Hi Ruijie,
Meng Ruijie <ruijie_meng(a)u.nus.edu> writes:
During constructing Buchi automata for LTL, Spot
always shows
non-determinism automata although I select the "deterministic" item.
"deterministic" only expresses a *preference*: in case the translator
can make a choice between a smaller non-deterministic or a larger
automata, it will honor your preference. But for Büchi/Generalized
Büchi output this option does ensure that a deterministic automaton will
be output when one exists.
Would you mind telling me how to construct
deterministic automata
with Spot? Here is one LTL: !(false R (iusr2_ai3_re13 & (! X (true U
iusr2_ai3_re14) | X (true U (iusr2_ai3_re14 & (true U
ousr2_ai3_ce8)))))). The following is its automata but
If you use the "study" tab of the online application, you can see that
this formula belongs to the "Persistence" class, which means that no
deterministic Büchi automaton exist for this particular formula.
https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/hierarchy.html for more documentation
about the classes. In particular, the section about the Recurrence
class (where deterministic Büchi automata always exist) shows a case
where the translator produce a non-deterministic Büchi automaton even
with -D, and how to work around that.