I'm happy to announce the acceptance of a new publication for TUG 2019
(the TeX users group conference) to be held in Palo Alto, CA, USA, next
August. See below for the title and abstract:
Quickref: a Stress Test for Texinfo
Quickref is a global documentation project for the Common Lisp ecosystem. It
creates reference manuals automatically by introspecting libraries and
generating a corresponding documentation in Texinfo format. The Texinfo files
may subsequently be converted into PDF or HTML. Quickref is non-intrusive:
software developers do not have anything to do to get their libraries
documented by the system.
Quickref may be used to create a local website documenting your current,
partial, working environment, but it is also able to document the whole Common
Lisp ecosystem at once. The result is a website containing almost two thousand
reference manuals. Quickref provides a Docker image for an easy recreation of
this website, but a public version is also available and kept up to date on
Quickref constitutes an enormous (and successful) stress test for Texinfo, and
not only because of the number of files generated and processed. The Texinfo
file sizes range from 7K to 15M (make it double for the generated HTML ones).
The number of lines of Texinfo code in those files extend from 364 to 285,020,
the indexes may contain between 14 and 44500 entries, and the processing times
vary from .3s to 1m 38s per file.
In this paper, we give an overview of the design and architecture of the
system, describe the challenges and difficulties in generating valid Texinfo
code automatically, and put some emphasis on the currently remaining problems
and deficiencies.
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
I'm happy to announce the release of Quickref 2.0, codename "Be Quick or
Be Dead".
Quickref is a global documentation project for Common Lisp libraries,
currently offering 1720 reference manuals on the official website:
http://quickref.common-lisp.net. Quickref can also be run locally,
either from the provided Docker image, or directly from the Lisp REPL.
This release is appropriately named after its most important new
feature: a support for parallelism which has been presented last week at
ELS 2019, the 12th European Lisp Symposium. In addition to that, we also
have a new, author based, index to the provided manuals, and a
continuous integration infrastructure for keeping track of new Quicklisp
(or Quickref) releases more easily.
Thanks to Antoine Hacquard, Antoine Martin, and Erik Huelsmann for their
contribution to this version!
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
Chers collègues,
La prochaine session du séminaire Performance et Généricité du LRDE
(Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement de l'EPITA) aura lieu le
Mercredi 10 avril 2019 (11h -- 12h), Amphi 4.
Vous trouverez sur le site du séminaire [1] les prochaines séances,
les résumés, captations vidéos et planches des exposés précédents [2],
le détail de cette séance [3] ainsi que le plan d'accès [4].
[1] http://seminaire.lrde.epita.fr
[2] http://seminaire.lrde.epita.fr/Archives
[3] http://seminaire.lrde.epita.fr/2019-04-10
[4] http://www.lrde.epita.fr/wiki/Contact
Au programme du Mercredi 10 avril 2019 :
* 11h -- 12h: Deep Learning for Satellite Imagery: Semantic Segmentation,
Non-Rigid Alignment, and Self-Denoising
-- Guillaume Charpiat (TAU-team, INRIA Saclay / LRI - Université Paris-Sud)
Neural networks have been producing impressive results in computer
vision these last years, in image classification or segmentation in
particular. To be transferred to remote sensing, this tool needs
adaptation to its specifics: large images, many small objects per image,
keeping high-resolution output, unreliable ground truth (usually
mis-registered). We will review the work done in our group for remote
sensing semantic segmentation, explaining the evolution of our neural
net architecture design to face these challenges, and finally training a
network to register binary cadaster maps to RGB images while detecting
new buildings if any, in a multi-scale approach. We will show in
particular that it is possible to train on noisy datasets, and to make
predictions at an accuracy much better than the variance of the original
noise. To explain this phenomenon, we build theoretical tools to express
input similarity from the neural network point of view, and use them to
quantify data redundancy and associated expected denoising effects. If
time permits, we might also present work on hurricane track forecast
from reanalysis data (2-3D coverage of the Earth's surface with
temperature/pressure/etc. fields) using deep learning.
-- After a PhD thesis at ENS on shape statistics for image segmentation,
and a year in Bernhard Schölkopf's team at MPI Tübingen on kernel
methods for medical imaging, Guillaume Charpiat joined INRIA
Sophia-Antipolis to work on computer vision, and later INRIA Saclay to
work on machine learning. Lately, he has been focusing on deep learning,
with in particular remote sensing imagery as an application field.
L'entrée du séminaire est libre. Merci de bien vouloir diffuser cette
information le plus largement possible. N'hésitez pas à nous faire
parvenir vos suggestions d'orateurs.
Edwin Carlinet
Laboratoire R&D de l'EPITA (LRDE)
Seminaire mailing list
I'm happy to announce that the following journal article has been
published in the International Journal on Software Tools for
Technology Transfer
Model checking with generalized Rabin and Fin-less automata
Vincent Bloemen (1), Alexandre Duret-Lutz (2), Jaco van de Pol (3)
(1) University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
(2) LRDE, EPITA, Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
(3) University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
In the automata theoretic approach to explicit state LTL model
checking, the synchronized product of the model and an automaton that
represents the negated formula is checked for emptiness. In practice,
a (transition-based generalized) Büchi automaton (TGBA) is used for
this procedure.
This paper investigates whether using a more general form of
acceptance, namely a transition-based generalized Rabin automaton
(TGRA), improves the model checking procedure. TGRAs can have
significantly fewer states than TGBAshowever the corresponding
emptiness checking procedure is more involved. With recent advances in
probabilistic model checking and LTL to TGRA translators, it is only
natural to ask whether checking a TGRA directly is more advantageous
in practice.
We designed a multi-core TGRA checking algorithm and performed
experiments on a subset of the models and formulas from the 2015 Model
Checking Contest and generated LTL formulas for models from the BEEM
database. While we found little to no improvement by checking TGRAs
directlywe show how various aspects of a TGRA's structure influences
the model checking performance.
In this paper, we also introduce a Fin-less acceptance condition,
which is a disjunction of TGBAs. We show how to convert TGRAs into
automata with Fin-less acceptance and show how a TGBA emptiness
procedure can be extended to check Fin-less automata.
Alexandre Duret-Lutz