/home/lrde/lrde-2005/vasseu_c/xt/bin/strc -I ../../src/syn -I /home/lrde/lrde-2
005/vasseu_c/xt/share/asfix-tools -I /home/lrde/lrde-2005/vasseu_c/xt/share/xtc
--main pack-boxedsdf --verbose 0 -i pack-boxedsdf.str -o pack-boxedsdf.c -c
** Warning: argument 'pack' of definition 'pack-modules' starts with
** Warning: argument 'pack' of definition 'pack-modules' starts with
** Warning: Starting with Stratego 0.9.3 the calling convention of
strategies has been changed such that the current term is the *last*
argument. For most strategy definitions this is not a problem.
Only strategies which explicitly declare the type of a higher-order
strategy argument are affected. The argument declarations
should be changed such that the current term is the last argument.
This change is currently done automatically by the compiler. In
the future source programs are expected to incorporate this change.
Jésus ?
Clement Vasseur