I am happy to announce that the following paper has been accepted in
the Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects,
Components and Systems (FORTE'14), to be held in Berlin on June 3–6.
Mechanizing the Minimization of
Deterministic Generalized Büchi Automata
Souheib Baarir (1,2) and Alexandre Duret-Lutz (3)
(1) Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense
(2) Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ. Paris 6, LIP6
Deterministic Büchi automata (DBA) are useful to (probabilistic)
model checking and synthesis. We survey techniques used to obtain
and minimize DBAs for different classes of properties. We extend
these techniques to support DBA that have generalized and
transition-based acceptance (DTGBA) as they can be even smaller. Our
minimization technique—a reduction to a SAT problem—synthesizes a
DTGBA equivalent to the input DTGBA for any given number of states
and number of acceptance sets (assuming such automaton exists). We
present benchmarks using a framework that implements all these
Alexandre Duret-Lutz