We are pleased to announce that the following paper has been accepted
for publication at the 29th International Conference on Application and
Theory of Petri Nets (ATPN'08) that will take place in Xi’an, China,
June 23-27, 2008.
A. Hamez and Y. Thierry-Mieg and F. Kordon. Hierarchical Set Decision
Diagrams and Automatic Saturation.
Shared decision diagram representations of a state-space have been shown
to provide efficient solutions for model-checking of large systems.
However, decision diagram manipulation is tricky, as the construction
procedure is liable to produce intractable intermediate structures
(a.k.a peak effect). The definition of the so-called saturation method
has empirically been shown to mostly avoid this peak effect, and allows
verification of much larger systems. However, applying this algorithm
currently requires deep knowledge of the decision diagram
data-structures, of the model or formalism manipulated, and a level of
interaction that is not offered by the API of public DD packages.
Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams (SDD) are decision diagrams in which
arcs of the structure are labeled with sets, themselves stored as SDD.
This data structure offers an elegant and very efficient way of encoding
structured specifications using decision diagram technology. It also
offers, through the concept of inductive homomorphisms, unprecedented
freedom to the user when defining the transition relation. Finally, with
very limited user input, the SDD library is able to optimize evaluation
of a transition relation to produce a saturation effect at runtime. We
further show that using recursive folding, SDD are able to offer
solutions in logarithmic complexity with respect to other DD. We
conclude with some performances on well known examples.
Daniela Becker