Le 4 décembre, à 14h, au LRDE
https://www.lrde.epita.fr/wiki/Contact), Maximilien Collenge,
actuellement en post-doc à l'université de Genève, fera un exposé sur
les automates de Büchi avec compteurs.
Qualitative formal verification aims at checking that a given formal
property holds on a model, given as an automaton. The automata-based
approach expresses the property as an automaton then analyses its
synchronisation with the model automaton. This method can be extended
with various automata flavors to handle quantitative properties. When
the quantitative domain is discrete, quantities can be encoded as
automata states, and quantitative model-checking is thus reduced to
qualitative model-checking. To this end, the initial model is enhanced
with new state variables that keep track of the observed quantities,
while the quantitative property is rephrased as a qualitative one over
the enhanced model. However, such a quantitative-to-qualitative
approach lacks generality and is prone to errors, as it makes no clear
distinction between the system to be verified (the actual behavior)
and the property to be checked (the desired behavior).
We propose a cleaner method for discrete quantitative model-checking
by extending linear temporal logic (LTL) with counting capabilities:
Cost Linear Temporal Logic (CLTL). This extension can be translated
into Büchi automata equipped with counters, so as to nicely extend the
automata approach to model-checking. We describe the new properties
that this extension allows to handle, illustrated with examples. We
also explain how it is linked to existing qualitative LTL
model-checking, and the new challenges it poses.
Alexandre Duret-Lutz