The Olena Team is proud to announce the release of Olena 2.0.
Olena is a platform dedicated to image processing and pattern
recognition. Its core component is a generic and efficient C++
library called Milena. Milena provides a framework to implement
simple, fast, safe, reusable and extensible image processing tool
chains. The library provides many ready-to-use image data structures
(regular 1D, 2D, 3D images, graph-based images, etc.) and algorithms.
Milena's algorithms are built upon classical entities from the image
processing field (images, points/sites, domains, neighborhoods, etc.).
This design allows image processing developers and practitioners to
easily understand, modify, develop and extend new algorithms while
retaining the core traits of Milena: genericity and efficiency.
On top of Milena, the Olena platform also features optional modules
such as Swilena, a component exposing Milena to other languages thanks
to the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG); and the
SCRIBO module for Document Image Analysis (see below).
The Olena platform is Free Software. It is distributed under the
conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. See the
file COPYING shipped with the Olena distribution.
Release notes are available at:
You can download packages of the Olena 2.0 distribution here: (38 MB) (32 MB)
The SHA1 digests of theses packages are:
d3a829fa56bff4edbca58af0c9a39c9569820c60 olena-2.0.tar.gz
0abae2a9bc751a8fb33acacd2dbe70635d5dd00b olena-2.0.tar.bz2
Here is a list of major changes since Olena 1.0:
* The biggest addition to Olena available in this new version is the
SCRIBO module for Document Image Analysis (DIA). This module has
been developed in the context of the SCRIBO project (see The SCRIBO module provides software
building blocks to create DIA tool chains, including routines for
preprocessing steps (such as binarization, show-through removal,
deskew and denoising), text lines identification, non-text objects
retrieval (tables, pictures, separators, etc.), line
reconstruction (rebuilding separators and tables), Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) integration and document
reconstruction (converting a document to XML, PDF and/or HTML
outputs). Dedicated data structures are also provided to handle
intermediate results. Some Graphical User Interface (GUI)
programs based on the Qt toolkit are also proposed.
* Several compilation issues have been addressed.
* New algorithms (especially in mathematical morphology), canvases
(or algorithmic patterns) and efficient algorithm variants have
been added to Milena, as well as some new data types (see NEWS for
more details).
* More conversion routines, especially regarding color values.
* Support for I/O routines (both built-in and depending on
third-party packages) has been improved.
* Various bug fixes and improvements.
The file NEWS, included in the archive, contains a more complete list
of user-visible changes.
Please report any problem by mail to <olena-bugs(a)>fr>.
Roland Levillain - LRDE/EPITA - A3SI/ESIEE/LIGM/UMLV-Paris Est
EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)
14-16, rue Voltaire - FR-94276 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Cedex - France
Phone: +33 1 53 14 59 45 - Fax: +33 1 53 14 59 22 -