Index: ChangeLog
from Thierry Geraud <thierry.geraud(a)>
Preparing cleanup and update of trait::solve_unary.
* mln/trait/solve.hh: Split this file contents into...
* mln/trait/solve_binary.hh,
* mln/trait/solve_unary.hh: ... these new files.
* doc/tutorial/examples/,
* mln/trait/image/props.hh,
* mln/core/concept/site_set.hh: Fix warning.
doc/tutorial/examples/ | 3
mln/core/concept/site_set.hh | 2
mln/trait/image/props.hh | 20 -
mln/trait/solve.hh | 370 -----------------------------------
mln/trait/solve_binary.hh | 255 ------------------------
mln/trait/solve_unary.hh | 385 -------------------------------------
6 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 1007 deletions(-)
Index: doc/tutorial/examples/
--- doc/tutorial/examples/ (revision 2025)
+++ doc/tutorial/examples/ (working copy)
@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@
util::index i;
mln_qiter_(W) j(win, i);
- for (i = 0; i < arr.nsites(); i = i + 1)
+ int n = arr.nsites();
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1)
std::cout << "i=" << i << ": ";
Index: mln/trait/image/props.hh
--- mln/trait/image/props.hh (revision 2025)
+++ mln/trait/image/props.hh (working copy)
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@
// |
// + -- site_wise_only
// |
-// + ------- cell_wise
-// | \
-// + -- value_wise \
-// \ \
-// ---- + -- cell_and_value_wise
+// + -------- cell_wise
+// | |
+// + -- value_wise |
+// \ |
+// -- + -- cell_and_value_wise
// value_io: /any/
// |
@@ -321,11 +321,11 @@
// |
// + -- site_wise_only
// |
-// + ------- cell_wise
-// | \
-// + -- value_wise \
-// \ \
-// ---- + -- cell_and_value_wise
+// + -------- cell_wise
+// | |
+// + -- value_wise |
+// \ |
+// -- + -- cell_and_value_wise
struct value_browsing
Index: mln/trait/solve.hh
--- mln/trait/solve.hh (revision 2025)
+++ mln/trait/solve.hh (working copy)
@@ -136,123 +136,6 @@
- namespace internal
- {
- // Fwd decls.
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct get_unary_;
- template < typename user_ret, /* != not_found and != undefined */
- template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_get_unary_
- {
- typedef user_ret ret; // The user has defined 'ret' so we return it.
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_get_unary_< /* user_ret == */ not_found,
- Name, Category_T, T >
- {
- typedef not_found ret; // End of search due to a blocker; 'ret' is not found.
- };
- template < template <class> class Name, typename Super_Category, typename
T >
- struct helper_get_unary_rec_;
- template < template <class> class Name, template <class> class
Super_Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_get_unary_rec_< Name, Super_Category_T<void>, T > {
- typedef typename get_unary_<Name, Super_Category_T, T>::ret ret;
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_get_unary_< /* user_ret == */ undefined,
- Name, Category_T, T >
- {
- typedef typename internal::super_category_< Category_T, T >::ret super;
- typedef typename helper_get_unary_rec_<Name, super, T>::ret ret; // No user ret
definition => Recursion.
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct get_unary_
- {
- typedef typename mln::trait::set_unary_<Name, Category_T, T>::ret user_ret; //
First get 'user_ret'
- typedef helper_get_unary_<user_ret, Name, Category_T, T> helper; // Set
the helper to make a decision.
- typedef mlc_ret(helper) ret; // Return.
- };
- template < typename precise_ret,
- template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_choose_unary_wrt_ /* precise_ret != undefined */
- {
- typedef precise_ret ret; // -> A precise ret has
been defined so it is it.
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_choose_unary_wrt_< /* precise_ret == */ undefined,
- Name, Category_T, T >
- {
- typedef typename get_unary_<Name, Category_T, T>::ret ret; // -> Go up into the
category inheritance
- // to fetch a ret from
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_choose_unary_
- {
- typedef typename set_precise_unary_<Name, T>::ret precise_ret;
- typedef helper_choose_unary_wrt_< precise_ret, /* undefined or not (?) */
- Name, Category_T, T> helper;
- typedef mlc_ret(helper) ret;
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- typename Category_T_void, typename T >
- struct helper_solve_unary_; // This helper changes the category plain type into the
category meta type.
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename void_T, typename T >
- struct helper_solve_unary_< Name, Category_T<void_T>, T >
- :
- helper_choose_unary_< Name, Category_T, T > // FIXME: typedef!
- {
- // FIXME: Check that void_T is 'void' or 'void*'.
- };
- // FIXME: Remove below.
-// template < template <class> class Name,
-// template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
-// struct helper_solve_unary_< Name, Category_T<void*>, T >
-// :
-// helper_choose_unary_< Name, Category_T, T > // FIXME: typedef!
-// {};
- } // end of namespace mln::trait::internal
- // FIXME: Postfix solve_unary with a '-'(?)
- template < template <class> class Name,
- typename T >
- struct solve_unary : internal::helper_solve_unary_< Name,
- typename mln::category<T>::ret, T > // FIXME: typedef!
- {
- };
// Binary case.
@@ -265,6 +148,7 @@
typedef undefined ret;
template < template <class, class> class Name,
template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
@@ -273,7 +157,6 @@
typedef undefined ret;
template < template <class, class> class Name,
typename L,
template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
@@ -299,256 +182,13 @@
- namespace internal
- {
- // triplet_ret_
- template < unsigned i_L_, unsigned i_R_, typename ret_ >
- struct triplet_
- {
- typedef ret_ ret;
- };
- // merge_triplets_
- template < typename L_trp, typename R_trp >
- struct merge_triplets_;
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, typename L_ret,
- unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R, typename R_ret >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, L_ret>,
- triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, R_ret> >
- {
- typedef metal::bool_<(L_i_L <= R_i_L && L_i_R <= R_i_R)> take_L;
- typedef metal::bool_<(R_i_L <= L_i_L && R_i_R <= L_i_R)> take_R;
- typedef metal::or_<take_L, take_R> ok;
- typedef typename metal::if_< metal::and_<ok, take_L>,
- triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, L_ret>,
- typename metal::if_< metal::and_<ok, take_R>,
- triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, R_ret>,
- triplet_<0,0, not_found> >::ret >::ret ret;
- };
- template < unsigned i_L, unsigned i_R, typename LR_ret >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<i_L, i_R, LR_ret>,
- triplet_<i_L, i_R, LR_ret> >
- {
- typedef triplet_<i_L, i_R, LR_ret> ret;
- };
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, unsigned L_i_max,
- unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R, unsigned R_i_max >
- // L_i_max and R_i_max differ
- struct helper_merge_triplets_same_ret_
- {
- // The winning couple between L_* and R_* is the one which
- // maximum index is the smallest; for instance, with:
- // left branch giving L_i_L = 5 and L_i_R = 1 so L_i_max = 5
- // right branch giving L_i_L = 3 and L_i_R = 4 so R_i_max = 4
- // the right branch wins.
- enum { i_L = (L_i_max < R_i_max ? L_i_L : R_i_L),
- i_R = (L_i_max < R_i_max ? L_i_R : R_i_R) };
- };
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, unsigned i_max,
- unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R >
- // L_i_max is equal to R_i_max
- struct helper_merge_triplets_same_ret_< L_i_L, L_i_R, i_max,
- R_i_L, R_i_R, i_max >
- {
- // The winning couple is the one with the minimum index.
- enum { L_i_min = (L_i_L < L_i_R ? L_i_L : L_i_R),
- R_i_min = (R_i_L < R_i_R ? R_i_L : R_i_R),
- i_L = (L_i_min < R_i_min ? L_i_L : R_i_L),
- i_R = (L_i_min < R_i_min ? L_i_R : R_i_R) };
- };
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, typename LR_ret,
- unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, LR_ret>,
- triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, LR_ret> >
- {
- typedef helper_merge_triplets_same_ret_< L_i_L, L_i_R, (L_i_L > L_i_R ? L_i_L :
- R_i_L, R_i_R, (R_i_L > R_i_R ? R_i_L : R_i_R) > helper;
- typedef triplet_<helper::i_L, helper::i_R, LR_ret> ret;
- };
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, typename L_ret >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, L_ret>,
- triplet_< 0, 0, not_found> >
- {
- typedef triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, L_ret> ret;
- };
- template < unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R, typename R_ret >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_< 0, 0, not_found>,
- triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, R_ret> >
- {
- typedef triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, R_ret> ret;
- };
- template <> // To disambiguate.
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<0, 0, not_found>,
- triplet_<0, 0, not_found> >
- {
- typedef triplet_<0u,0u, not_found> ret;
- };
- // Fwd decl.
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct get_binary_;
- template < typename user_ret, /* != not_found and != undefined */
- template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_
- {
- typedef triplet_< i_L, i_R, user_ret > ret; // The user has defined 'ret'
so we return it.
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_< /* user_ret == */ not_found,
- Name, i_L, Category_L, L, i_R, Category_R, R >
- {
- typedef triplet_< 0, 0, not_found > ret; // End of search due to a blocker;
'ret' is not found.
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name, // Nota bene: Seq means
"super or equal".
- unsigned i_L, typename Seq_Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, typename Seq_Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_rec_;
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Seq_Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Seq_Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_rec_< Name, i_L, Seq_Category_L<void>, L, i_R,
Seq_Category_R<void>, R >
- {
- typedef typename get_binary_<Name, i_L, Seq_Category_L, L, i_R, Seq_Category_R,
R>::ret ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_< /* user_ret == */ undefined,
- Name, i_L,Category_L, L, i_R,Category_R, R >
- {
- // No user definition for 'ret' so treillis construction in a static recursive
- // FIXME: We *do* need to handle this search with a priority!
- // FIXME: for a result can be found in both branches...
- typedef typename super_category_< Category_L, L >::ret Super_Category_L;
- typedef typename super_category_< Category_R, R >::ret Super_Category_R;
- typedef helper_get_binary_rec_< Name,
- i_L + 1, Super_Category_L, L,
- i_R, Category_R<void>, R > L_branch;
- typedef mlc_ret(L_branch) L_trp;
- typedef helper_get_binary_rec_< Name,
- i_L, Category_L<void>, L,
- i_R + 1, Super_Category_R, R > R_branch;
- typedef mlc_ret(R_branch) R_trp;
- typedef typename merge_triplets_< L_trp, R_trp >::ret ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct get_binary_
- {
- typedef typename mln::trait::set_binary_<Name, Category_L,L,
- Category_R,R>::ret user_ret; // First get 'user_ret'
- typedef helper_get_binary_<user_ret, Name, i_L,Category_L,L,
- i_R,Category_R,R> helper; // Set the helper to make a
- typedef mlc_ret(helper) ret; // Return a
- };
- template < typename precise_ret,
- template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_choose_binary_wrt_ /* precise_ret != undefined */
- {
- typedef precise_ret ret; // -> A
precise ret has been defined so it is it.
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_choose_binary_wrt_< /* precise_ret == */ undefined,
- Name, Category_L, L, Category_R, R >
- {
- typedef typename get_binary_< Name,
- 0, Category_L, L,
- 0, Category_R, R >::ret triplet; // Browse upwards the category
- typedef mlc_ret(triplet) ret; // to fetch ret
from 'get_binary_'s.
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_choose_binary_
- {
- typedef typename set_precise_binary_<Name, L, R>::ret precise_ret; /* undefined or
not (?) */
- typedef helper_choose_binary_wrt_<precise_ret, Name, Category_L,L, Category_R,R>
- typedef mlc_ret(helper) ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename Category_L_void, typename L,
- typename Category_R_void, typename R >
- struct helper_solve_binary_;
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename void_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename void_R, typename R >
- struct helper_solve_binary_< Name,
- Category_L<void_L>, L,
- Category_R<void_R>, R > : helper_choose_binary_< Name,
- Category_L, L,
- Category_R, R >
- {
- // FIXME: Check that void_L and void_R are 'void' or 'void*'.
- };
- } // end of namespace mln::trait::internal
- // FIXME: Postfix solve_binary with a '-'(?)
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename L,
- typename R >
- struct solve_binary : internal::helper_solve_binary_< Name,
- typename mln::category<L>::ret, L,
- typename mln::category<R>::ret, R >
- {
- };
} // end of namespace mln::trait
} // end of namespace mln
+# include <mln/trait/solve_unary.hh>
+# include <mln/trait/solve_binary.hh>
#endif // ! MLN_TRAIT_SOLVE_HH
Index: mln/trait/solve_binary.hh
--- mln/trait/solve_binary.hh (revision 2025)
+++ mln/trait/solve_binary.hh (working copy)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory
+// Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory
// This file is part of the Olena Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
// reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
// Public License.
- * \file mln/trait/solve.hh
+ * \file mln/trait/solve_binary.hh
* \brief FIXME
@@ -48,13 +48,6 @@
# endif // ! MLN_DEBUG_TRAITS
-# define mln_trait_unary(Name, T) typename mln::trait::solve_unary< Name, T
-# define mln_trait_unary_(Name, T) mln::trait::solve_unary< Name, T
-# define mln_trait_binary(Name, T1, T2) typename mln::trait::solve_binary< Name, T1,
T2 >::ret
-# define mln_trait_binary_(Name, T1, T2) mln::trait::solve_binary< Name, T1,
T2 >::ret
namespace mln
@@ -62,244 +55,6 @@
namespace trait
- /// Flag type for a not found trait.
- struct not_found {};
- /// Flag type for an undefined trait.
- struct undefined {};
- /// Flag type for a trait that is multiply undefined.
- struct multiply_defined {};
- // Utility meta-function: from a category (meta) and a type, get the super category.
- namespace internal
- {
- template < template <class> class Category, typename T,
- typename Super_Category >
- struct helper_super_category_;
- template < template <class> class Category, typename T,
- template <class> class Super_Category >
- struct helper_super_category_< Category, T,
- Super_Category<void> >
- {
- typedef Super_Category<void> ret; // One super category: keep it.
- };
- template < template <class> class Category, typename T >
- struct helper_super_category_< Category, T,
- void* > // Meaning: several super categories exist, depending on T.
- {
- typedef typename mln::category< T >::super ret; // Specific call depending on T.
- };
- template < template <class> class Category, typename T >
- struct super_category_ // Entry.
- {
- typedef typename helper_super_category_< Category, T,
- typename Category<void>::super >::ret ret;
- };
- } // end of namespace mln::trait::internal
- // Unary case.
- template < template <class> class Name,
- typename T >
- struct set_precise_unary_
- {
- typedef undefined ret;
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct set_unary_
- {
- typedef undefined ret;
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- typename T >
- struct set_unary_< Name, Unknown, T > // Blocker; top of inheritance.
- {
- typedef not_found ret;
- };
- namespace internal
- {
- // Fwd decls.
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct get_unary_;
- template < typename user_ret, /* != not_found and != undefined */
- template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_get_unary_
- {
- typedef user_ret ret; // The user has defined 'ret' so we return it.
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_get_unary_< /* user_ret == */ not_found,
- Name, Category_T, T >
- {
- typedef not_found ret; // End of search due to a blocker; 'ret' is not found.
- };
- template < template <class> class Name, typename Super_Category, typename
T >
- struct helper_get_unary_rec_;
- template < template <class> class Name, template <class> class
Super_Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_get_unary_rec_< Name, Super_Category_T<void>, T > {
- typedef typename get_unary_<Name, Super_Category_T, T>::ret ret;
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_get_unary_< /* user_ret == */ undefined,
- Name, Category_T, T >
- {
- typedef typename internal::super_category_< Category_T, T >::ret super;
- typedef typename helper_get_unary_rec_<Name, super, T>::ret ret; // No user ret
definition => Recursion.
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct get_unary_
- {
- typedef typename mln::trait::set_unary_<Name, Category_T, T>::ret user_ret; //
First get 'user_ret'
- typedef helper_get_unary_<user_ret, Name, Category_T, T> helper; // Set
the helper to make a decision.
- typedef mlc_ret(helper) ret; // Return.
- };
- template < typename precise_ret,
- template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_choose_unary_wrt_ /* precise_ret != undefined */
- {
- typedef precise_ret ret; // -> A precise ret has
been defined so it is it.
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_choose_unary_wrt_< /* precise_ret == */ undefined,
- Name, Category_T, T >
- {
- typedef typename get_unary_<Name, Category_T, T>::ret ret; // -> Go up into the
category inheritance
- // to fetch a ret from
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct helper_choose_unary_
- {
- typedef typename set_precise_unary_<Name, T>::ret precise_ret;
- typedef helper_choose_unary_wrt_< precise_ret, /* undefined or not (?) */
- Name, Category_T, T> helper;
- typedef mlc_ret(helper) ret;
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- typename Category_T_void, typename T >
- struct helper_solve_unary_; // This helper changes the category plain type into the
category meta type.
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename void_T, typename T >
- struct helper_solve_unary_< Name, Category_T<void_T>, T >
- :
- helper_choose_unary_< Name, Category_T, T > // FIXME: typedef!
- {
- // FIXME: Check that void_T is 'void' or 'void*'.
- };
- // FIXME: Remove below.
-// template < template <class> class Name,
-// template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
-// struct helper_solve_unary_< Name, Category_T<void*>, T >
-// :
-// helper_choose_unary_< Name, Category_T, T > // FIXME: typedef!
-// {};
- } // end of namespace mln::trait::internal
- // FIXME: Postfix solve_unary with a '-'(?)
- template < template <class> class Name,
- typename T >
- struct solve_unary : internal::helper_solve_unary_< Name,
- typename mln::category<T>::ret, T > // FIXME: typedef!
- {
- };
- // Binary case.
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename L,
- typename R >
- struct set_precise_binary_
- {
- typedef undefined ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct set_binary_
- {
- typedef undefined ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct set_binary_< Name, Unknown, L, Category_R, R > // Left blocker.
- {
- typedef not_found ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- typename R >
- struct set_binary_< Name, Category_L, L, Unknown, R > // Right blocker.
- {
- typedef not_found ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename L,
- typename R >
- struct set_binary_< Name, Unknown, L, Unknown, R > // Blocker.
- {
- typedef not_found ret;
- };
namespace internal
@@ -551,4 +306,4 @@
} // end of namespace mln
-#endif // ! MLN_TRAIT_SOLVE_HH
Index: mln/trait/solve_unary.hh
--- mln/trait/solve_unary.hh (revision 2025)
+++ mln/trait/solve_unary.hh (working copy)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory
+// Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory
// This file is part of the Olena Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
// reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
// Public License.
- * \file mln/trait/solve.hh
+ * \file mln/trait/solve_unary.hh
* \brief FIXME
@@ -48,13 +48,6 @@
# endif // ! MLN_DEBUG_TRAITS
-# define mln_trait_unary(Name, T) typename mln::trait::solve_unary< Name, T
-# define mln_trait_unary_(Name, T) mln::trait::solve_unary< Name, T
-# define mln_trait_binary(Name, T1, T2) typename mln::trait::solve_binary< Name, T1,
T2 >::ret
-# define mln_trait_binary_(Name, T1, T2) mln::trait::solve_binary< Name, T1,
T2 >::ret
namespace mln
@@ -62,80 +55,6 @@
namespace trait
- /// Flag type for a not found trait.
- struct not_found {};
- /// Flag type for an undefined trait.
- struct undefined {};
- /// Flag type for a trait that is multiply undefined.
- struct multiply_defined {};
- // Utility meta-function: from a category (meta) and a type, get the super category.
- namespace internal
- {
- template < template <class> class Category, typename T,
- typename Super_Category >
- struct helper_super_category_;
- template < template <class> class Category, typename T,
- template <class> class Super_Category >
- struct helper_super_category_< Category, T,
- Super_Category<void> >
- {
- typedef Super_Category<void> ret; // One super category: keep it.
- };
- template < template <class> class Category, typename T >
- struct helper_super_category_< Category, T,
- void* > // Meaning: several super categories exist, depending on T.
- {
- typedef typename mln::category< T >::super ret; // Specific call depending on T.
- };
- template < template <class> class Category, typename T >
- struct super_category_ // Entry.
- {
- typedef typename helper_super_category_< Category, T,
- typename Category<void>::super >::ret ret;
- };
- } // end of namespace mln::trait::internal
- // Unary case.
- template < template <class> class Name,
- typename T >
- struct set_precise_unary_
- {
- typedef undefined ret;
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_T, typename T >
- struct set_unary_
- {
- typedef undefined ret;
- };
- template < template <class> class Name,
- typename T >
- struct set_unary_< Name, Unknown, T > // Blocker; top of inheritance.
- {
- typedef not_found ret;
- };
namespace internal
@@ -252,303 +171,9 @@
- // Binary case.
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename L,
- typename R >
- struct set_precise_binary_
- {
- typedef undefined ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct set_binary_
- {
- typedef undefined ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct set_binary_< Name, Unknown, L, Category_R, R > // Left blocker.
- {
- typedef not_found ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- typename R >
- struct set_binary_< Name, Category_L, L, Unknown, R > // Right blocker.
- {
- typedef not_found ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename L,
- typename R >
- struct set_binary_< Name, Unknown, L, Unknown, R > // Blocker.
- {
- typedef not_found ret;
- };
- namespace internal
- {
- // triplet_ret_
- template < unsigned i_L_, unsigned i_R_, typename ret_ >
- struct triplet_
- {
- typedef ret_ ret;
- };
- // merge_triplets_
- template < typename L_trp, typename R_trp >
- struct merge_triplets_;
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, typename L_ret,
- unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R, typename R_ret >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, L_ret>,
- triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, R_ret> >
- {
- typedef metal::bool_<(L_i_L <= R_i_L && L_i_R <= R_i_R)> take_L;
- typedef metal::bool_<(R_i_L <= L_i_L && R_i_R <= L_i_R)> take_R;
- typedef metal::or_<take_L, take_R> ok;
- typedef typename metal::if_< metal::and_<ok, take_L>,
- triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, L_ret>,
- typename metal::if_< metal::and_<ok, take_R>,
- triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, R_ret>,
- triplet_<0,0, not_found> >::ret >::ret ret;
- };
- template < unsigned i_L, unsigned i_R, typename LR_ret >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<i_L, i_R, LR_ret>,
- triplet_<i_L, i_R, LR_ret> >
- {
- typedef triplet_<i_L, i_R, LR_ret> ret;
- };
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, unsigned L_i_max,
- unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R, unsigned R_i_max >
- // L_i_max and R_i_max differ
- struct helper_merge_triplets_same_ret_
- {
- // The winning couple between L_* and R_* is the one which
- // maximum index is the smallest; for instance, with:
- // left branch giving L_i_L = 5 and L_i_R = 1 so L_i_max = 5
- // right branch giving L_i_L = 3 and L_i_R = 4 so R_i_max = 4
- // the right branch wins.
- enum { i_L = (L_i_max < R_i_max ? L_i_L : R_i_L),
- i_R = (L_i_max < R_i_max ? L_i_R : R_i_R) };
- };
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, unsigned i_max,
- unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R >
- // L_i_max is equal to R_i_max
- struct helper_merge_triplets_same_ret_< L_i_L, L_i_R, i_max,
- R_i_L, R_i_R, i_max >
- {
- // The winning couple is the one with the minimum index.
- enum { L_i_min = (L_i_L < L_i_R ? L_i_L : L_i_R),
- R_i_min = (R_i_L < R_i_R ? R_i_L : R_i_R),
- i_L = (L_i_min < R_i_min ? L_i_L : R_i_L),
- i_R = (L_i_min < R_i_min ? L_i_R : R_i_R) };
- };
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, typename LR_ret,
- unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, LR_ret>,
- triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, LR_ret> >
- {
- typedef helper_merge_triplets_same_ret_< L_i_L, L_i_R, (L_i_L > L_i_R ? L_i_L :
- R_i_L, R_i_R, (R_i_L > R_i_R ? R_i_L : R_i_R) > helper;
- typedef triplet_<helper::i_L, helper::i_R, LR_ret> ret;
- };
- template < unsigned L_i_L, unsigned L_i_R, typename L_ret >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, L_ret>,
- triplet_< 0, 0, not_found> >
- {
- typedef triplet_<L_i_L, L_i_R, L_ret> ret;
- };
- template < unsigned R_i_L, unsigned R_i_R, typename R_ret >
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_< 0, 0, not_found>,
- triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, R_ret> >
- {
- typedef triplet_<R_i_L, R_i_R, R_ret> ret;
- };
- template <> // To disambiguate.
- struct merge_triplets_< triplet_<0, 0, not_found>,
- triplet_<0, 0, not_found> >
- {
- typedef triplet_<0u,0u, not_found> ret;
- };
- // Fwd decl.
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct get_binary_;
- template < typename user_ret, /* != not_found and != undefined */
- template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_
- {
- typedef triplet_< i_L, i_R, user_ret > ret; // The user has defined 'ret'
so we return it.
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_< /* user_ret == */ not_found,
- Name, i_L, Category_L, L, i_R, Category_R, R >
- {
- typedef triplet_< 0, 0, not_found > ret; // End of search due to a blocker;
'ret' is not found.
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name, // Nota bene: Seq means
"super or equal".
- unsigned i_L, typename Seq_Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, typename Seq_Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_rec_;
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Seq_Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Seq_Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_rec_< Name, i_L, Seq_Category_L<void>, L, i_R,
Seq_Category_R<void>, R >
- {
- typedef typename get_binary_<Name, i_L, Seq_Category_L, L, i_R, Seq_Category_R,
R>::ret ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_get_binary_< /* user_ret == */ undefined,
- Name, i_L,Category_L, L, i_R,Category_R, R >
- {
- // No user definition for 'ret' so treillis construction in a static recursive
- // FIXME: We *do* need to handle this search with a priority!
- // FIXME: for a result can be found in both branches...
- typedef typename super_category_< Category_L, L >::ret Super_Category_L;
- typedef typename super_category_< Category_R, R >::ret Super_Category_R;
- typedef helper_get_binary_rec_< Name,
- i_L + 1, Super_Category_L, L,
- i_R, Category_R<void>, R > L_branch;
- typedef mlc_ret(L_branch) L_trp;
- typedef helper_get_binary_rec_< Name,
- i_L, Category_L<void>, L,
- i_R + 1, Super_Category_R, R > R_branch;
- typedef mlc_ret(R_branch) R_trp;
- typedef typename merge_triplets_< L_trp, R_trp >::ret ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- unsigned i_L, template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- unsigned i_R, template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct get_binary_
- {
- typedef typename mln::trait::set_binary_<Name, Category_L,L,
- Category_R,R>::ret user_ret; // First get 'user_ret'
- typedef helper_get_binary_<user_ret, Name, i_L,Category_L,L,
- i_R,Category_R,R> helper; // Set the helper to make a
- typedef mlc_ret(helper) ret; // Return a
- };
- template < typename precise_ret,
- template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_choose_binary_wrt_ /* precise_ret != undefined */
- {
- typedef precise_ret ret; // -> A
precise ret has been defined so it is it.
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_choose_binary_wrt_< /* precise_ret == */ undefined,
- Name, Category_L, L, Category_R, R >
- {
- typedef typename get_binary_< Name,
- 0, Category_L, L,
- 0, Category_R, R >::ret triplet; // Browse upwards the category
- typedef mlc_ret(triplet) ret; // to fetch ret
from 'get_binary_'s.
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename R >
- struct helper_choose_binary_
- {
- typedef typename set_precise_binary_<Name, L, R>::ret precise_ret; /* undefined or
not (?) */
- typedef helper_choose_binary_wrt_<precise_ret, Name, Category_L,L, Category_R,R>
- typedef mlc_ret(helper) ret;
- };
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename Category_L_void, typename L,
- typename Category_R_void, typename R >
- struct helper_solve_binary_;
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- template <class> class Category_L, typename void_L, typename L,
- template <class> class Category_R, typename void_R, typename R >
- struct helper_solve_binary_< Name,
- Category_L<void_L>, L,
- Category_R<void_R>, R > : helper_choose_binary_< Name,
- Category_L, L,
- Category_R, R >
- {
- // FIXME: Check that void_L and void_R are 'void' or 'void*'.
- };
- } // end of namespace mln::trait::internal
- // FIXME: Postfix solve_binary with a '-'(?)
- template < template <class, class> class Name,
- typename L,
- typename R >
- struct solve_binary : internal::helper_solve_binary_< Name,
- typename mln::category<L>::ret, L,
- typename mln::category<R>::ret, R >
- {
- };
} // end of namespace mln::trait
} // end of namespace mln
-#endif // ! MLN_TRAIT_SOLVE_HH
Index: mln/core/concept/site_set.hh
--- mln/core/concept/site_set.hh (revision 2025)
+++ mln/core/concept/site_set.hh (working copy)
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
template <typename Sl, typename Sr>
- util::yes operator<(const Site_Set<Sl>& lhs_, const
Site_Set<Sr>& rhs_)
+ util::yes operator<(const Site_Set<Sl>&, const Site_Set<Sr>&)
// // FIXME: Same grid!
// const Sl& lhs = exact(lhs_);