Olena-patches November 2006

  • 4 participants
  • 22 discussions

712: Rewrite stc/scoop.hh.
by Thierry GERAUD
18 years, 3 months

711: Fix inheritance in mlc/uint.hh.
by Thierry GERAUD
18 years, 3 months

710: Catch up with the new SCOOP 2 implementation.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 4 months

709: Add a specialization of level::fill for value-wise random accessible images.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 4 months

708: Fix virtual types of oln::internal::point_nd and oln::internal::dpoint_nd.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 4 months

707: Suppress most single_vtype and update.
by Thierry GERAUD
18 years, 4 months

706: Simplify scoop facilities.
by Thierry GERAUD
18 years, 4 months

705: Add backward value iterators on look-up tables.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 4 months

704: Merge oln::internal::fwd_viter_lut and oln::fwd_viter_lut.
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 4 months

703: Fix ChangeLogs
by Roland Levillain
18 years, 4 months
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