
  • 9625 discussions

last-svn-commit-781-g300d0d7 Make use of mln::fun::v2v::rgb_to_luma.
by Guillaume Lazzara
13 years, 10 months

last-svn-commit-780-gb37a853 mln/labeling/fill_holes.hh: Improve speed.
by Guillaume Lazzara
13 years, 10 months

last-svn-commit-779-g5127a7b mln/fun/v2v/rgb_to_luma.hh: New function for grayscale conversion.
by Guillaume Lazzara
13 years, 10 months

last-svn-commit-778-gb1fe7b8 scribo/io/xml/load.hh: New XML loader.
by Guillaume Lazzara
13 years, 10 months

last-svn-commit-776-g37420bc Set component type during component extraction.
by Guillaume Lazzara
13 years, 10 months

branch scribo-demo updated: last-svn-commit-762-ge5c41a6
by lazzaraï¼ lrde.epita.fr
13 years, 11 months

last-svn-commit-762-ge5c41a6 src/text_in_picture.cc: Initialize ImageMagick and fix usage message.
by Guillaume Lazzara
13 years, 11 months

branch scribo-demo updated: last-svn-commit-761-gf54c0a6
by lazzaraï¼ lrde.epita.fr
13 years, 11 months

last-svn-commit-758-gbc82f16 Improve about dialog in scribo viewer.
by Guillaume Lazzara
13 years, 11 months

branch scribo-demo created: last-svn-commit-757-g9e5a4bf
by lazzaraï¼ lrde.epita.fr
13 years, 11 months
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