The Vcsners are proud to announce the release of Vcsn 2.5, aka the
k-lightest release!
Vcsn is a platform dedicated to the computation of, and with, finite
state machines. It provides an efficient C++ library, a Python interface,
and a graphical user interface on top of IPython.
Noteworthy changes include:
- two new implementations to compute the k-lightest paths (aka "best" paths:
with the smallest weights) in tropical automata.
- several new demos showing how to use the C++ library, including a
translator from (French) text messages (aka SMS) into French.
- a new means for the users to configure Vcsn. This adds a new prerequisite
to build Vcsn: libyaml-cpp.
- a much better and faster caching system of runtime generated C++ code.
Users of dyn (and therefore of Python) should note an improved
amortization of the compilation costs.
- several portability issues reported by users were fixed.
For more information, please, see the detailed news below.
People who worked on this release:
- Akim Demaille
- Clément Démoulins
- Clément Gillard
- Sarasvati Moutoucomarapoulé
- Sébastien Piat
- Younes Khoudli
For more information, please visit, in
particular Packages of Vcsn 2.5 should
appear soon on various distributions (MacPorts, Debian, ArchLinux, Docker Hub).
Vcsn 2.5 is also available online, at
## 2017-01-23
### Improved error messages
Parse errors were improved with caret-style reports for expressions and
automata in dot (Graphviz) and daut syntax.
In [5]: vcsn.Q.expression('<1/2>a + <1/0>b')
RuntimeError: 1.10-14: Q: null denominator
<1/2>a + <1/0>b
while reading expression: <1/2>a + <1/0>b
In [6]: vcsn.automaton('''
...: $ -> 0
...: 0 -> 1 <1/2>a, b
...: 1 -> $''')
RuntimeError: 3.1-16: B: unexpected trailing characters: /2
while reading: 1/2
while reading: <1/2>a, b
0 -> 1 <1/2>a, b
while reading automaton
In [7]: vcsn.automaton('digraph{vcsn_context="lal, b"
RuntimeError: 1.35-48: B: invalid value: 2
while reading: 2
while reading: <2>a
digraph{vcsn_context="lal, b" 0->1[label="<2>a"]}
while reading automaton
## 2017-01-14
### "auto" automaton file format
Pass "auto" to read_automaton (in dyn, static, Python or the Tools) to let
the system guess the automaton file format (daut, dot, etc.).
## 2017-01-11
### Sms2fr
New Natural Language Processing demonstration of the computations of the
lightest paths. This application is a translator from SMS (i.e., text messages)
to proper French. The implementation is based on _Rewriting the orthography of
SMS messages_, François Yvon, In Natural Language Engineering, volume 16, 2010.
The translator uses pre-trained automata and through compositions with the
automaton representing the text message, generates all possible translations of
the word. The best solution is then found with a shortest path algorithm.
An example is given in the `Sms2fr.ipynb` notebook.
## 2017-01-01
### A richer dyn
The `vcsn::dyn` API was enriched. All the dyn types now support the usual
operators: comparisons (`==`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`), and compositions
(`+`, `*`, `&`). New functions facilitate the creation of `dyn` values from
strings (`make_word`, etc.). The file `tests/demos/` shows
several examples, explained in the `C++-Library.ipynb` notebook. For
// A simple automaton.
auto a1 = make_automaton("context = lal, q\n"
"$ 0 <1/2>\n"
"0 1 <2>a, <6>b\n"
"1 $\n", "daut");
// Its context.
auto ctx = context_of(a1);
// Evaluate it.
assert(evaluate(a1, make_word(ctx, "a")) == make_weight(ctx,
assert(evaluate(a1, make_word(ctx, "b")) == make_weight(ctx,
// Concatenate to itself.
auto a2 = a1 * a1;
assert(evaluate(a2, make_word(ctx, "ab")) == make_weight(ctx,
// Self-conjunction, aka "power 2".
auto a3 = a1 & a1;
assert(evaluate(a3, make_word(ctx, "b")) == make_weight(ctx,
## 2016-12-25
### Configuration
Vcsn now supports configuration files. They will be used to provide users
with a means to customize Vcsn, for instance to tune the graphical rendering
of the automata, to tailor the display of expressions, etc.
For a start, it provides a simple means to get the configuration
information, including from Vcsn Tools.
$ vcsn ipython --no-banner
In [1]: import vcsn
In [2]: vcsn.config('configuration.cxxflags')
Out[2]: '-Qunused-arguments -O3 -g -std=c++1z'
$ vcsn configuration configuration.cxxflags
-Qunused-arguments -O3 -g -std=c++1z
This adds a new dependency: libyaml-cpp. Beware that version 0.5.2 is buggy
and will not work properly. Use 0.5.1, or 0.5.3 or more recent.
## 2016-12-20
### compare: new algorithm
Three-way comparison is now available in all the layers, as `compare`, for
automata, expressions, labels, polynomials and weights. This is used in
Python to implement the comparisons (`<`, `<=`, `>`, `=>`, `==`, `!=`) of
expressions, and of automata (`<`, `<=`, `>`, `=>`).
However, since the comparison on automata is performed on the _list_ of
transitions, automata that are "very much alike" (i.e., different only by
superficial details) will be considered different, so `==` and `!=` are
still using a safer, but much slower, comparison.
In [2]: exp = vcsn.Q.expression
In [3]: exp('a').compare(exp('b'))
Out[3]: -1
In [4]: exp('a').compare(exp('a'))
Out[4]: 0
In [5]: exp('<3>a').compare(exp('a'))
Out[5]: 1
## 2016-12-12
### k shortest paths algorithms
Two algorithms for searching k shortest paths in graphs have been implemented:
"Eppstein" and "Yen". Hence, we can now search for the k lightest
with respect to weights, aka "best" paths) paths in an automaton through the
"lightest" algorithm.
"lightest" used to compute these paths with an inefficient heap-based
aut.lightest(5, "auto")
Note that "auto" does not use the latter algorithm when returning only one
as simpler shortest path algorithms would apply to the situation and be more
efficient. It then uses Dijkstra's algorithm.
It can now be called with the given Yen and Eppstein algorithms as follows:
aut.lightest(5, "eppstein")
aut.lightest(5, "yen")
Yen's algorithm requires the given automaton to have no cycles, while Eppstein
supports any type of automaton. For small values of k, Yen's algorithm has better
performances than Eppstein, but with increasing values of k, Eppstein is always
more efficient.