
  • 9625 discussions

[PATCH 02/19] Make the building of the bundled Trimesh library optional.
by Roland Levillain
15 years, 12 months

[PATCH 01/19] Remove dead code in mln::internal::site_relative_iterator_base.
by Roland Levillain
15 years, 12 months

3257: Update Laurent's code.
by Thierry Geraud
15 years, 12 months

3255: De-activate fastest versions of algebraic impl.
by Thierry Geraud
15 years, 12 months

3254: Rename io::raw as io::dump in sandbox.
by Guillaume Lazzara
15 years, 12 months

3253: Rename io::raw as io::dump.
by Guillaume Lazzara
15 years, 12 months

3252: Update igr's code.
by Guillaume Lazzara
15 years, 12 months

3251: Update new version of ICP.
by Guillaume Lazzara
15 years, 12 months

3250: Fix distribution.
by Guillaume Lazzara
15 years, 12 months

3249: Improve accu::center.
by Guillaume Lazzara
15 years, 12 months
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