The following paper has been accepted at the 33rd International Conference
on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2022), to be held in Warsaw next week:
A Kleene Theorem for Higher-Dimensional Automata
Uli Fahrenberg, Christian Johansen, Georg Struth, Krzysztof Ziemiański
(LR(D)E, NTNU Gjøvik, U of Sheffield, Warsaw U)
We prove a Kleene theorem for higher-dimensional automata (HDAs). It states
that the languages they recognise are precisely the rational
subsumption-closed sets of interval pomsets. The rational operations include
a gluing composition, for which we equip pomsets with interfaces. For our
proof, we introduce HDAs with interfaces as presheaves over labelled precube
categories and use tools inspired by algebraic topology, such as cylinders
and (co)fibrations. HDAs are a general model of non-interleaving
concurrency, which subsumes many other models in this field. Interval orders
are used as models for concurrent or distributed systems where events extend
in time. Our tools and techniques may therefore yield templates for Kleene
theorems in various models and applications.
I’m pleased to announce I’ve had a paper accepted for presentation at The 34th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages
( <>). The paper is entitled: How to fold and color a map: Comparing Use-Cases of Tree-Fold vs Fold-Left.
You may view the article here…
as it is not yet available on /lrde/doc, pending an IT issue.
In this article we examine some consequences of computation order of two different conceptual implementations of the fold function. We explore a set of performance- and accuracy-based experiments on two implementations of this function. In particular, we contrast the traditional fold-left implementation with another approach we refer to as tree-fold. It is often implicitly supposed that the binary operation in question has constant complexity. We explore several application areas which diverge from that assumption: rational arithmetic, floating-point arithmetic, and Binary Decisions Diagram construction. These are binary operations which degrade in performance as the fold iteration progresses. We show that these types of binary operations are good candidates for tree-fold.
Kind regards
Je suis heureux de vous annoncer la sortie de mon essai
Données, Transparence et Démocratie
Je pars du fait que notre système politique va mal et que la confiance en nos
institutions est faible. Un remède me semble être de donner à chacun les outils
pour vérifier les actions de l'État et pour participer. Cela passe par la
transparence, dans notre cas l'ouverture des données publiques, et par la prise
en compte des retours des citoyens.
L'ouverture des données publiques est inscrite dans la loi depuis 2016 mais
elle a du mal à se mettre en place, pour des raisons techniques et politiques.
Elle peut aussi être ralentie par le sentiment d'inutilité lorsque des données
publiées ne trouvent pas leur public. Aussi le but de mon essai est de
souligner l'importance de cette ouverture et de pousser chacun d'entre
nous à exploiter ces données dans un but personnel ou pour le bien public.
Cette ouverture offre aussi de nombreuses opportunités économiques
et sociales que je présente dans ce livre.
N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos impressions ou remarques, par
mail ou sur mon fil Twitter @egeopol
Olivier Ricou.
We are happy to announce that the following article has been accepted
to the 34th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
(CAV'22) to be held in Haifa, Israel, in August 7-10, 2022.
From Spot 2.0 to Spot 2.10: What's New?
Alexandre Duret-Lutz¹ Étienne Renault¹ Maximilien Colange²
Florian Renkin¹ Alexandre Gbaguidi Aisse²
Philipp Schlehuber-Caissier¹ Thomas Medioni² Antoine Martin¹
Jérôme Dubois¹ Clément Gillard² Henrich Lauko²
¹LRDE, EPITA, France
²previously at LRDE
Spot is a C++17 library for LTL and ω-automata manipulation, with
command-line utilities, and Python bindings. This paper summarizes
its evolution over the past six years, since the release of Spot
2.0, which was the first version to support ω-automata with
arbitrary acceptance conditions, and the last version presented at a
conference. Since then, Spot has been extended with several
features such as acceptance transformations, alternating automata,
games, LTL synthesis, and more. We also shed some lights on the
data-structure used to store automata.
École polytechnique, LRDE and EPITA are organizing a scientific conference
next week, "GETCO: Geometric and Topological Methods in Computer Science". See
for program etc. Most talks will take place in Amphi 0, except for some
parallel sessions in the afternoons which will be in KB404. Even if you are
not registered, you're welcome to come and join us for some of the talks.
Bien cordialement,
for the organisers,
Uli Fahrenberg, LRDE
We are happy to announce that the following article has been accepted to
the 42nd International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed
Objects, Components, and Systems (FORTE'22), one of the three conference
of the 17th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing
Techniques (DisCoTec'22) to be held on June 13-17 in Lucca, Italy.
(Philipp will go there to present the paper.)
LTL under reductions with weaker conditions than stutter invariance
Emmanuel Paviot-Adet (1)(2), Denis Poitrenaud (1)(2),
Etienne Renault (3), Yann Thierry-Mieg (1)
(1) SorbonneUniversité,CNRS,LIP6,F-75005Paris,France
(2) Université de Paris,F-75006Paris,France
(3) LRDE, EPITA, France
Verification of properties expressed as 𝜔-regular languages such as LTL can benefit hugely from
stutter insensitivity, using a diverse set of reduction strategies. However properties that are not
stutter invariant, for instance due to the use of the neXt operator of LTL or to some form of counting
in the logic, are not covered by these techniques in general.
We propose in this paper to study a weaker property than stutter insensitivity. In a stutter insensitive
language both adding and removing stutter to a word does not change its acceptance, any stuttering can
be abstracted away; by decomposing this equivalence relation into two implications we obtain weaker conditions.
We define a shortening insensitive language where any word that stutters less than a word in the language must
also belong to the language. A lengthening insensitive language has the dual property. A semi-decision procedure
is then introduced to reliably prove shortening insensitive properties or deny lengthening insensitive properties while
working with a reduction of a system. A reduction has the property that it can only shorten runs. Lipton’s transaction
reductions or Petri net agglomerations are examples of eligible structural reduction strategies.
An implementation and experimental evidence is provided showing most non- random properties sensitive to stutter
are actually shortening or lengthening in- sensitive. Performance of experiments on a large (random) benchmark from
the model-checking competition indicate that despite being a semi-decision proce- dure, the approach can still improve
state of the art verification tools. <>
We are happy to announce that the following article has been accepted to
the 42nd International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed
Objects, Components, and Systems (FORTE'22), one of the three conference
of the 17th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing
Techniques (DisCoTec'22) to be held on June 13-17 in Lucca, Italy.
(Philipp will go there to present the paper.)
Effective Reductions of Mealy Machines
Florian Renkin, Philipp Schlehuber-Caissier,
Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Adrien Pommellet
We revisit the problem of reducing incompletely specified Mealy
machines with reactive synthesis in mind. We propose two
techniques: the former is inspired by the tool MeMin and solves the
minimization problem, the latter is a novel approach derived from
simulation-based reductions but may not guarantee a minimized
machine. However, we argue that it offers a good enough compromise
between the size of the resulting Mealy machine and performance.
The proposed methods are benchmarked against MeMin on a large
collection of test cases made of well-known instances as well as new
We are happy to announce that the following article has been accepted
to the 28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the
Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'22) to be held in Munich
in April 2022.
Practical Applications of the Alternating Cycle Decomposition
Antonio Casares¹, Alexandre Duret-Lutz², Klara J. Meyer³,
Florian Renkin², and Salomon Sickert⁴
¹LaBRI, Universitée de Bordeaux, France
²LRDE, EPITA, France
³Independent Researcher
⁴School of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hebrew Univ., Israel
In 2021, Casares, Colcombet, and Fijalkow introduced the Alternating
Cycle Decomposition (ACD) to study properties and transformations of
Muller automata. We present the first practical implementation of the
ACD in two different tools, Owl and Spot, and adapt it to the
framework of Emerson-Lei automata, i.e., ω-automata whose acceptance
conditions are defined by Boolean formulas. The ACD provides a
transformation of Emerson-Lei automata into parity automata with
strong optimality guarantees: the resulting parity automaton is
minimal among those automata that can be obtained by duplication of
states. Our empirical results show that this transformation is usable
in practice. Further, we show how the ACD can generalize many other
specialized constructions such as deciding typeness of automata and
degeneralization of generalized Büchi automata, providing a framework
of practical algorithms for ω-automata.