
  • 9625 discussions

[Olena] #174: Merge back branch cleanup-2008 into the trunk
by Olena
16 years, 2 months

2922: Update README.branches (close branches/cleanup-2008).
by Roland Levillain
16 years, 2 months

2923: Start working on image reconstruction.
by Ugo Jardonnet
16 years, 2 months

2920: Add an example using make::graph.
by Guillaume Lazzara
16 years, 2 months

2919: [Scribo] Fix table removal.
by Guillaume Lazzara
16 years, 2 months

2918: Revamp labeling::compute.
by Guillaume Lazzara
16 years, 2 months

2917: Add a new from_to for fun::i2v::array.
by Guillaume Lazzara
16 years, 2 months

2916: Fix wrong declaration of global variables.
by Guillaume Lazzara
16 years, 2 months

2915: Update graph related classes.
by Guillaume Lazzara
16 years, 2 months

cleanup-2008 2914: Update canvas labelingand labeling level.
by Thierry Geraud
16 years, 2 months
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