Olena-patches September 2006

  • 3 participants
  • 92 discussions

568: Have all classes of oln::automatic inherit from stc::any__simple.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 6 months

567: Fix the distribution.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 6 months

566: Properly define fwd_piter_type and bkd_piter_type for the add_neighborhood image morpher.
by Thierry GERAUD
18 years, 6 months

565: Update image_extension, add_neighborhood, and some related classes.
by Thierry GERAUD
18 years, 6 months

564: Add morpher capabilities to topology classes.
by Thierry GERAUD
18 years, 6 months

563: Fix the distribution (again).
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 6 months

562: Add convenience shortcuts for stc_{direct_, }check_type_of{_, }.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 6 months

561: Add a version of type_of_ checking that the vtype is actually found.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 6 months

560: Keep type_of_ its original semantics, and be consistent with macro names.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 6 months

559: Fix the distribution.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 6 months
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