I'm happy to announce the release of Declt version 1.1. Declt is a
reference manual generator for Common Lisp ASDF systems. Get it here:
New in this release:
* Declt now properly documents complex system and component dependencies
(:feature, :version and :require notably),
* Declt advertises a system's :if-feature conditional if any,
* Finally, and more importantly, Declt is no more limited to the
documentation of a single system. Given a main system to document, any
subsystem (that is, other systems we depend on and which are part of
the same distribution) will be documented in the same reference
General Description:
Declt (pronounce “dec’let”) is a reference manual generator for Common
Lisp libraries. It works by loading an ASDF system and introspecting its
contents. The generated documentation contains the description of the
system itself and its local dependencies (other systems in the same
distribution): components (modules and files), packages and definitions
found in those packages.
Exported and internal definitions are listed separately. This allows the
reader to have a quick view on the library’s public API. Within each
section, definitions are sorted lexicographically.
In addition to ASDF system components and packages, Declt documents the
following definitions: constants, special variables, symbol macros,
macros, setf expanders, compiler macros, functions (including setf
ones), generic functions and methods (including setf ones), method
combinations, conditions, structures, classes and types.
The generated documentation includes every possible bit of information
that introspecting can provide: documentation strings, lambda lists
(including qualifiers and specializers where appropriate), slots
(including type, allocation and initialization arguments), definition
source file etc.
Every documented item provides a full set of cross-references to related
items: ASDF component dependencies, parents and children, classes direct
methods, super and subclasses, slot readers and writers, setf expanders
access and update functions etc.
Finally, Declt produces exhaustive and multiple-entry indexes for every
documented item.
Reference manuals are generated in Texinfo format (compatible, but not
requiring Texinfo 5). From there it is possible to produce readable /
printable output in info, HTML, PDF, DVI and PostScript with tools such
as makeinfo, texi2dvi or texi2pdf.
The primary example of documentation generated by Declt is the Declt
reference manual itself.
My new Jazz CD entitled "Roots and Leaves" is out!
Check it out:
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: