Bonjour à tous,
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la soutenance de thèse d'Ana
Calarasanu intitulée ``Improvement of a text detection chain and
the proposition of a new evaluation protocol for text detection algorithms’’.
Celle-ci aura lieu le vendredi 11 décembre 2015 à 13h30 en amphi 3 à
l'EPITA, situé au 14-16 rue Voltaire au Kremlin-Bicêtre. Vous trouverez
un plan d'accès à l'école à l'adresse suivante :
La soutenance sera suivie d'un pot.
Manuscrit de thèse
Téléchargeable à cette adresse :
Composition du jury de thèse
Rapporteurs :
Jean-Marc OGIER (Université La Rochelle)
Lionel PREVOST (Université des Antilles et de la Guyane)
Examinateurs :
Nicolas BREDECHE (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Christopher KERMORVANT (Teklia)
Beatriz MARCOTEGUI (MINES ParisTech)
Nicole VINCENT (Université Paris-Descartes)
Directeurs de thèse :
Séverine DUBUISSON (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Jonathan FABRIZIO (Ecole Pour l’Informatique et les Techniques Avancées)
Résumé de la thèse
The objective of this thesis is twofold. On one hand it targets
the proposition of a more accurate evaluation protocol designed
for text detection systems that solves some of the existing
problems in this area. On the other hand, it focuses on the
design of a text rectification procedure used for the correction
of highly deformed texts.
Text detection systems have gained a significant importance
during the last years. The growing number of approaches proposed
in the literature requires a rigorous performance evaluation and
ranking. In the context of text detection, an evaluation protocol
relies on three elements: a reliable text reference, a matching set
of rules deciding the relationship between the ground truth and the
detections and finally a set of metrics that produce intuitive scores.
The few existing evaluation protocols often lack accuracy either due
to inconsistent matching procedures that provide unfair scores or due
to unrepresentative metrics. Despite these issues, until today,
researchers continue to use these protocols to evaluate their work.
In this Ph.D thesis we propose a new evaluation protocol for text
detection algorithms that tackles most of the drawbacks faced by
currently used evaluation methods. This work is focused on three main
contributions: firstly, we introduce a complex text reference representation
that does not constrain text detectors to adopt a specific detection
granularity level or annotation representation; secondly, we propose a
set of matching rules capable of evaluating any type of scenario that can
occur between a text reference and a detection; and finally we show how
we can analyze a set of detection results, not only through a set of metrics,
but also through an intuitive visual representation. We use this protocol to
evaluate different text detectors and then compare the results with those
provided by alternative evaluation methods.
A frequent challenge for many Text Understanding Systems is to tackle the
variety of text characteristics in born-digital and natural scene images to
which current Optical Character Recognition (OCR)s are not well adapted.
For example, texts in perspective are frequently present in real-word images
because the camera capture angle is not normal to the plane containing text
regions. Despite the ability of some detectors to accurately localize such text
objects, the recognition stage fails most of the time. Indeed, most OCRs are
not designed to handle text strings in perspective but rather expect horizontal
texts in a parallel-frontal plane to provide a correct transcription. All these
aspects, together with the proposition of a very challenging dataset, motivated
us to propose a rectification procedure capable of correcting highly distorted texts.