Annonce March 2014
  • 3 participants
  • 7 discussions

publication: Mechanizing the Minimization of Deterministic Generalized Büchi Automata (FORTE'14)
by Alexandre Duret-Lutz
10 years, 10 months

L'air de rien 30.0
by Daniela Becker
10 years, 10 months

[CfP] DEADLINE EXTENSION - 7th European Lisp Symposium
by Didier Verna
10 years, 11 months

Prochain séminaire MeFoSyLoMa le 28 mars au LRDE (EPITA)
by Alexandre Duret-Lutz
10 years, 11 months

new journal publication: LTL Translation Improvements in Spot 1.0
by Alexandre Duret-Lutz
10 years, 11 months

Le LRDE participe au programme PHC Barrande 2014
by Daniela Becker
10 years, 11 months

[Seminaire-LRDE] Mercredi 12 mars 2014 : Vincent Balat, Université Paris Diderot et INRIA
by Daniela Becker
10 years, 11 months
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