We are pleased to announce that the following paper has been accepted
in the 21st International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'14).
A precise skew estimation algorithm for document images using
KNN clustering and Fourier transform
Jonathan Fabrizio
EPITA Research and
Development Laboratory (LRDE)
In this article, we propose a simple and precise skew estimation
algorithm for binarized document images. The estimation is performed
in the frequency domain. To get a precise result, the Fourier
transform is not applied to the document itself but the document is
preprocessed: all regions of the document are clustered using a KNN
and contours of grouped regions are smoothed using the convex hull to
form more regular shapes, with better orientation. No assumption has
been made concerning the nature or the content of the document. This
method has been shown to be very accurate and was ranked first at the
DISEC’13 contest, during the ICDAR competitions.
Edwin Carlinet
Doctorant à l'Université Paris-Est / EPITA