
  • 9625 discussions

last-svn-commit-250-g5946ef3 Configure milena/apps/generic-skel/Makefile.
by Roland Levillain
13 years, 9 months

branch skeletons deleted: last-svn-commit-207-ga087bc4
by gitï¼ lrde.epita.fr
13 years, 9 months

branch more-generic-skel deleted: last-svn-commit-212-g8cbc086
by gitï¼ lrde.epita.fr
13 years, 9 months

last-svn-commit-244-gf9882da New apps: max curvature-based thinnings using 2- and 1-collapses.
by Roland Levillain
13 years, 9 months

last-svn-commit-245-gb84bea1 Miscellaneous changes in mesh-related operations.
by Roland Levillain
13 years, 9 months

last-svn-commit-246-gf714e94 Simplify curvature-based thinnings using 2- and 1-collapses apps.
by Roland Levillain
13 years, 9 months

last-svn-commit-247-g8ac5e61 Use priority-driven thinning in collapse-based thinnings apps.
by Roland Levillain
13 years, 9 months

last-svn-commit-218-gd298681 Use mln::data::paste to simplify mesh skeleton applications.
by Roland Levillain
13 years, 9 months

last-svn-commit-219-g5326c7c State a cell is not simple if it does not correspond to a facet.
by Roland Levillain
13 years, 9 months

last-svn-commit-220-gfc56934 Make the interface of thinning algorithms uniform w.r.t. functors.
by Roland Levillain
13 years, 9 months
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