nb_comp_(A, B) \
+ mlc::if_< \
+ ntg_is_a_(A, ntg::non_vectorial)::ret, \
+ ntg_is_a_(B, ntg::non_vectorial), \
+ mlc::eq<ntg_if_vectorial_nb_comp_(A), \
+ ntg_if_vectorial_nb_comp_(B)> >::ret
Les macros n'apparaissent pas dans la doc, ca n'est pas utile de les documenter.
+ /*! A Nagao filter generalized.
+ **
+ ** Each point in the input correspond to the mean of the
+ ** window in which has the smallest variance.
+ **
+ ** \paran in Input image.
+ ** \param sa array of structuring elements.
+ **
+ ** \see oln::convol::nagao
+ */
Each point in the input corresponds.
+ /*! \brief Compute the variance and the mean within a window.
+ **
+ ** \param Sum type used to compute the sum and the average.
+ ** \param Var type used to compute the variance.
+ **
+ ** \note There is two parameters because for vectorial types the sum
+ ** is usually a vector, and the variance a non vectorial type.
+ */
There are two parameters.
+ template <typename Sum = ntg::float_s, typename Var = ntg::float_s>
+ class se_stat
+ {
+ public:
+ /// type of used to sum the value (usually floating point values)
+ typedef Sum sum_type;
+ /// type of used for the variance (usually floating point values)
+ typedef Var variance_type;
C'est ptet moi, mais je ne comprends pas les deux phrases :)
Sinon, ne devrait-il pas y avoir une majuscule a Type ?
+ /// Computes the mean and the variance.
+ template <class I, class S>
+ se_stat &
+ compute(const oln::abstract::image<I> &im,
+ const oln_point_type(I) &p,
+ const oln::abstract::struct_elt<S> &s);
+ /// Computes the mean and the variance.
+ template <typename Sum, typename Var>
+ template <class I, class S>
+ inline se_stat<Sum, Var> &
+ se_stat<Sum, Var>::compute(const oln::abstract::image<I> &im,
+ const oln_point_type(I) &p,
+ const oln::abstract::struct_elt<S> &s)
Damien Thivolle