Je me promenais sur comp.lan.c++.moderated quand je suis tombé sur
ce thread (cf ci-dessous) qui devrait intéressé quelques
Transformeux. Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de Semantic Designs
auparavant, mais ce n'était peut-être pas votre cas...
Malheureusement ce n'est pas du libre, mais je me demande quand même
si ils font réellement tout ce qu'ils annoncent ?
TOPIC: C++ to XML parser - does one exist?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun 30 Oct 2005 08:21
From: Ïra Baxter"
"John Nagle"<nagle(a)> wrote in message
I'm looking for a tool to simplify
program manipulation.
I need something that parses C++ into a tree format,
INCLUDING the comments and line breaks, and which can
also turn that tree format back into source text.
The parse tree must identify the syntatic elements of C++,
with function calls and type declarations correctly parsed.
Ideally, the parser would generate the tree as an XML
file, for ease of handling. But that's optional.
The idea is to allow writing simple tools that check
or modify declarations and function calls to add some
safety checks.
Does anything like this exist?
See http:°
This is a C++ front end built on top of DMS,
general-purpose program transformation machinery,
and is offered as an industrial strength
commercial product.
It has a full C++ preprocessor and parser (for most commonly
used dialects including ANSI, GNU, and the various MS dialects),
automatically builds trees as it parses, capturing comments
and lexical formats (indentation, number radix, ...)
and builds a full symbol table.
It makes those trees/symbol table available to custom code
you write to accomplish your task, including arbitrary analysis
and or serious automated transformation of the code.
You can regenerate complete source text from the trees,
including preprocessor directives (with some limitations)
the comments and other lexical formats as undisturbed,
or programmatically change that lexical information.
A trivial custom task is to call the XML export
function in the supplied AST management API
to dump out the tree as XML ;-}. While you
can do this, when you discover how big trees
are, you may find this isn't the best option,
especially considering that DMS provides
extremely good facilities for transforming trees.
This tool has been used for massive C++ source-to-source
transformations. See the DoD Crosstalk article on
automate C++ component reengineering at
Ira D. Baxter, Ph.D., CTO 512-250-1018
Semantic Designs, Inc.
Lunsford's Rule of Scientific Endeavor: The simple explanation always
follows the complex solution.